Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 614 Happy Wedding

Traditional marriage in ancient times pays attention to three books and six etiquette. These three letters are the letter of appointment, the letter of etiquette, and the letter of welcome. The six etiquettes are the letter of acceptance, asking for the name, accepting the honor, accepting the invitation, asking for an appointment, and personally welcoming.

The so-called nacai means asking a matchmaker to come to propose marriage; asking for a name means that after the woman accepts the marriage proposal, the woman tells the man her name and birth date; naji means putting the birth dates of both men and women together for divination to determine whether they are in conflict with each other.

To accept the betrothal, the man brings the betrothal letter, gift letter and related betrothal gifts to the woman's home, and the woman also gives gifts in return. In fact, it is almost the same as the betrothal gift and betrothal gift in later generations.

After accepting the request, the man will choose a good and auspicious day, and then seek the consent of the woman's family, which is called the date of application.

On an auspicious day, the man will come to the woman's house in person and welcome her back to hold the wedding, which is called a personal welcome.

This set of Three Books and Six Rites can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, more than two thousand years ago from the end of the Ming Dynasty, and there are many modifications among the people. However, even in the modern society of later generations, the general framework does not fall outside the scope of these three books and six rites.

Although Ma Yingniang is willing to carry three etiquettes and eight sedans to enter the Zhang family's gate. However, even if Zhang Shun agreed to this matter, it was impossible for the wives in his family to agree.

Not to mention Li Sanniang and Li Xiang who were far away, even Lady Hong, who was right in front of her, could not help but complain: "We are the heads of the house for you, the ones who have children, and two of them are pregnant with Liujia. Then Ma Yingniang How can you compare to us? Do you think you are worthy of us for doing such a thing?"

"Not to mention these red tapes, in the previous episode Ma Yingniang just pretended to be your mother-in-law's name, Li Hongji, Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong just left, but you are here to enjoy the glory and you don't take them seriously?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "To be honest, I really don't pay attention to the three of them now. Not to mention the matter of Ying Niang pretending to be Ma. Even if Li Hongji knows that you are in my room now, not only is she pregnant, In July, Lin'er will be born to me again, so he has to wear this hat!"

"The conspirator must be upright! As long as he, Li Hongji, has any ambition at all, he can only act honestly according to my plan and be an honest man to me!"

The red lady couldn't help but roll her eyes at him with her big belly. She couldn't help but stepped forward and pinched him. Then she asked dissatisfiedly: "Are you quite proud of yourself?"

Zhang Shun laughed loudly, took the red lady into his arms and gently licked her ears, and said with a triumphant smile: "I got such a beautiful lady like a flower for nothing, who can not only manage the house but also If I say that I am not satisfied with my affairs, who will believe me?"

Since the matchmaker became pregnant, she has seldom been intimate with Zhang Shun. Now that she was teased by him, her body felt a little weak. She couldn't help but push him and said: "Stop making trouble! It's a bad luck in my life to marry a heartless man like you!"

"Since I followed you, you first found Li Xiang and Liu Rushi, and a few days ago you captured a little slave girl. In the past two days, you prepared to marry Ma Yingniang. Do you think your conscience was eaten by a dog? Huh? "

Zhang Shun laughed, just hugged her and let her scold her. After scolding her for a long time, the red lady herself became uninterested. She was the one who eloped with him, and she couldn't envy this good thing.

She couldn't help but sigh and said: "I know how good you are to me, but you are angry and unhappy! Forget it, I won't talk about you today. What are you going to do?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he knew that Lady Hong had softened her heart, and couldn't help but said gratefully: "Mother Ying is in charge of the military academy for us, but she absolutely cannot marry someone else."

"Since she is interested, there is no need to think about the three books, six etiquettes, and eight carriages of the sedan chair. Otherwise, I would be very sorry for you guys. Follow my thoughts and find a sedan chair, and I will welcome her in through the side door!"

As for "We are in love, and Ying Niang has been waiting for me for a long time, I feel guilty", Zhang Shun did not dare to mention it at all, for fear that the red lady would be jealous, so he rejected all his proposals on the spot.

After hearing this, the matchmaker seemed to think that the matter was still within the acceptable range. She couldn't help but ask again: "In that case, when she enters our Zhang family, who are you going to serve tea to?"

The red lady asked this question very well. According to the etiquette of this season, the concubine must serve tea to the principal at the entrance to seek the principal's consent.

Her words put Ma Yingniang in the concubine ranks, and she wanted to see what Zhang Shun was thinking.

"Why does this happen in our family? We have two heads. Ahem, four heads!" Zhang Shun quickly counted in secret and almost said the wrong thing.

The red lady couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. She shook her head and said: "Since ancient times, there are no two days in the sky and no two masters for the people. The country is like this, and the family is like this. If things go on like this and the master is uncertain, aren't you afraid that something bad will happen?"

How could Zhang Shun not know the truth? The ancients said: Marry a virtuous wife, and keep concubines for sex. The male leads the outside and the female leads the inside. But if something unexpected happens, a good wife can protect the family business from falling into disrepair, and a filial son can protect the inheritance of the family business.

But which of the wives around him is a good wife to get along with now? If you are not careful and a fire breaks out in your backyard, you may be in danger.

This is one of the reasons why after Zhang Shun got Gao Guiying, he simply refused to give her the status of concubine, but only kept her by his side. Your own backyard is already messy enough, so don't come in and add to the mess.

It was said that the two had reached an agreement. Zhang Shun sent his soldiers to Baodu Village to inform Li Sanniang and Li Xiang. At the same time, he asked Gao Guiying to clean up and personally led a red sedan to pick up the bride.

Ma Yingniang had been waiting for a long time. She was already waiting in her boudoir, wearing a bright red wedding dress, a phoenix crown, and a Xiapei.

This Fengguan Xiapei was originally reserved for the royal wives, but it was only able to be used by common women when they got married with the permission of Empress Ma in the early Ming Dynasty.

Different from the "phoenix crown and Xiapei" that were commonly seen on TV in later generations, the so-called "phoenix crown" in the Ming Dynasty is easy to understand. It is a crown with a phoenix ornament; and the "Xiapei" is actually an embroidered belt more than four inches wide and four feet long, which is worn when worn. It goes around the neck and hangs on the chest, with a pendant hanging from the end.

The wedding dress and Xia Pei were both sewn stitch by stitch by Ma Yingniang. The phoenix crown cost a lot of silver and was made by a skilled craftsman from the city.

She has been waiting for this day for too long. Although she does not have the three books, six etiquettes, and eight sedans, as long as she can marry her sweetheart, she is satisfied.

Not long after, I heard Zhang Shun's urging voice coming from outside. Ma Yingniang quickly put on the gold hijab, called to the left and right Xi Niang to support her, walked out of the boudoir, and walked to the sedan chair.

With her head covered, she could see nothing but her feet. After crossing the threshold, I could only hear the chaos outside and the sound of people.

Some praised the groom for his talent, some praised the bride for being virtuous and virtuous, and some wished them a happy marriage and a son soon! There was a moment of commotion.

She suppressed her excitement and excitement, moved her lotus steps lightly, and walked towards the sedan chair.

One step, two steps, three steps. After ten steps, she finally reached the sedan chair and was about to get on it.

Unexpectedly, a voice came to her ears: "Oh no, my lord, something happened in Xin'an County!"

It's Wang Jinyi's voice! When Ma Yingniang heard this, she was a little disgusted, and she became even more resentful towards the person who was making trouble: "If you don't come early, you won't come late, but you come when I get married! If you ruin my good deeds, you, the thief, will definitely do it." nice!"

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