Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 642 Wind and Fire Lu Xiangsheng (Part 1)

Lu Xiangsheng, wearing double armor, started shouting and cursing again in the city with majesty.

"Rebellious ministers and thieves, cowardless people, don't cower in the city like a cow! If you fight, fight, if you surrender, surrender, have a good time! Otherwise, when the reinforcements of the officers and soldiers have arrived, and the army is surrounding the city, there will be no regrets. Come on!" He yelled and cursed for a long time, but unfortunately no one in the city paid attention to him.

It's no wonder that Lu Xiangsheng, who has always been elegant, made vulgar remarks. He did not carry many men and horses this time. He only had some light artillery such as Franchise and Tiger Crouching Cannons, and had no means of siege.

Originally, he thought that by injuring the thieves' leader, he would be able to defeat them in one fell swoop. As a result, the officers and soldiers stayed with the ants for a day or two and suffered heavy losses, but they were never able to climb the city wall.

Lu Xiangsheng was quite trembling with the food for the people and horses in his hands, and he was also worried about the long delay, so he became more and more impatient.

At this time, Li Sanniang was wearing armor and holding a dragon stick, standing on the city wall. After hearing Lu Xiangsheng yelling and cursing for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "This thief is so arrogant, is there no way to control him?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Quan, the staff officer, smiled bitterly and said: "This guy is very brave and martial, and he is wearing double armor. He is really difficult to deal with. That day, I gathered seven or eight gunners, but when he came to call the formation, I couldn't wait for him to come. Time to snipe.”

"I never thought that the bullets could not penetrate. Not only did they fail to hurt this man, but the frightened soldiers in the city all said that this man was a god descended from the earth! If he continues to yell like this, I am afraid that before the officers and soldiers attack the city again, sooner or later the city will be destroyed. There's going to be chaos!"

Li Sanniang looked around and saw that the soldiers around her were depressed and shaken, and she knew that defending was not an option.

She had no choice but to comfort him: "Mr. Xu, thank you for your hard work. In the past two days, Mrs. Xiang has instructed two nurses to cut out the carrion for General Liu, clean and suture the wound again, and he will be awake soon. If General Liu is here, he will be seriously ill." Boost morale in the city."

It turns out that since Liu Cheng was injured by Lu Xiangsheng, there was no good doctor Jin Chuang in Song County. Xu Quan had no choice but to capture a few barefoot doctors and bandage them randomly. By the time Li Sanniang, Li Xiang and others arrived, Liu Cheng's wounds began to suppurate.

Fortunately, Liu Cheng's life should not have been cut off. By some mistake, Li Xiang, who happened to be pregnant, followed Li Sanniang to Song County and saved Liu Cheng's life.

But in the past few days, Liu Cheng had a high fever and fell into a coma. Li Xiang ordered his soldiers to search for rhino horns and antelope horns throughout the city to reduce fever, but he didn't know what the effect was now.

Seeing that there were trustworthy people on both sides, Xu Quan said in a low voice: "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Why did my wife, with her rich body, end up in Song County?"

"What's the danger?" Li Sanniang said with a smile, "General Chen has already gone to take over Ruzhou City. Once this thief's escape route is cut off, I want to see how he escapes!"

"Okay!" Xu Quan was also infected by Li Sanniang's courage, and he couldn't help but feel heroic and responded, "I will definitely capture this thief when the time comes to avenge today's insult!"

Lu Xiangsheng yelled and cursed under the city for two or three days, and finally got the soldiers to make some simple siege equipment, and then attacked the city again.

Although he was not a veteran general like Hong Chengchou, he had read several military history books and had experience in leading troops. After staying under the fortified city for a long time, he also knew that it was a taboo for military strategists.

Now that the equipment was ready, Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, urged his soldiers to use siege equipment to attack the city.

There are rush carts, ladders, and towering well-mounted carts. This time Lu Xiangsheng vowed to capture Song County.

Fortunately, there is a Pingfeng Village in Song County, and Li Sanniang has brought military general Li You, who can bring the city's elite to wait for an opportunity to come out of the city to fight back.

Lu Xiangsheng saw that the officers and soldiers in the city had been huddled for a long time, and he never expected that someone would be able to lead troops to fight. They were caught off guard, and the rebels burned several ramming vehicles that hit the city gate.

Fortunately, it was harmless, so Lu Xiangsheng ordered his soldiers to continue the attack while preparing to wait for Li You to leave the city again and meet him in person.

Who would have thought that at this moment, a cannon shot was heard, and large groups of troops suddenly came out from both sides behind the officers and soldiers.

Lu Xiangsheng was shocked. Looking back, he saw the thieves holding two flags with the two characters Chen and Li written on them respectively.

Lu Xiangsheng quickly gathered his soldiers, preparing to fight and retreat, but he heard the sound of a cannon. The gate of Songxian City, which had been closed for a long time, opened, and Li You took the lead and came out to fight.

Lu Xiangsheng was surrounded from all sides and did not dare to fight. He quickly waved his sword and retreated while fighting.

This guy is born with supernatural power. With a heavy Azure Dragon Frost Moon Sword in his hand, he can lift it like a feather and pick it up like a lost item, effortlessly. Furthermore, he sat down and was given the gift of a thousand miles of snow. He was so handsome that he came and went like the wind.

Lu Xiangsheng was invincible, and he could move freely among the thousands of rebel troops like chopping melons and vegetables.

Chen Changzhen was so aware that he couldn't help shouting to Li Mou: "This person is not capable of fighting with more than one person. Please join hands with me to capture this thief!" Li Mou agreed and quickly followed Chen Changzhen to fight against Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang.

When Lu Xiangsheng saw that the person in front of him was an old acquaintance, he couldn't help but smile and said: "You traitor and traitor, how are you doing here? You escaped with your life that day, and you are here to die again today!"

"What a strong tone!" Chen Changzhen laughed angrily when he heard this, "Although you have a lot of strength, you may not be able to defeat me. Today I will teach you how powerful I am!" After saying this, Chen Changzhen waved his sword and Li Mou held up his spear and went to fight Lu Xiangsheng.

The good Lu Xiangsheng was not afraid and clapped his horse to greet him. With only his divine power, he slapped away Li Mou's spear with his left hand, knocked away Chen Changzhen's sword with his right hand, and then used the force to move the back of the sword towards Chen Changzhen.

Chen Changzhen had just been knocked open by him, and the middle door was opening wide. How could he resist? Fortunately, Chen Changzhen has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his reputation for his skills is not in vain.

It was too late, but it was too late. I saw Chen Changzhen tightening his legs and leaning his body back, making an "iron bridge". Only then did he avoid Lu Xiangsheng's fatal hook.

It turns out that the Qinglong Yanyue Sword of the Ming Dynasty has a different shape than the ones commonly seen after the mid-Qing Dynasty. Generally, the blade is narrower, the body is thicker, the blades are released on both sides, and the tip of the blade is more upturned like a hook.

Compared with the forms after the mid-Qing Dynasty, which were mainly about chopping, this method has more hooking and dragging techniques. Lu Xiangsheng used this technique and almost killed Chen Changzhen.

The two sides passed each other on the wrong horse, and Chen Changzhen was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat. He only thought that this guy and his martial arts were on par with each other, but he never expected that after Lu Xiangsheng replaced Qianli Xue, he would come and go like the wind, and his divine power would be fully displayed.

The two sides only fought for one round, and Lu Xiangsheng almost defeated him with one against two.

Chen Changzhen couldn't help but shouted loudly and reminded: "This man is born with supernatural power, and his mount is even more handsome. Lu Bu can't match him, so you should be careful what you do!"

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