Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 627: Artillery and Cavalry Showdown

The Ai Wannian Division and the He Renlong Nian Division were arrayed in the middle left and rear left sides of the officers and soldiers formation, quite far away from the "Ziwei Star Fort" in the northeast corner of Luoyang City and the "Second Artillery Regiment" that fought from the north gate. close.

Both of them are also brave generals. Among them, He Renlong was just a defender when he fought with Xiao Qinhu. Now he has defeated and killed the rebel leaders many times, and has accumulated merits to the rank of general. Because he fought bravely and risked his life, he was nicknamed "Madman He", which shows his ability.

And Ai Wannian is even more famous. The Ai family were originally the landowners of Mizhi. Just because Li Zicheng refused to pay back the money he owed, Ai Wannian's father colluded with the government to humiliate Li Zicheng in every possible way.

Unexpectedly, Li Zicheng was furious and killed officials in rebellion. He killed the county magistrate of Mizhi and Ai Wannian's father, and divided his family's food.

Ai Wannian was serving as a general in Shenmu at the time, so he escaped this disaster. With the hatred of the country and family, one can imagine his hatred for the rebels.

In the following years, he successively suppressed the rebel army and fought against the "Lamp-Lighting Man" Zhao Sheng, "Untouchable" Zhang Cunmeng, "Eight Great Kings" Zhang Xianzhong, and "Sweeping King" Zhang Yichuan. He also captured and killed the rebel leader Wang Zhichen and the leader Wang. ; Capture Fanshan Dong, Ji Guansuo, Zhang Shiwang and others. Along the way, he accumulated merits from the general to the position of deputy commander-in-chief.

The two men received the order, and a battalion of troops rushed directly to the "Ziweixing Fort" on the left, and a cavalry group rushed directly to Li Shi'an's "Second Artillery Regiment".

Everyone was shocked when they saw this and quickly looked at Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun smiled slightly and directly ordered: "Let Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi stop this group of cavalry and try not to let them harass the artillery and fire."

"What about the 'Purple Star Castle'?" Gao Guiying did not shy away from suspicion and asked.

"Zhang Sanbai has 3,000 elite troops, more than 30 artillery pieces, and 200,000 dan of grain. If the officers and soldiers can't hold on to this, it won't be a waste of all my efforts." Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

No wonder Zhang Shun is so confident. Western-style bastions are still a rarity in China at this time. No matter how talented the attackers are, without a few months of thinking, they may not be able to break the city easily.

What's more, Zhang Sanbai was a general he carefully trained. When Zhang Shun first led the army, he twice asked him to command the army on his behalf, both times without any flaws, which shows his ability.

In addition, this person not only joined the gang very early, but he is also his wife's brother, commonly known as "eldest brother-in-law". Both ability and loyalty are guaranteed, so what does Zhang Shun have to worry about?

While the people on the city were discussing, He Renlong had already left the formation of officers and soldiers, and rushed toward Li Shi'an's artillery like a goshawk.

After Li Shian saw the cavalry separated from the officers and soldiers, he couldn't help but smile and said: "This must come for me. The first and second flags obeyed the order and immediately set up the cannons and loaded double shotguns. The other artillery was ready. They set up the cannons first and were ready at any time. Loading for combat.”

Hong Chengchou wanted to use cavalry to make cannons, but he made a mistake. Under the careful organization and training of Zhang Shun and others, the rebel army's "Flying Iron Cannon" not only completed the organization of an "artillery battery" similar to that of the Napoleonic period in later generations, but also completed the work of custom-fitting propellant and shotguns.

In the event of an emergency, each artillery team performs its duties. As soon as the gunner commander gave the order, the gunners were already busy moving the artillery from the transportation state to the ready-to-fire state.

The gunner quickly visually checked the enemy's distance and ordered the selection of medicine packs and ammunition types. The loader loads the gunpowder packets and shotshells in sequence, and then the gunner uses the loading rod to press the ammunition into the bottom of the barrel.

