Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 634 Picking up weak persimmons and pinching them

Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, attacked without authorization and was severely defeated by the "thieves". News of the loss of troops and generals was quickly reported to Hong Chengchou, the governor-general of the five provinces.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but said angrily: "Shu Zi is rude. If you dare to disobey orders, will it be disadvantageous to be used as my sword?"

How dare Chai Shihua defend himself? He quickly went to the thorn bush to apologize and came to see Hong Chengchou. Hong Chengchou pulled a straight face and ordered: "Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, disobeyed military orders and attacked without authorization, resulting in a major defeat. I have twenty canes to serve as a warning. Allow him to serve his crime and perform meritorious service, otherwise I will report it to the court and he will be executed without mercy!"

When Chai Shihua saw that Hong Chengchou was not as crazy as Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took his staff.

The staff on the left and right knew Hong Chengchou's thoughts for a long time. In fact, the officers and soldiers were originally beaten passively, but Hong Chengchou had already thought of launching a counterattack.

It's just that I failed to consider the pros and cons for a while, so I was undecided. Unexpectedly, Chai Shihua actually took the initiative to attack, so he turned a blind eye to avoid damaging his reputation. Therefore, when Chai Shihua was defeated in the battle, Hong Chengchou did not criticize him harshly and took it easy.

It's just that it's easy to find someone to take the blame, but it's hard to solve the problem. The people on the left and right couldn't help but ask quickly: "The enemy is leaving the city. I wonder if the governor has a plan in mind?"

Hong Chengchou thought for a long time, but there was no good way, but there was a stupid way. He ordered without expression: "Assemble the entire army's general artillery and Hongyi artillery to fight back!"

This seems to be a solution, but it is actually a last resort. After all, the organization of the officers and soldiers' artillery was unreasonable, and the gun mounts were inconvenient. By the time the officers and soldiers dragged them over and mounted their artillery to fight back, I didn't know how many rounds of artillery shells the rebels had fired in vain, and how many rounds of artillery shells the officers and soldiers had suffered in vain.

After finally fighting back for two rounds, the rebels saw that the situation was not good and quickly moved their formation to avoid it.

Hong Chengchou looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but slap his forehead and cursed secretly: You idiot, cannons are dead but people are alive. How come I didn't think of this!

Fortunately, it was not too late to make amends. Hong Chengchou also quickly ordered the officers and soldiers to move their formations to avoid the artillery.

However, Hong Chengchou never expected that the rebel artillery, whether set up or moved, would be faster than the artillery of the officers and soldiers.

It turned out that each gun of the rebels was manned by ten horses and ten gunners, and was followed by a light gun mount and a ready-made ammunition cart.

A large general cannon for officers and soldiers is equipped with only five gunners, and the gun mount is an inconvenient four-wheeled small gun mount. Artillery is used to drag livestock, and cattle, horses, donkeys and other livestock are used indiscriminately. How can it be compared to the rebels who have clear regulations and each perform their duties? After several rounds of battles, the officers and soldiers were still in a passive position of being beaten.

Chai Shihua and Wang Chengen couldn't stand it anymore and had to report to Hong Chengchou. Hong Chengchou had no choice but to replace Zuo Guang, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi who was on the right side of the officers and soldiers, to go and rotate earlier.

After going back and forth, the officers and soldiers were exhausted and their morale was low. Xiao Qinhu's Tiger Battalion, who was hiding behind the rebel formation, saw the opportunity and sneaked around behind the Ziwei Star Fort.

As the saying goes: pick the soft persimmon and pinch it. When the rebels waited for Chai Shihua to be rotated out, Xiao Qinhu led the Tiger Battalion and rushed forward. In particular, He Yilong, under Xiao Qinhu, was the most daring. He personally led 600 cavalrymen under his command to directly attack the officers and soldiers where Chai Shihua was.

