Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 626 Artillery and Car Camp

The chariot is a very retro military equipment in the Ming Dynasty. Due to the extensive use of firearms and the threat of northern nomadic cavalry, it was "resurrected" again after the middle Ming Dynasty.

There were a wide variety of chariots in the Ming Dynasty, including baggage vehicles for transportation, screen vehicles for defense, various ram vehicles for siege, oil-containing diversion vehicles, ladder vehicles, and Linchong Lugong vehicles, but the most commonly used ones were for field battles. Front car and side car.

In particular, compared with the main body car, the side car lacks half of the fender and is much lighter, making it even more popular among soldiers.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang has used elite spearmen to dominate the world. After chasing the once invincible Mongolian cavalry, they fled back to the bitter cold land of Mobei. Elite infantry has always been the military tradition of the Ming Dynasty.

However, as the dynasty continued, the military administration became increasingly decadent, and the court became more and more unable to deal with the harassment of the Mongolian cavalry who returned, so the chariot camp with chariots as the main method of warfare came into being.

Although this kind of car camp looks similar to that of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in fact, the tactical ideas are completely different.

Sun Chengzong, a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty, put forward the idea that "fire is learned from cars, and cars are used to use fire" in his "Che Ying Kuda Compilation".

The use of chariots by other generals is generally the same, almost the same as that of Sun Chengzong.

All supplies such as baggage, food, armor, and weapons were loaded on the carts, and the soldiers pulled the carts away. "When it moves, it forms a vertical formation; when it stops, it forms a horizontal camp." When encountering the enemy, use chariots as a city, artillery and muskets as defenses, and use less to attack more, and everything will be destroyed. Therefore, some people call the Ming army's chariot camp "the city with sufficient footing."

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, has served in Yansui, Shaanxi and other places for many years. He has been involved in border affairs for a long time and has a special liking for the car camp.

This time to attack Luoyang City, he listed a large vehicle formation of 40,000 people. Moreover, there are formations within formations, large formations within small formations, and it is spectacular from a distance.

Zhang Shun looked at the city and couldn't help being shocked. A large phalanx of 40,000 people, with sidecars as city walls and small hollow phalanxes neatly dividing the large phalanx into dozens of areas, looks no different from a small mobile county town from a distance.

Coupled with the fact that "inside the city" there are forests of flags and soldiers like ants, it looks even more shocking.

Not only Zhang Shun, but also the other generals, civil servants, and soldiers in the city changed their expressions and turned pale.

When some of the officers and soldiers left the "city" and fought with the rebels for a long time, but the battle situation was unfavorable and they easily retreated back into the "city", a word suddenly popped into Zhang Shun's mind: "attack the city with the city."

The 40,000-strong army led by Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, formed a mobile city, which could be used as a base to attack and harass the rebels at will without the fear of being taken advantage of by the rebels.

It seems that if the attack of the officers and soldiers is to be repelled, only by breaking this "military formation city" can we have a chance of victory. Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

Gao Guiying followed Zhang Shun in her old cotton armor, her brows already furrowed.

At the time, the "King of Chuang" Gao Yingxiang and the "General of Chuang" Li Zicheng had not seen the power of Hong Chengchou's "car array".

They spent a whole year fighting with officers and soldiers in Shaanxi, Huguang, Sichuan and other places. At the height of their momentum, they also attacked Xunyang and forced Xing'an, "spreading across four provinces, with unpredictable flows." However, they suffered a big loss when they met Hong Chengchou. .

Now Hong Chengchou has been promoted to governor of five provinces. He has 40,000 elite soldiers under his command, arrayed into a city, and the city of Luoyang is in danger. Seeing Zhang Shun's smile, she couldn't help but asked strangely: "Why is daddy laughing? Is there any way to deal with it?"

Zhang Shun laughed and said: "Hong Chengchou's train is a wall, and the trains are a city, so there is nothing to fear. This wall is not a real wall, and this city is not a real city. Although it can block arrows, it cannot avoid cannonballs. Let's see how I use cannons. Break it!"

Everyone in the city felt a little relieved after hearing this, and saw Zhang Shun give an order, and saw a battalion of cavalry file out.

Every ten riders were surrounded by an artillery piece, and they quickly came out of the north gate of Luoyang City and lined up on the right side of the rebel army's formation.

Not long after, after all the "flying iron cannons" left the city, cattle, donkeys, mules and other livestock continued to march out of the city pulling various long and short cast iron cannons.

There were people with good intentions on and inside the city who had already counted them carefully. They couldn't help but smack their tongues and said: "Oh my God, there are a total of one or two hundred red cannons. Even the iron-clad officers and soldiers outside the city can't withstand such firepower!" "

It turned out that the rebels used the iron mold casting method to gather together a hundred cannons last time, which defeated Henan Governor Chen Qiyu, making Zhang Shun keenly aware of the status of artillery as the "King of War".

Taking advantage of the last victory over the officers and soldiers, the rebels also captured more than ten general cannons. These artillery pieces were also wrought iron cannons, with varying calibers and shells ranging from seven to nine pounds, which was roughly equivalent to the nine-pounder and twelve-pounder cannons of later Western Europe.

Although these artillery pieces still have a structure of nine iron hoops, the body is strong and the barrel is smooth. Except for the slightly unreasonable design structure, it does not affect the power of the artillery.

Zhang Shun simply incorporated these artillery pieces into the "Flying Cavalry Iron Artillery", and ordered Governor Zhang to build twenty more, making a total of fifty "field artillery pieces."

As a result, the "Second Artillery Regiment" had enough troops, and Li Shi'an personally led it into the battle. The remaining sixty cast-iron cannons were not organized and were only equipped with animals to draw them, equipped with young men as auxiliaries and gunners to fire the cannons.

When these fifty field cannons, ten gold cannons, and sixty cast iron cannons were dragged out, some officers and soldiers knew that they had been spying all night, and reported it to Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

The first reaction of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was: Just kidding, how could the "shun thieves" have so many artillery in their hands?

No wonder Hong Chengchou couldn't believe it. Not to mention that the rebels had so many cannons. Even if they had so many cannons, where would they find so many gunners?

After Chen Qiyu was defeated in the previous battle, it was not that no one reported to him: "The thieves' artillery fire was brutal, hundreds of them, the sound of cannons was continuous, the officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and the army was defeated!"

Although Hong Chengchou was quite knowledgeable about military affairs, he was also quite conceited. However, due to his limited vision, he only thought that this was an excuse for the defeat of Chen Qiyu and other officers and soldiers. He did not believe that the rebels had so many artillery in their hands.

Of course, they are even less aware of Zhang Shun's "Iron Mold Casting Method" and the military academy's assembly line-like means of cultivating command and technical talents.

It was not until the facts were revealed that Hong Chengchou was horrified and realized that the "shun thieves" really had so many cannons in their hands.

Hong Chengchou was not a stubborn person. Since his guess was wrong, it was not too late to make amends.

In an instant, he understood clearly and couldn't help but order: "Commander General He Renlong listens to the order. I order you to lead a thousand fine cavalry to attack and harass the thieves' artillery. If you can seize it, seize it. If you can't seize it, destroy it. It's really not possible. Harassing the opponent so that he can't fire cannons is also a great achievement!"

"Vice-General Ai Wannian listened to the order and immediately led 6,000 troops and 16 general cannons to seize the left fortress in one fell swoop. This is a great achievement!"

Thank you to fans "Mighty Gate" for the reward, and thank you for supporting the author!

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