Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 641 Li Sanniang goes to war

"Oh? What's your plan? Let me tell you!" Chen Changzhen and Li Sanniang became curious and couldn't help but look at Zhang Rujing and asked.

"Although Lu Xiangsheng is brave, he doesn't have many men under his command. If General Liu hadn't been careless, I'm afraid the victory or defeat of both sides would be only 50-50."

"Now that Staff Officer Xu has stabilized the battle, it is impossible for Lu Xiangsheng to make a breakthrough for a while. In this case, why doesn't the general avoid the real situation and attack the weak and go straight to Ruzhou? If Ruzhou is captured, Lu Xiangsheng's return route will be cut off, and the general will not be able to return. If the division joins forces with the Song County rebels and attacks from both inside and outside, we will definitely be able to capture this thief in one fell swoop!"

Chen Changzhen looked at Zhang Rujing in surprise when he heard this, and couldn't help but smile: "I underestimated you, but you are really capable. It's just that this plan is too risky, so I won't take it. The reason why the lord keeps me in your arms is If you stay in the stronghold and stand still, you are preparing for an emergency. If something goes wrong, how can I live up to your lord's trust?"

Zhang Rujing heard this, but said unconvinced: "I know all about the true and false status of the officers and soldiers, so why is there any danger? Since Lu Xiang was promoted to governor of Yunyang, he should have a large number of people under his command. Since Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, could not open up a situation in Luoyang City, Naturally, he will be ordered to come from the south in a hurry to attack the rebels."

"According to common sense, Lu Xiangsheng naturally leads as many troops as possible. He only led three or four thousand troops before he went there. It is obvious that the imperial troops are exhausted! Now the fighter plane appears and disappears in a flash. If the general cannot seize it in time, Timing, wouldn’t it betray the trust of the lord?”

"How can we act recklessly if we use strong words to make excuses and fail to discern the enemy's situation?" Chen Changzhen shook his head after hearing this and rejected Zhang Rujing's proposal.

"Sister!" Zhang Rujing turned to look at Li Sanniang after hearing this, and emphasized aggressively: "If we win this battle, the remaining officers and soldiers will no longer be a threat, and the rebel army can gather together to save Luoyang. As the saying goes: If you defend for a long time, you will lose, King Shun I've been guarding Luoyang for a long time, if I don't change my tactics, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous."

"Call Auntie! No matter how big or small you are." Li Sanniang shouted at him, then turned to Chen Changzhen and asked, "Uncle, is there something wrong with what Ru Jing said?"

Originally, Li Sanniang, as a woman, had nothing to do with this important military matter, but now that it involved Zhang Shun, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"That's what I said, but I'm really worried about what happened to the staff officer Xu Quan!" Chen Changzhen secretly thought bad after hearing this, and quickly glared at Zhang Rujing, and explained to Li Sanniang with an apologetic smile.

Li Sanniang frowned when she heard this and said: "Zhang Sheng has always been quite prudent in his military use, I know that. Liu Cheng is an old man who followed here, so he should be reassuring. But in the end, Liu Cheng was injured. , whether there is something fishy about it is unknown.”

"If the uncle can trust the counselor Xu Quan, it will not be worse than these few days; if the uncle cannot trust the counselor Xu Quan, how can he throw himself into a trap?"

"This" Chen Changzhen was stunned when he heard this. If, as Li Sanniang said, Xu Quan had surrendered to the enemy, then leading his troops to Song County would be a trap. Don't talk about rescuing Zhang Shun when the time comes. I'm afraid Baodu Village won't have enough time to protect itself.

"In this case, Sanniang must not go out with uncle again this time. If Song County City still holds on, I will enter the city to stabilize people's hearts; if Song County City has already surrendered the enemy, I will capture Ruzhou with my uncle, and then summon us to the city. Let Li Jiyu join forces and take back this city!" Li Sanniang made up her mind when she saw that Chen Changzhen was a little shaken.

"Okay!" Seeing that Li Sanniang had made up her mind, Chen Changzhen thought about the last time she led everyone to cut off the retreat of the Beijing camp, and stopped insisting.

But he secretly warned himself: Since my third brother has entrusted his wife and children to me, how can I abandon them? If Xu Quan really surrenders to the enemy, Baodu Village will not be stable. Only by keeping my wife, Hua Ji and Ping An beside me can I feel at ease.

Immediately, everyone packed up and saluted, and together with Li Xiang, Liu Rushi and Li Jiyu's wife, they set off with the army and headed east.

Changzhi's wife Wang, three concubines and five hundred people led by Li Daliang were left alone to stay in Baodu Village. Before leaving, Chen Changzhen warned him: "The war is dangerous, and I don't know how the battle will be won. If things go wrong, you can stick to Baodu Village and wait for the opportunity."

"As long as I have a breath left, I will definitely come back to rescue you. If I stay for a long time without help and don't come back for half a month, I must have died on the battlefield. Da Liang, you should protect your sister-in-law and find another way out!"

"Changzhao!" Mrs. Wang couldn't help but become anxious when she heard this. She thought that now that Chen Changzhen was prosperous, she could also enjoy the blessings, but she didn't expect that there would be such dangers.

"I owe you a lot in this life, and I don't know if I will ever have the chance to repay you!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but sigh in a low voice after hearing this, "If things are not harmonious, you can take your children and remarry!"

"No!" Ms. Wang shook her head and looked at Chen Changzhen with tears in her eyes. "You are so cruel, how could you let go of us, mother and son? If you are gone forever, how can I live alone?" "

Chen Changzhen looked at the children beside Wang, couldn't help but hold back his tears, turned his head and said, "You can take care of yourself!" Then he strode out regardless of Wang's shouting.

Chen Changzhen walked out of the door, where Li Sanniang was looking after Liu Rushi and helping Li Xiang get into the car. Seeing Chen Changzhi coming out, she couldn't help but persuade him: "In that case, why not let my sister-in-law come with us?"

Chen Changzhen smiled bitterly and was speechless. Of course, staying here may be a dangerous place, but how can going to Song County be a safe place?

He recalled his emotion when he left his hometown to work as a escort: The world is so big, where is my hometown?

Baodu Village, Kangjiazhuang and other places are also 1,780 miles away from Song County. The mountain roads are rugged and difficult to navigate. Chen Changzhen led Li You, Li Mou, Zhang Rujing and 2,500 people under his command to escort Li Sanniang and Li Xiang. He and Li Jiyu's wife and others trekked all the way and arrived near Song County in two days.

Fortunately, Lu Xiangsheng had few troops and was unable to surround Song County. Lu Xiangsheng's military discipline was still good and he never harassed the people. Therefore, people often came and went in and out of the county.

After Chen Changzhen sent Li You to inquire repeatedly, it was confirmed that Xu Quan had not surrendered to the enemy and that Song County was still holding on. Then he ordered Li You to take more than ten people to put on makeup and sneak into Song County pretending to be ordinary people in the city.

It is said that after the staff officer Xu Quan sent the letter, he was waiting day and night for Chen Changzhen to come and relieve the siege of Song County.

On this day, when I was about to hear from my soldiers whether there were reinforcements outside the city, I didn't expect that the soldiers came in in a hurry and reported in a low voice: "Mrs. Li has arrived in the city and is about to see you!"

"Which Mrs. Li?" Xu Quan wondered, he didn't know Mrs. Li or Mrs. Wang?

"Mrs. Li of King Shun!" the soldier responded awkwardly.

"Ah?" Xu Quan was shocked and responded quickly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier and take me to see you quickly?"

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