Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, stood proudly on top of Xin'an County. The bandits originally stationed in Xin'an County were fleeing towards Luoyang in embarrassment.

A burly general wearing a helmet and armor couldn't help but step forward and said respectfully: "Congratulations to the Commander, congratulations to the Commander, as soon as the imperial army arrived, the thieves scattered like birds and beasts. Xin'an City was captured by the imperial court without any effort. Take it back.”

"This battle is thanks to Bai Dusi's brave fighting, risking his own life, and taking the city first. Otherwise, I'm afraid the officers and soldiers would have to lose more soldiers to achieve this feat!" Governor Hong Chengchou smiled slightly, but he didn't think so.

As the saying goes, "The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan." What kind of military art does a small capital know?

This time he led a large army to capture Luoyang City in one fell swoop and completely eliminate the "shun thieves" entrenched in Henan Prefecture.

This small Xin'an County is the beginning, and the most critical city of Luoyang is what Hong Chengchou must obtain.

In order to be sure, he made sufficient preparations before the war.

In order to understand the military habits of the "Shun thieves", he specially ordered people to find the defeated troops who had defeated Zhang Shun twice before.

Only then did he learn that the commander-in-chief Cao Wenzhao was occupied north of Mengjin and was unsuccessful; the governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu, first defeated the Beijing camp and then lost the support of Cao Wenzhao. He fought alone and was defeated.

After much thought, Hong Chengchou believed that the "shun thieves" were the most cunning and vicious in using troops. They were good at using the terrain to defeat the officers and soldiers, and they should not be underestimated.

But this "shun thief" has a weakness, that is, he tries his best to solve the battle quickly in every battle, and is unwilling to entangle the officers and soldiers for a long time.

Hong Chengchou naturally knew the reason: the thieves had neither foundation nor food, but they made a living by looting. Therefore, it cannot be sustained for a long time. If it is sustained for a long time, it will be defeated without fighting.

Therefore, this time Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, strongly agreed with Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, that "the eight gates should be locked and the troops should be used with caution."

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, repeatedly confirmed through letters that he knew that Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, had defended Nanyang, Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi, had led his troops to garrison Huaiqing Mansion, and Xuanmo, the governor of Henan, had occupied Yuzhou.

Now there are nets on all sides, eight gates are closed, and he personally leads an army to occupy Xin'an. At this point, there is no obstacle to the east from Tongguan, and Luoyang City is already under my own front. I want to see how good this "successful thief" is.

When Zhang Shun learned that Xin'an County had been lost, he couldn't help but be shocked and secretly said: "The King of Troubled Times" mistook me!

It turns out that Xin'an County was garrisoned by "General" Li Hongji. After "General" Li Hongji, "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai and "Sixty Thousand Wan Youqi", oh no, it was the "Eight Great Kings" Zhang Xianzhong went to the east, Zhang incidentally sent the "King of Troubled Times" "Responsible for stationing here.

Originally, Zhang Shun had occupied Luoyang City for a long time. Except for occupying Song County and part of the Lushi area, he did not send troops to attack nearby counties.

Firstly, the rebel army has poor military discipline, so as not to destroy the lives and property of nearby people; secondly, the rebel army is always facing military pressure. Now that the food and grass are enough for the time being, there is no need to do such useless work.

But since Zhang Shun knew that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, had united the masses and defeated more than 30,000 rebels led by "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Shun felt uneasy.

He stationed this "King of Troubled Times" here. Firstly, it served as a warning to prevent the rebel army from suddenly appearing under Luoyang City one day. Secondly, it may not have used this place to temporarily block the advance of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, and then he led an army to support him and completely blocked him. The idea of ​​​​Xin'an Edom.

Zhang Shun originally thought that the "King of Troubled Times" was also a man who used troops for a long time, and at least he should be disciplined and not miss things.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun happened to be getting married today. The "King of Troubled Times" was so lucky that he personally led thirty or fifty confidants and prepared gifts to come to Luoyang City to congratulate him.

As a result, the rebel troops stationed in Xin'an County were raided by Bai Guangen, the vanguard of officers and soldiers, and they were leaderless and fled the city.

When Zhang Shun received the news from Wang Jinyi, he was horrified and broke into a cold sweat.

At this time, Zhang Shun didn't understand the cause and effect, but it was a coincidence that he arrived at this time. How could I be so happy on the front foot but lose Xin'an County on the back foot?

My wedding to Ma Yingniang had just been decided a few days ago. Can Hong Chengchou predict his great happiness today?

There's a traitor! Zhang Shun reacted instantly. He quickly and calmly arranged for Wang Jinyi: "Send my military order and order the entire army to be on alert and be ready for battle at any time!"

"Notify Zhang Shenyan to seal the city. Don't let anyone in or out! Immediately send soldiers to patrol the city, mainly to keep an eye on the movements of the big households in the city, especially Lu Weiqi and Lu Mansion!"

"Inform Zhang Sanbai that he does not need to attend the wedding banquet between me and Yingniang, and can lead the soldiers to the 'Purple Star Castle'. First, he must protect the food and grass, prepare water sources and utensils, and beware of anyone burning the warehouse; second, the whole fortress must be under martial law, without any Those who act according to military orders should be killed without mercy. It is better to kill by mistake than to let go! Thirdly, we and Luoyang City are horns with each other, so beware of defrauding, stealing, or attacking the city."

"Order Li Shi'an's gunners to be in position and be ready to attack the invading enemy at any time! Order Wukong to lead his bodyguards to be on guard to prevent anyone from assassinating me!"

"Yes!" Wang Jinyi received the order and repeated it twice, then hurriedly ran to deliver the order.

Zhang Shun felt relieved, then got on his horse, protected Ma Yingniang's sedan chair, and waved happily to the people watching on both sides.

In ancient weddings, the bride wore a wedding dress and a phoenix crown and a harem; while the groom wore a black gauze hat, a bright red round-neck auspicious suit, and soap boots. And there are hairpins on the black gauze hat, and there is red on the bright red round-neck auspicious suit.

Zhang Shun is already tall, and he "lives in the Qi and nourishes the body", so he has an extraordinary bearing. Wearing new clothes and a new hat, and riding a tall horse, he became the focus of the whole city like stars over the moon.

Wukong's eyes were widened, and he personally guarded Zhang Shun's left and right sides, scanning the movements on the left and right with vigilance.

Ma Yingniang originally lived in the palace, but this time she moved outside the palace for the wedding. In fact, this temporary residence is only a few steps away from Prince Fu's Mansion.

As soon as they arrived at the north gate of Prince Fu's Mansion, Zhang Shun and his sedan chair were about to be hidden by the screen wall outside the Wangjing Gate of the north gate.

Suddenly there was a "bang bang bang" sound of birdshot. Ma Yingniang's heart palpitated, and then the sedan jolted twice and fell to the ground with a plop, knocking Ma Yingniang upside down.

There was a panic sound outside, and Ma Yingniang was in doubt. When she was about to get up, she suddenly heard someone beside her shouting: "Oh no, King Shun has been hit by a bullet!"

Ma Yingniang was shocked, so she asked for the cover of the sedan chair and got out to see what was going on. But I never thought that Zhao Yutou's voice rang out: "Bring the lord and the bride in quickly, don't panic!"

Thanks to the fan "sexualwolf" for his many tips and strong support to the author. In fact, the author has resumed normal updates. You can do whatever you want. There is no need to reward every time. Thank you again for your support!

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