Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 625 Array behind the city (Part 2)

The two sides went back and forth, and the cavalry struggled with each other for a long time, but neither could break through the opponent's defense, harassing the opponent's infantry in formation, and then returned to their formations amidst the sounds of gold.

Hong Chengchou frowned. Seeing that the quality of the opponent's soldiers was obviously beyond his expectation, it was obvious that he had no good solution.

But even with the army here, Hong Chengchou would be a little reluctant if he couldn't try to attack the city.

So, he beat drums to encourage the front team to approach the city wall of Luoyang.

The formation listed by Hong Chengchou is heavy in the front and light in the back. The three formations on the left, middle and right in the first row are the three generals of Shaanxi Commander Zuo Guangxian, Lintao Commander Wang Chengen, and Gansu Commander Chai Shihua.

The three formations on the left, center and right of the second row are Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ai Wannian, Chinese Army Biaoying, and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Guozhen. In the third column are Generals He Renlong and Bai Guangen. Hidden between He Renlong and Bai Guangen are officers and cavalry, which can be released at any time to perform key tactical actions such as support, harassment, and pursuit.

The formation of the rebel army is much simpler. It is backed by the camps of "King of Troubled Times", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao under Luoyang City. Spread out in a row are the three camps of "King of Troubled Times", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao respectively.

Behind it, Xiao Qinhu's Tiger Camp and the two cavalry units of Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi from the Yulin Camp were hidden.

In addition, Li Xin, Gao Yifeng and part of the Gao battalion led by Jiang He stayed in the city to defend the city; while Zhang Sanbai was stationed at the "Ziwei Star Fort" in the northeast corner of Luoyang City, ready to go out of the city to attack the officers and soldiers at any time Left wing.

Hong Chengchou led more than 40,000 officers and soldiers, while the number of rebels arrayed outside the city was more than 13,000. The number of officers and soldiers was more than three times that of the rebels.

However, Zhang Shun was not panicked at all. When the officers and soldiers reached about two miles from the city wall, Li Shian, who had been waiting on the city for a long time, ordered the gunners on the city to start firing cannons at the officers and soldiers outside the city.

The artillery on this city is not the "golden cannon" and "field artillery" used by the rebels in the past, but the serious Hongyi cannon.

They were the ten "defensive guns" captured in the Jingying camp and the ten "offensive guns" from Cao Wenzhao's department.

The "defensive gun" weighed two thousand kilograms and the bullets weighed fifteen kilograms, while the "attack gun" weighed three thousand six hundred kilograms and the shells weighed fifteen kilograms. Both of these two kinds of Hongyi cannons can use the height of the city wall to fire solid bullets up to two or three miles, and can easily cover the formation of the officers and soldiers in front of them.

In fact, although the Hongyi cannon can shoot far, it has almost no accuracy at this distance, and can only rely on the gunner's experience for blind firing.

Fortunately, in the first round of design, the rebels were lucky. Three to five of the twenty shells hit the officers and soldiers.

The huge impact force instantly smashed the human body in front of him into seven or eight pieces of flesh, and penetrated more than 20 people in a row.

The officers and soldiers suddenly became commotion. Although the Qin soldiers had been on the border for a long time and had fought many times with the three major bandits of "tao bandits", "sea bandits" and "pine bandits" and had strong combat effectiveness, they had never encountered an opponent with such ferocious firepower. !

There was even a shell that unfortunately hit the sidecar outside the formation, immediately smashing the sidecar made of solid wood and covered with cowhide.

Wood chips flew up and were nailed to the armor of nearby soldiers like arrows. There was an unfortunate person who was accidentally injured and fell to the ground with his face covered, screaming in agony.

Hong Chengchou saw that it was not good and quickly ordered: "Order the gunner to advance the Hongyi cannon and fight back!"

It turned out that this time Hong Chengchou also made preparations to attack the city in order to eliminate the "Shun thieves". There were very few heavy-duty Hongyi cannons in the four towns of Shaanxi, so he borrowed artillery, gunners and craftsmen from other border towns, and managed to collect twenty Hongyi cannons before going into battle.

These twenty Hongyi cannons can each fire ten kilograms of iron, ranging in weight from four thousand kilograms to six thousand kilograms. In order to transport these large firearms, Hong Chengchou ordered his soldiers to equip each cannon with twenty oxen for pulling.

Don't underestimate the caliber of these "attack guns", which are smaller than the rebel artillery, but their caliber is between 24 and 28. The walls of the guns are thick, they can be charged with power, and their range and power are better than the "defensive guns" in the hands of the rebels. and "attack gun".

Immediately, the officers and soldiers established a position with Hongyi cannon and fired at Luoyang City. Huge artillery shells brought smoke and attacked Luoyang City one after another.

Most of them hit the wall of Luoyang City, making crisp cracking sounds and dull crashing sounds.

The crisp cracking sound was the bricks covering the Luoyang City Wall being shattered; and the dull impact sound was the sound of the bricks hitting the Luoyang City Wall and being absorbed by the rammed earth.

Under the huge impact force, the thick city wall under Zhang Shun's feet seemed to shake.

Zhang Shun asked Governor Zhang and Han Lin with some worry: "Is the city wall okay? Will it be destroyed by officers and soldiers?"

"It's okay, God will protect us!" Before Governor Zhang and Han Lin could reply, Gao Yizhi quickly assured Zhang Shun in his weird accent. "These artillery are not afraid of solid stones, but of tamped soil. The soil can absorb their power!"

Zhang Shun felt relieved after hearing this, and quickly ordered Li Shian to shoot at the officers and soldiers outside the city.

Due to the long distance, the Hongyi cannon was actually unable to play a large role. Not only did the rebels often fail to hit a few people in one round of shooting, but the counterattacks of the officers and soldiers often landed randomly on various parts of the Luoyang city wall. Apart from breaking a few bricks, they did not pose much of a threat.

As time went by, the officers and soldiers gradually approached the rebels, and the firepower of the Hongyi cannons on the city became more intense. The officers and soldiers' Hongyi cannons below the city also began to try to suppress the rebels' Hongyi cannon positions by firing.

At this time, the rebel army could not bear it any longer and began to approach the officers and soldiers. After walking more than a hundred steps, the battle between the two sides was about to break out.

After giving the order, both sides took up the blunderbuss in unison, drew their bows and arrows, and poured projectiles and arrows at each other.

There were many Qin soldiers who were good at using bows and arrows. Arrows rained down for a while, covering the sky and the sun, and the rebels suffered a lot. Many soldiers were covered with arrows, like hedgehogs. Some were shot in vital parts and fell to the ground on their backs.

Fortunately, after the rebel army defeated Chen Qiyu in the previous round, they captured a lot of gunshots. At the same time, the addition of Cao Wenzhao's troops also brought in a lot of gunsmiths.

Zhang Shun organized the selection of these people into one place and divided them into three columns. After the rebels gave an order, these people took turns to shoot continuously, and immediately the officers and soldiers were shot down.

The officers and soldiers are different from the rebels who try to simplify their long-range output and use guns and bows as their main means. After the shooting of muskets and bows and arrows was completed, the officers and soldiers quickly walked twenty or thirty steps again, then took out firearms such as quick guns, three-eyed muskets, and flanges, and started shooting densely.

A dense rain of projectiles poured on the rebel formation, and many rebels were shot on the spot. Fortunately, the rebels were well-equipped with armor, but these firearms mainly fired shotguns, which were quite weak and did not achieve the expected results.

However, Zhang Shun was shocked and broke into a cold sweat. If the rebels were not fully clothed and armored, they would probably suffer heavy casualties with just this round of shooting.

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