Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 633 Defeat the enemy again

The so-called "earth listening" is also called "weng listening". "Mozi", a work from the Warring States Period, contains: When it was discovered that the enemy was digging tunnels to attack the city, wells were dug down in the city near the city wall.

Then, an urn with a thin cowhide cover was placed in the well, and a person with keen hearing could lie on it to listen for the movement underground.

Although ancient people did not understand the principle, Zhang Shun had received higher education from later generations and understood what was going on. Isn't this the principle that the propagation medium of soil is faster than air and attenuates slower?

Therefore, he ordered people to dig dry wells in many places in Ziwei Star Castle early and placed pottery jars in case the attackers dug tunnels. Unexpectedly, this place came in handy.

Speaking of which, digging tunnels in ancient times was also a technical job. One had to ensure that the tunnel would not be dug astray, and the other would ensure that the tunnel would not collapse during excavation. Non-professionals could not do this.

Fortunately, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, also knew that this time the officers and soldiers were encircling and suppressing the "shun thieves", and they would definitely not be able to avoid attacking the city. So he recruited excavators early and prepared wood just in case. Unexpectedly, it actually came in handy.

Whenever a section of tunnel was dug underground, Hong Chengchou quickly asked his soldiers to build a frame with wood to prevent the tunnel from collapsing.

Moreover, the soldiers had to put the excavated soil in baskets and baskets and carry it out of the tunnel bit by bit. Although the speed is very slow, it is better than sweating and not bleeding, and it is also safe.

Of course, the rebel army could not just sit idly by and ignore this matter. Zhang Shun quickly sent out four battalions: Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, King of Luanshi and Xiao Qinhu to attack.

According to Zhang Shun's command, these four battalions went around from the right side of Ziwei Star Fort to attack the left side of the officers and soldiers. It happened to be against Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu, and Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao.

It turned out that Gansu Commander-in-Chief Chai Shihua and Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen were also veteran generals, and had already been prepared, guarding the left side of the tunnel digging soldiers.

Who would have thought that after the four battalions of Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, Luanshi Wang and Xiao Qinhu arrived at the left side of Ziwei Star Castle, they only advanced two hundred steps and then refused to move forward again.

Gansu Commander-in-Chief Chai Shihua and Lintao Commander-in-Chief were overjoyed, saying that the rebels did not dare to go forward and invite a fight.

Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao and others separated, and saw hundreds of mules and horses in the formation dragging out fifty or sixty cannons.

It turned out that Zhang Shun had already ordered Li Shian to lead his "Flying Cavalry Iron Cannon" to hide in the formation. He took advantage of the rebel artillery's light weight, strong maneuverability, and organization that was conducive to rapid deployment and shooting, and deliberately bullied the opponent's disadvantage that the range of light artillery was not as powerful as that of the rebels, and the heavy artillery was too heavy to deploy in time to attack.

The place where the officers and soldiers dug the tunnel was only about 400 steps away from Ziweixing Castle. The original artillery in the castle was either impossible to reach or the distance was too far. The shells fired from the castle's artillery pose almost no threat.

However, when these field artillery were deployed 200 steps outside the castle, they were only about 100 to 200 steps away from the entrance of the tunnel where the officers and soldiers dug the tunnel. The threat from the artillery suddenly increased greatly.

Before Chai Shihua and Wang Chengen could come up with a countermeasure, the Second Artillery Regiment under Li Shian had already launched its artillery and fired at the officers and soldiers guarding the soldiers digging the tunnel.

Li Shi'an divided the sixty artillery pieces into three groups and bombarded them in units of twenty pieces in each group. Suddenly, a shell flew into the formation of officers and soldiers, and a burst of wails and screams rang out.

Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu, and Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, had no choice but to order their soldiers to retreat further to avoid being passively beaten.

But behind them is the entrance to the tunnel, where can the officers and soldiers retreat to? There was a burst of gunfire, and then dozens of people were ruthlessly knocked down.

Splashes of blood fell on the face of young commander Chai Shihua. He touched it with his hand and touched a hand of blood.

