Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 63 Crusade against Linjiazhuang (Part 2)

Many people don't know how powerful Wukong is, but Lin Mingde felt it deeply this time. He once studied under a famous teacher and learned the "Overlord Spear" which is said to have been passed down from the Overlord of Chu. This spear is fierce and domineering. It is made entirely of fine iron and weighs eighteen kilograms. He swung around, using people to lead guns, and using guns to lead people, with great power. At that time, Dian Shi of Yangcheng County was also considered a good hand. He was shot open the middle door and was killed on the spot. It was because of this strength.

This Overlord's Spear uses strength to defeat skill. If it cannot stop his heavy iron spear, everything will be lost. If he could block it, Lin Mingde would be crushed to death. If we talk about a competition of strength, how many people in the world can compare with Wukong? Therefore, after only two or three rounds, "Shen Tang Guan" Lin Mingde was so shocked that his arms became numb and he could no longer use the iron spear.

Although this guy was arrogant and arrogant, he knew that Wukong was incapable of defeating him, so he feinted a shot, slapped his horse and fled back to Linjiazhuang. Wukong's riding skills were not very good, but he couldn't catch up. Zhang Shun had never thought that this guy was so arrogant and dared to go out to fight in the city. At that time, he sent his soldiers to transport the cannon, but there was nothing he could do for a while.

It was too late to say that, but soon, there was a sound of an arrow, and it was nailed to the "Shentang Official" Lin Mingde. Lin Mingde screamed, endured the pain, hugged the horse's neck and fled back to Linjiazhuang. As for the slaves outside, they couldn't catch up, so the Linjiazhuang pulled up the suspension bridge, closed the city gate, and locked them out.

It turned out that Wei Congyi shot Lin Mingde with an arrow when he saw that Lin Mingde was about to run away. It's a pity that Wei Congyi is the most proficient in horse shooting. Although his archery skills are not bad, they are worse than Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu. Otherwise, this arrow will kill Lin Mingde.

Zhang Shun knew that he couldn't blame him completely, so he praised him: "Congyi is good at archery. With just one arrow, he will be unable to leave the house or enter the battle for several days."

"What the hell!" Wei Congyi said politely, but he had never seen the archery skills of Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu, so he felt quite proud of himself.

After a while, Xiao Qinhu and his soldiers pulled up five cannons, three with a two-inch caliber and two with a three-inch caliber. When Xiao Qinhu heard that Lin Mingde ran out, he regretted only slapping his thigh and said: "I had known this, I would have waited here and shot him to death with one arrow, which would have saved me a lot of energy."

What he said made Wei Congyi feel quite uncomfortable, so he said unhappily: "Brother Xiao, why should you blame yourself? This suspension bridge cannot be lowered, which happens to be where Brother Xiao's archery skills are used. If Brother Xiao can shoot down the suspension bridge, this will How long can Linjiazhuang be guarded?"

When Xiao Qinhu heard this, he said yes repeatedly, then he took the crescent arrow and shot it to break a rope of the Linjiazhuang Suspension Bridge. Wei Congyi was shocked when he saw Xiao Qinhu shoot a few more arrows, completely cutting off all the slings. The Linjiazhuang Suspension Bridge fell down with a "hooking" sound, shocking both the enemy and us.

The "Flower Monk" from Linjiazhuang was originally comforting Lin Mingde and said: "Brother, please rest in peace and recuperate. If the officers and soldiers come, I guarantee that they will never come back. If I find an opportunity, I will lead the brothers to fight out and I will definitely capture them." Get that dog official. Dig out his black heart and liver and cook it for our second brother to eat and cure his illness."

After hearing that one of the "officers and soldiers" was capable of shooting down the suspension bridge, he simply changed his words and said: "The officers and soldiers are powerful and cannot be defeated. We will stay here in Linjiazhuang until their food supplies are exhausted and the officers and soldiers will retreat." "

Zhang Shun didn't know the details, so he just followed the steps and ordered his subordinates to nail the Tiger Crouching Cannon to the ground with iron nails and fire the cannon at Linjiazhuang. The result was that Zhang Shun was greatly disappointed. The squatting tiger cannon was "loud as thunder but light as rain." It sounded like a thunderbolt exploded in the ears, but in fact it hit the wall of Linjiazhuang, leaving only a bullet mark.

It turns out that Linjiazhuang was originally built on the mountain, and a lot of stones were used. However, the bombardment was not effective. Zhang Bian ordered the gunners to bombard the Linjiazhuang city gate. These gunners were ordinary soldiers who acted temporarily and had no artillery design skills at all. How could they hit the target? Basically the cannons were shot away.

The "Flower Monk" on the Arrow Tower in Linjiazhuang was startled when he heard the sound of the "officers' and soldiers' cannons, and began to think about running away. But seeing that the "officers and soldiers" were not good at artillery, they couldn't help laughing and said: "I know how powerful you are, but it turns out it's a silver pewter gun head, which is useless."

Then go to bed without mentioning it.

At this time, there were no qualified gunners. According to common sense, there was really nothing we could do. But I couldn't stand the fact that Zhang Shun was a time traveler. Although he couldn't do it if he took out a pen to calculate the ballistics, he at least understood the principle.

So Zhang Shun first directed the gunner to correct the left and right directions to ensure that the shells fired by the artillery would not deflect to both sides, and then adjusted the inclination angle of the artillery muzzle to correct the high and low position of the fired shells.

Just as the correction was about to be completed, a cannon shot was suddenly heard, followed by a scream. Zhang Shun was shocked, and when he turned his head, he saw a gunner covering his burning arm and screaming, and he quickly had someone put out the fire with sand.

Only then did Zhang Shun take the time to ask, and found out that the gun barrel was overheated due to continuous shooting, or that there might be sparks remaining in the gun barrel. The gunpowder that the gunner poured in was instantly ignited, and then sprayed on the clothes on the gunner's arms.

Zhang Shun quickly asked people to pull the injured gunner down to rest, and asked people to fetch some water from a mountain stream a little further away to cool the gun barrel. This delayed him for another long time and made the slaves at Lin's Manor laugh for a long time before he adjusted the cannon again.

This time, the situation was much better. One of the five cannons hit the city gate of Linjiazhuang, making a hole as big as a fist. It turns out that Linjiazhuang has a dangerous terrain, but is afraid that others will break through the city gate, so the city gate is made of thick pine wood and covered with iron sheets. Therefore, this cannon only made a hole and failed to break through the city gate.

However, with just this one shot, the morale of Zhang Shun's men was greatly boosted. Under the command of Zhang Shun, two or three rounds of bombardment were carried out, and the city gate was damaged and crumbling before Zhang Shun ordered the attack.

At this time, Wei Congyi took the lead and rushed along the suspension bridge with his subordinates. The city gate looked shabby because of the iron sheet outside, but it was still holding up its support. However, Wei Congyi used his horse power to hit it and was knocked to the ground.

Wei Congyi was originally quite arrogant. Since he followed Zhang Shun, he suffered a series of setbacks. Instead, he became eager to win. He wanted to seize the opportunity to get there first, so he rushed into Linjiazhuang. Who would have thought that just after passing the city gate, Wei Congyi saw another city gate inside. Wei Congyi looked up and looked around, and he saw that they were all surrounded by city walls.

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