Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 632 Point Attack

When Zhang Sanbai received Zhang Shun's "gift" and quickly knelt down to express his gratitude to the soldiers in Anbao, some soldiers had already delivered the found letter to Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, pulled the letter from the arrow and opened it, and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He had been familiar with the art of war and historical records since he was a child, so how could he not know the meaning of Seven Kills?

Originally, it was because the Ziwei Star Fort was so difficult to attack that Hong Chengchou had no choice but to take the risk of using spies in the city to deliberately spread rumors in Luoyang City in order to alienate the relationship between the Ziwei Star Fort guards and the "shun thieves".

Since ancient times, "attacking the city is the bottom priority, and attacking the heart is the top priority." If they can make their "lords and ministers" suspicious and disloyal, half of Luoyang City and Ziwei Star Castle will have been captured.

As a result, he never expected that this thief would play such a trick on him. Just this one light letter ruined several days of hard work.

Hong Chengchou wanted to tear the letter into pieces and throw it on the ground. However, he also knew that such a strong expression of emotion could easily shake the minds of his generals.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "Beating a child on a rainy day is just idle time. It's just a small plan, but it's not worth mentioning unless the thieves find out!"

Humph, I heard that the "submissive thief" was young, but he had such self-cultivation at a young age. I have lived in vain for more than forty years, is my reputation in vain?

When the Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian, the Gansu Commander-in-Chief Chai Shihua, and the Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen heard the words, they couldn't help but praise them: "The supervisor has a good heart, and thieves and fools can only gain something after all their hard work, so it's not worth mentioning!"

Even though the generals flattered him well, they could not stop Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, from feeling depressed. Although his ability to use troops seems to others to be a genius, he actually knows that he only acquired this ability by studying history books and the art of war since he was a child.

In contrast, "Shun Thief" is able to change things with ease at a young age. He is a person with extraordinary talents.

Most hard-working people have some admiration for talented people, but also some jealousy and resentment. After all, what you have worked so hard for is so easy for others to get. No one will feel that God is unfair.

Although Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was twice as old as Zhang Shun, he could not resist his rivalry with Zhang Shun.

He thought for a moment and couldn't help but sneered: "You can change everything, but I can defeat it with one force! Now our army is twice as large as the bandits' army, and we have enough food and grass. If you pass on the order, we will concentrate on attacking Ziwei Star Castle."

"Order Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian, Gansu Commander-in-Chief Chai Shihua, and Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen to each lead six thousand soldiers to isolate the reinforcements from Luoyang City. Order Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Guozhen and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ai Wannian to take turns to go into battle and dig a line for me. There is a tunnel leading directly to this fort. I want to see what this 'shun thief' is capable of!"

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, is cunning and cunning. Since clever methods fail, he will use stupid methods. Let's see how you, the "submissive thief", deal with it.

Although Hong Chengchou's plan was good, as soon as he took action here, the rebels there had already discovered it.

Zhang Shun stood on the watchtower built on the basis of Luoyang Drum Tower and had a panoramic view of the mobilization of officers and soldiers.

He did not want to give pointers to the left and right, but asked: "What do you think these officers and soldiers want to do?"

"This is to attack Ziwei Star Castle. We lost a lot of corpses in the past few days. I guess we will have some new tricks this time!" Zhang Shenyan looked at it, stroking his beard and smiled.

"I see they have prepared a lot of shovels and shovels. Are they digging tunnels or trenches?" Song Xiance asked with some confusion.

"Haha!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he saw that everyone had made some progress, "The guard slope protects the wall of Ziwei Star Castle, and the artillery can't damage it. Hong Chengchou is anxious, it seems he is ready to dig a hole like a mouse!"

"However, he wants to dig the soil. How can we follow his wishes? Send the order and wait until noon to feed the soldiers before sending out troops. Let the four battalions of Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, King of Chaos and Xiao Qinhu go to fight."

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this. It turned out that at this time, ordinary people and soldiers had two meals in the morning and evening, and there was no such thing as lunch.

Noon time is between 11pm and 13pm in the future world, and Wei hour is between 13pm and 15pm in the future world.

After the officers and soldiers had worked hard all morning, they were hungry and tired. The rebel army took the opportunity to attack, just to fight the hungry with food.

Just after noon, the rebels inside and outside Luoyang City began to move, formed up, and headed towards the direction of Ziwei Star Castle.

A general should share the joys and sorrows with his soldiers. Hong Chengchou was in his forties. Although his body was still strong, he could not compare with when he was young.

When the cold wind blew in the twelfth lunar month, he felt even more empty in his stomach. Just as Hong Chengchou was about to order his soldiers to find some dry food to satisfy their hunger, he heard the news that the rebels were dispatched.

Hong Chengchou cursed secretly and ordered six thousand soldiers and horses led by Shaanxi Commander Zuo Guangxian, Gansu Commander Chai Shihua, and Lintao Commander Wang Chengen to surround them.

It's just that this time the rebel army's march route was quite tricky. They neither attacked the left side of Ziwei Star Fort nor the right side of Ziwei Star Fort. Instead, they simply filed out and marched directly in the direction of Ziwei Star Fort.

This suddenly made Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian, Gansu Commander-in-Chief Chai Shihua, and Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen feel uncomfortable.

If they line up on the left side of Ziwei Star Fort, what if the rebels attack the right side? If they line up on the right side of Ziwei Star Fort, what if the rebels attack the left side?

Of course, they can also form an array between Ziweixing Castle and Luoyang City to directly cut off the rebel support road.

However, the distance between Luoyang City and Ziwei Star Fort is about three miles. If the officers and soldiers are arrayed in between, they will be bombarded by the artillery of Luoyang City or the artillery of Ziwei Star Fort. There may even be the danger of being attacked from both sides. .

Fortunately, there were more officers and soldiers, so the three had no choice but to divide their troops into two and arrange them on the left and right sides to protect the deputy commander-in-chief Liu Guozhen and Ai Wannian who were digging a tunnel in the northeast direction of Ziwei Star Castle.

There was intrigue between the two sides outside Ziwei Star Castle, and Zhang Sanbai, He Jin and Zhengshi Wang inside Ziwei Star Castle did not dare to neglect.

After the rebels gained the upper hand a few times before, King Zhengshi simply ordered some artillery to be pushed into the trenches outside Ziwei Star Castle, and with the protection of the guard slope, they bombarded the officers and soldiers who came to attack the city, which was a great achievement.

And He Jin took advantage of the retreat of the officers and soldiers many times to beat up the drowned dogs and annihilated many officers and soldiers. The two defend and attack each other, complementing each other.

But this time when they saw the officers and soldiers digging earth, the two people quickly reported it to Zhang Sanbai. Zhang Sanbai followed Zhang Shun and studied some military books.

He couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "This city is specially prepared for the defense of the city. We have already set up a ground to listen. Let's choose someone with hearing to listen, and then we will know where the enemy is. Knowing where it is, we will dig a tunnel to get through it, and then we can attack it. Calculate!"

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