Chai Shihua could not make a decision and quickly led his soldiers to find the commander-in-chief Wang Chengen. Wang Cheng'en, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, was a veteran general. He was about forty-seven or eighty-year-old. He was also named Prince Shaobao by Chongzhen and became the governor of the left. He was quite prestigious.

When he saw Chai Shihua, he couldn't help but be shocked. The young commander-in-chief, who inherited his father's influence, had blood all over his face and an angry look on his face.

Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen couldn't help but said in shock: "Commander Chai, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you're injured?"

"Other people's blood!" Chai Shihua from the Gansu headquarters wiped it casually twice, but his face became even bloodier. He said anxiously: "Now that I have become a target for thieves, what should I do about this?"

Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and asked: "Who is the commander-in-chief of the army now?"

"It's Governor Hong!"

"Since Governor Hong has not given any orders, why should General Chai be anxious?" Wang Chengen said with a pointed smile.

"It's not like I can't stand up to Governor Hong and he won't be bombarded. Let's be bombarded!" Chai Shihua responded matter-of-factly.

Come on, this is an asshole! Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen shook his head secretly, but said: "Wang is a general. He only knows the generals and not other things. If Commander-in-Chief Chai has other ideas, I will not accompany you!"

Chai Shihua only said that Wang Chengen was timid and could not help but walk away. After taking two or three steps, he turned around and said sarcastically: "I once heard that General Wang's troops were braver than the three armies, but now I know that the three armies of the imperial court are so cowardly!"

Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, was not angry at all, but just said goodbye. When Chai Shihua left, the guards around him couldn't help but said angrily: "Who is he? He dares to get angry with the general? The general has a good temper today, otherwise how could he be so arrogant?"

"You can't say that!" Wang Chengen bowed his hand and said, "After all, he is the son of Chai Guozhu and the younger brother of Chai Shixiu. Wherever he goes, he will always give him some face. What's more, this man is young and energetic, and he takes the initiative. We will wait for him Just what you want.”

"First of all, no matter whether this matter is successful or not, at least the thieves' artillery has turned its direction, and our army has been saved from being passively bombarded. Secondly, who is the thief in front of us? It is Cao Wenzhao, the former Lintao commander. This man is unstoppable. , I don’t dare to win lightly. What kind of virtue and ability does this person have, how can he take down the two "big and small Cao"? In the end, even if he loses this battle, it was Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, who violated military orders, and what does he have to do with us? ? In this case, why not just sit back and watch the success or failure!"

Not long after, as expected, Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, led 3,000 men and horses under his command and rushed directly to the rebel army's formation.

Li Shi'an was overjoyed when he saw officers and soldiers coming, and quickly ordered his soldiers to fire artillery shells quickly.

These sixty artillery pieces were divided into three columns and fired in rotation, just like a platoon of guns. Zhang Shun called it the "gun platoon technique".

Although the rebel artillery fired solid bullets against long-distance targets, it still caused considerable losses to Chai Shihua's men.

When the officers and soldiers finally got fifty or sixty steps closer to the rebels, Li Shi'an quickly asked the gunners to replace them with shotgun shells. The gunners on the castle also took the opportunity to target the forty or fifty steps in front of the rebel formation under the command of King Zhengshi to block them. style shooting.

At this time, Chai Shihua had just led the officers and soldiers to approach the rebel army, when he suddenly suffered an unprecedented violent blow.

Rows and rows of soldiers, rows and rows of officers and soldiers were instantly beaten to pieces by live ammunition and shotguns. Blood rain was scattered everywhere, corpses were flying everywhere, and human lives were like straw.

Before the officers and soldiers could react, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao and King Luanshi couldn't help but be overjoyed. They quickly ordered the entire army to charge and launched a counterattack against Chai Shihua.

The soldiers under Chai Shihua's command were severely wounded and their foothold was not yet stable. How could they resist? They were suddenly defeated by Cao Wenzhao and others, and they chased him for more than a hundred steps. It wasn't until he saw Lintao's commander-in-chief leading his troops to meet him from a distance that he stopped and retreated slowly in formation.

Thanks to the fan "Eight Yuan Shengzun" for the reward, and also to the fan "770715" for the ninety-nine recommendation votes. I called him "good guy", it is the first time I have seen so many votes! Thank you two guys!

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