The artilleryman had already lit the fire source and put the iron hook into the fire to calcine, ready to fire at any time.

Fortunately, Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi were not vegetarians. After seeing the order ordering them to dispatch, they quickly led their cavalry to rush out and intercept the He Renlong tribe that was rushing towards them.

That He Renlong was indeed "Crazy He". When he saw Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi rushing towards him, he couldn't help but frowned. So, he divided his five hundred troops to temporarily entangle Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi, but he led the remaining five hundred men to continue charging towards Li Shi'an's artillery.

It turned out that according to He Renlong's thoughts, if he continued to get entangled with the "thief" cavalry, not only would he lose time and be unable to complete the task, but it would also delay the speed of the officers and soldiers to defeat the "thief".

When Li Shian saw it, he couldn't help but admire the boldness of "Crazy He". It turned out that Li Shi'an's artillery came out from the north, just sandwiched between the military array arrayed in the northwest corner of Luoyang and the "Ziweixing Fort" in the northeast corner of Luoyang.

He Renlong rushed over without hesitation, no doubt like pulling a tooth from a tiger's mouth. Once the attack fails and is outflanked by the left and right rebel forces, the entire army will be wiped out.

Fortunately, Li Shian admired him, and whether he should be sent to the West or not, he should be sent to the West. When the Heren Dragoons approached the artillery position for more than a hundred steps, Li Shian couldn't help but loudly ordered: "The Eight Banners are ready, fire!"

As a deafening sound of cannons sounded, He Renlong did not expect to dodge and continued to charge forward. The entire army, including officers and soldiers, was unscathed.

It turned out that the so-called "Eight Banners" were actually cast-iron cannons. Li Shian had ordered them to load a small amount of gunpowder and deliberately lured the enemy.

Originally, the officers and soldiers were far apart in this matter. Li Shian was afraid that the artillery would not be lethal enough, so he just deceived his opponent.

However, Li Shi'an did not expect that this "Crazy He" was really crazy. Unlike other cavalry, who first wandered around the edge of the firing range to lure the opponent into firing before attacking, he instead charged forward.

Li Shian hurriedly ordered: "One flag fires, two flags prepare, three flags load!"

Another deafening sound of cannons sounded, but this time the sound of cannons seemed a bit dull compared to the last time.

Immediately, a burst of men and horses fell on their backs, many men and horses fell to the ground instantly, and the roar of men and horses resounded throughout the battlefield.

He Renlong asked the left and right to count the losses with an expressionless face. He injured about thirty riders. It is common to charge into battle and die under artillery fire. He Renlong ordered ruthlessly: "Keep rushing!"

He Renlong's men all knew He Renlong's temperament and did not dare to say anything, so they had to keep their heads down and continue charging.

Then the second burst of cannons sounded, and the third burst of cannons sounded. Every time, like the god of death, he harvested the lives of a large number of people. Moreover, as we get closer and closer to the "thief" artillery, the losses become greater and greater.

The second time, more than fifty riders were injured, and the third time, more than eighty riders were injured. He Renlong's more than 500 cavalry have lost one-third.

At this time, they were only twenty or thirty steps away from the rebel artillery, and the officers and soldiers could already see the ragged clothes and somewhat panicked faces of the rebels.

Just before you look at it, you can rush into the artillery camp with almost no defense and fight to your heart's content.

I only heard the "thief" leader shouting loudly: "Four flags, five flags, six flags, seven flags, let go!"

Immediately, the officers and soldiers discovered that more than 40 artillery pieces were already pointing at them mercilessly, and then tongues of flame spurted out.

Immediately, the officer and soldier suddenly felt pain in many places on his body, and then blood rained from the sky. He only felt that he was stunned, and then he flew up high, as if he was about to fly up to the bloody nine-layered sky and never come down again.

By the way, I forgot something. I am asking for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. Thank you all in advance!

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