He Renlong came and went as quickly as he came. He was a "Crazy He", not a "Fool He". After suffering such a huge blow, how could he still have the heart to rush forward and kill the rebel artillery?

Not to mention how many artillery pieces had been loaded again, but the rebel gunners picked up their spears and sabers and began to form a formation, preparing to resist the impact of the officers and cavalry, which was enough to make He Renlong give up his combat goal.

The momentum came fiercely, and he ran away in panic. The short distance of more than ten steps is like a natural chasm, making it beyond the reach of the officers and soldiers.

He Renlong ignored the men and horses blocking Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi and fled towards the formation of officers and soldiers. After finally escaping to the front of the formation, He Renlong subconsciously ordered to count the men and horses left and right.

After a long while, he whispered: "General He, there are still two hundred and fifty people!" Two hundred and fifty? He Renlong felt a little bit like he was only 250!

At this time, the five hundred cavalrymen who blocked Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi saw that the commander had left, and they quickly turned around and hurried back.

Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi were unwilling to give up. They did not leave until they chased them to the vicinity of the officers' and soldiers' camp and ate a fire blunderbuss and a flange machine.

Not to mention how He Renlong went to plead guilty to Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, but the deputy commander-in-chief Ai Wannian brought 6,000 infantry and 16 general cannons to surround the "Ziweixing Castle".

Zhang Sanbai stood on top of Ziwei Star Castle and watched the battle for a long time. He had already understood what was going on. He knew that this castle was related to the success or failure of Luoyang City's defense battle, so he did not dare to attack without authorization to avoid being taken advantage of by the enemy.

But after watching it for a long time, Zhang Sanbai inevitably felt a little itchy. Just when he was eager to give it a try, he suddenly saw Ai Wannian leading 6,000 men and horses, breaking away from the formation of officers and soldiers and rushing towards Ziwei Star Fort. Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"What do you mean if you don't take the road to heaven, but you come to hell without a door?" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but smile and said to He Jin and King Zhishi, "My battalion name is: Choosing the Front, I should charge into the battle. But now the officers and soldiers are strong, We have to be trapped in this fortress. Now that he has come to die, we are disrespectful!"

He Jin and King Zhishi couldn't help laughing when they heard this, and quickly responded: "Please give General Zhang an order to show them some color. Don't think that we are weak persimmons!"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Zhang Sanbai also learned Zhang Shun's habit of laughing twice from time to time. This move really calmed everyone's minds.

Ai Wannian's men and horses were twice as many as the rebels guarding Ziweixing Castle, but He Jin, King Zhishi and others showed no fear, and even looked eager to try.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers led by Ai Wannian were getting closer and closer, Zhang Sanbai gave the order: "King Zhishi is responsible for defending the city, and uses muskets and artillery to consume the opponent for a while. He Jin is ready and ready to attack at any time!"

After hearing this, King Zhishi and He Jin took the orders and went their separate ways, and the deputy commander Ai Wannian had already led his troops to the outside of Ziwei Star Castle.

After all, Ai Wannian is also a general who has accumulated merits from being a general, and he has quite a lot of experience. When he looked at the castle in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Thieves don't know how to fight. What's the value of such a low and weird castle? As long as the officers and soldiers fire a few cannons and charge up, they can break it with a drum!"

Then he ordered guerrilla Zhao Guangyuan to form a formation to protect the left and right sides, and mounted 16 general cannons for bombardment.

When the artillery was loaded, Zhao Guangyuan gave an order and heard a deafening sound of artillery, and more than ten iron bullets flew over.

Ai Wannian nodded with satisfaction and thought to himself: But it's not too late to wait until the thief becomes discouraged before launching an attack.

Afterwards, under the supervision of guerrilla Zhao Guangyuan, the officers and soldiers fired another five or six rounds, and suddenly everything became quiet.

Deputy Commander Ai Wannian was confused and was about to send someone to call Zhao Guangyuan to scold him. Unexpectedly, this guy ran over panting, pulled Ai Wannian aside, and reported in a mysterious low voice: "General Soldier Ai, there is something evil in this castle, I'm afraid there are some ghosts and gods in it!"

"What ghosts and gods?" Ai Wannian didn't believe this at all, "Zhao Guangyuan, you have been a guerrilla general for many years. You must know that no matter what monsters you encounter, you only need to use these swords, guns and cannons, and everything will be wiped out." !”

"It's just a small castle. Why are you so timid before the battle starts?"

Guerrilla General Zhao Guangyuan was ashamed and annoyed when he heard this. He couldn't help but said unhappyly: "Since Deputy General Ai doesn't believe me, just follow me and take a look!"

When Ai Wannian arrived at the artillery position, he saw seventy or eighty artillerymen kowtowing, burning incense and praying in a ridiculous manner.

He couldn't help but take two steps forward, kicked several people over, and cursed: "A noble man, you don't worship the sky or the earth, you don't worship your parents, your master and your boss, why do you worship this bumpkin instead?"

"Worshiping to the sky does not work, and worshiping to the earth does not work. Floods, droughts, and locust plagues occur every year. What is worth worshiping? If you worship your parents, boss, and superiors, not only will you not get a reward, but you will have to pay a lot of money, so why bother to worship more?" Those gunners? Hearing this, he couldn't help but argue.

Ai Wannian was so angry that he picked up the riding crop in his hand and started whipping it. He whipped it back and cursed: "Straight bitch, you dare to talk back? Come up with me quickly and fire two shots. I want to see this lump of dirt." What a way!"

Several gunners were whipped several times, and their coarse clothes were suddenly torn, and a few blood stains were exposed from the cracks.

The gunner was obedient and did not dare to speak harshly. I had no choice but to load gunpowder and solid iron shells again. I heard a gunshot and saw an iron shell fly out and smash into the guard slope in front of Ziwei Star Castle.

Ai Wannian couldn't help but became furious, whipped twice more, and cursed: "How brave, you actually cheated in front of me! If the cannon is mounted higher, wouldn't it be able to hit it?"

The gunner was whipped on the face, and drops of blood dripped down, soaking his clothes. He was quite dissatisfied and wanted to say more. The guerrilla general Zhao Guangyuan kicked him quickly and cursed: "Why don't you act as ordered!"

The gunner did not dare to resist, so he had to swallow his anger and finish loading the cannon again, and raised the muzzle a little. There was another cannon shot, but this time the cannonball flew over the guard slope and past the Ziwei Star Castle. I don’t know where it went.

"Lower!" Ai Wannian frowned, and he realized that something was wrong. Not long after, another shot was fired, and the shell hit the guard slope again.

"Higher!" Well, this time it flew away again.

Now Ai Wannian was a little dumbfounded: "This is really a bit evil! How could it miss?"

Guerrilla Zhao Guangyuan curled his lips secretly, but on the surface he looked away and said: "So I think something is wrong here, Mr. Ai, what do you think we should do?"

what to do? Salad! Ai Wannian didn't know much about ballistics, so he hesitated and pointed to the guard ramp in front: "How about we try to get the artillery closer?"

Thank you to the fan "book friend 150517194234368" for the large reward. Thank you for your strong support to the author!

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