Chai Shihua had just been beaten twenty-five times by Hong Chengchou in the past two days. His injuries had not healed, and he was even more depressed due to the fact that he had been disadvantaged in many battles. The meaningless army suddenly descended from the sky and came to fight. Chai Shihua's expression changed drastically, and he quickly tried to seize the horse and fled.

Fortunately, the soldiers on the left and right are elites under the command of his father Chai Guozhu and his brother Chai Shixiu, and they know the pros and cons. They quickly grabbed Chai Shihua's reins with one hand and shouted loudly: "If the general leaves, the whole army will be crushed, and he will not be punished. No matter how fast these four legs run, gods will not be able to save you by then! If Fighting to the death, with us protecting you, there is still a glimmer of hope!"

Fortunately, Chai Shihua is also a famous general, so he is quite responsible. Although he was panic-stricken and almost made a big mistake, he finally reacted and responded quickly: "I jumped on my horse not to escape, but to fight to the death with you!"

It's too late, but it's soon. He Yilong held an iron spear in his hand, like a dragon, and charged into the formation of officers and soldiers, as if entering a deserted place.

The officers and soldiers were already tired and frustrated. How could they be the match for his new force? Chai Shihua quickly rushed forward with his guards on the left and right, shouting loudly: "You are such a thief, please leave, and come and compete with me!"

This He Yilong was already a brave man, but he never gave up even when he encountered Cao Bianjiao. How could he be afraid of him?

When the two of them fought, Chai Shihua was already injured, so how could he resist? It turned out that he believed that his bravery was second only to his father and brothers Chai Guozhu and Chai Shixiu, but he never thought that He Yilong was more brave and fearless than death.

Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, was timid and quickly summoned his personal guards and nearby soldiers and horses to surround He Yilong, vowing to take his life.

He Yilong had a gun and a horse, galloping back and forth. It was like entering a deserted land, and Chai Shihua was tossing and turning, unable to control him.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, looked at him from a distance and said in surprise: "This person must be Cao Wenzhao. Unexpectedly, his bravery has reached this point!"

The staff on the left and right were silent for a moment after hearing this, and then they corrected in a low voice: "Cao Wenzhao is still in front of Zuo Guangxian and Wang Chengen. This is the thief 'Ge Liyan' He Yilong!"

Hong Chengchou was stunned and couldn't help but sigh: "There are so many heroes in the world, but so many are thieves!"

It is said that after He Yilong's interference, Xiao Qinhu arrived in time with Ren Jirong, Wu Xian, and King Zhishi, and Chai Shihua's men couldn't help but collapse.

Seeing this, He Yilong quickly led his cavalry to break through the heavy siege and arrived near the tunnel entrance. All I saw was a big black hole, more than ten feet wide and narrow, and I don't know how deep it is.

The situation was urgent, and He Yilong couldn't care less. He quickly asked the soldiers to take off dozens of medicine bags and tie them together, lit the fuses, and threw them directly.

This medicine pack was originally Zhang Shun's idea based on the "explosive pack" of later generations. However, black powder is not powerful enough to explode solid buildings.

Zhang Shun simply asked the soldiers to pack each of the ten pounds into a medicine bag for special missions. This time He Yilong brought a dozen of them and lit them together. Not long after, there was a huge, dull sound on the ground, and the ground trembled for a moment. Only a "bang" was heard, and several rods collapsed near the tunnel entrance.

He Yilong and the other cavalry couldn't help but look at each other and secretly thought they were lucky. If everyone hadn't stood in the direction of the tunnel, they would have fallen down this time.

At this time, Hong Chengchou had already sent generals Bai Guangen and He Renlong to come to the rescue. Seeing that the mission had been completed, the rebels immediately retreated with money.

When everyone arrived, they saw that the entrance to the tunnel had collapsed, and they quickly ordered the soldiers to dig quickly. But according to the efficiency of this era, where is it too late?

After finally digging the entrance to the tunnel, everyone entered and saw that there were hundreds of soldiers digging the tunnel and people transporting soil. They were all huddled on the ground with purple faces, already suffocated inside.

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