Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 650: Fighter Plane Appears

Do you know how the cavalry of Deputy Commander Ai Wannian was attacked by artillery?

It turned out that when Wei Congyi rushed into the shield car and repeatedly massacred the elite officers and soldiers hiding behind the shield car, the artillery on the top of the city had already cleaned the barrels and reloaded.

When Zhang Shun saw Ai Wannian leading the cavalry to support him, he ordered the gunners on the city to move the muzzle slightly laterally according to the original gun calibration data.

Wait until Ai Wannian led the cavalry past the position of the shield chariot and chased Wei Congyi's cavalry. Suddenly a salvo of artillery fire was fired on the city, hitting the group of officers, soldiers and cavalry, causing a lot of casualties and causing chaos among the officers, soldiers and cavalry.

When Wei Congyi heard the sound of the cannon, he immediately turned his horse's head according to the order and took advantage of the chaos to fight. How could Ai Wannian resist? This is the power of the "horse and artillery coordination" strategy.

When Wei Congyi saw that the officers and soldiers wanted to retreat, how could he comply? He quickly led the cavalry under his command to bite hard and chased them until they were more than a hundred steps away from the formation of officers and soldiers, and then reined in the horses.

At this time, the officers and soldiers hiding behind the shield car saw that they had lost the cavalry support. How could they sit still and wait for death?

They quickly took advantage of Wei Congyi's pursuit of Ai Wannian, abandoned heavy items such as shield vehicles, flanges, and prisoner-killing cannons, and ran towards the formation of officers and soldiers in twos and threes.

It's a pity that they have two legs, how can they outrun four legs? Wei Congyi had finished chasing Ai for ten thousand years. He turned around and saw more than a thousand infantry running in chaos, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He didn't care about saving horse power and couldn't help shouting loudly: "I have made great achievements today. My soldiers will fight with me. King Shun will not be stingy with rewards!"

Where have the rebels ever fought such a happy battle? Today's killing was hearty and morale was high. After hearing this, he followed Wei Congyi and rushed over again.

Only this time, Wei Congyi was reluctant to lead his cavalry directly into the crowd, and instead ordered those around him to follow them. The rebel cavalry formed a half-moon shape and carried behind the defeated soldiers. If anyone fell behind, they would kill them with swords and spears.

The officers and soldiers were defeated. They immediately hated their parents for giving them two fewer legs. How could they dare to stop? They just ran towards the large formation of officers and soldiers.

Hong Chengchou looked at it from a distance and said something bad to himself. What a daring Wei Congyi. He is not chasing down the defeated soldiers. He is trying to drive the defeated soldiers into the formation of officers and soldiers!

Then Hong Chengchou was also a tycoon, how could he tolerate this happening? He quickly asked the soldiers to raise flags desperately and ordered the defeated soldiers to bypass the formation from the left and right sides and return to the camp from behind the formation. At the same time, he ordered the officers and soldiers in the front row to set up swords, guns and cannons to kill the fleeing officers and soldiers at any time.

It's just a flash of lightning, where can I get it in time? Zhang Shun also saw the officers and soldiers' retreat from a distance and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He quickly ordered: "Move the formation, attack with the whole army, and attack the formation of officers and soldiers head-on!"

The "King of the World", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao in the first row of the rebel army were all ecstatic when they heard the order. What was originally an ordinary contest never expected that it would evolve to such an extent!

The remaining cavalry of the rebel army were gathered together by Zhang Shun and entrusted to Zhao Lizi and Cao Dingjiao.

Cao Dingjiao is also Cao Wenzhao's nephew and has been fighting under Cao Wenzhao. This time Zhang Shun gathered all the four thousand cavalry in his hands. Firstly, Zhao Lizi did not have the prestige and ability to lead such a large number of troops, and secondly, he could appease Cao Wenzhao.

Therefore, Zhang Shun ordered the two men to lead two thousand cavalry to support Wei Congyi, while Zhang Shun himself commanded an army of more than ten thousand to follow behind, vowing to defeat the chariot and camp formation set up by Hong Chengchou.

No matter how hard the flags of the officers and soldiers waved, the defeated soldiers still rushed towards the formation of officers and soldiers.

There are more than a thousand people, which can be said to be too many or too few. From a distance, they are densely packed, and they are all people.

Don't underestimate these more than a thousand people. If it were left to future generations, an ordinary primary and secondary school might not be able to have such a large number of people.

But in this era, in a big battle, the number of elites who first ascended and fell into battle was almost this number.

Now that these more than a thousand people are rushing in desperately, what is the difference between the more than a thousand dead soldiers sent by the rebels?

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. Although the officers and soldiers cannot bear to take action, they have to act according to the order for the sake of their own wealth and life.

As soon as this wave of broken troops reached about 80 paces of the officers and soldiers' formation, the officer gave an order, and suddenly the muskets and guns were fired, and the broken soldiers fell down like wheat being cut.

These defeated soldiers never expected to be attacked by their own people. They were stunned for a moment, and then became very frightened.

Some people turned around to run, but Wei Congyi's cavalry hacked and killed more than ten people from behind. They suddenly had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. They couldn't help crying loudly: "I am also an officer and a soldier, and I have sacrificed my life to be your vanguard. Why should I kill each other like this?"

A wave of betrayal anger arose, and some people suddenly said with grief and anger: "The thieves will kill me, and the officials will also kill me. Should I die if I wait? Everyone rush in with me, we will find the governors of the five provinces." Theory theory!”

In any case, whether they were coerced or driven away, the desperate troops once again rushed towards the formation of officers and soldiers in disarray.

The bird muskets that had just been released had no time to load, so the officers and soldiers had to use flannel guns and three-eyed muskets to shoot. The defeated soldiers also fought back in confusion with the muskets in their hands, and for a while the officers and soldiers started killing each other.

Not long after, the defeated soldiers rushed to the formation of officers and soldiers, almost trying to jump over the sidecars surrounding the formation and climb into the formation. The officers and soldiers in the formation hurriedly poked outwards with swords and guns, trying to keep the defeated troops out of the formation.

Wei Congyi led his cavalry outside, just like supervising the battle team. He only focused on killing those who were about to flee. He didn't care about the others who were killing each other.

Not long after, Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi also came behind the rout with a large group of cavalry. After the two sides met, Wei Congyi couldn't help but smile and said to Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi: "Everyone knows that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, is a good soldier, but they never thought that he would be here today! If the officers and soldiers were defeated by the rebels today, I should be the first to take credit!"

Cao Dingjiao couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, a little unhappy. Zhao Lizi actually felt quite uncomfortable, but fortunately he also knew that the overall situation was the most important thing.

Therefore, Zhao Lizi persuaded: "Thanks to General Wei, we have this chance of victory today. However, whether this matter can be successful or not depends on the concerted efforts of the two of us. We must not fall short! Now the officers and soldiers have a strong lineup." I wonder how we can capture the sidecar escort?"

Cao Dingjiao had also followed Cao Wenzhao for many years and had considerable experience. He did not want Wei Congyi to enjoy his achievements alone, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "Conquering a large formation is not an overnight achievement. Sometimes it is common to fight for three to five days."

"Now that we have broken troops as bait, all the officers and soldiers' cannons and cannons have been covered and exhausted. We should do whatever it takes to entangle the officers and soldiers until King Shun arrives. When the artillery is set up, whatever is blocked will be broken and everything hit will be destroyed. If it’s broken, what’s there to fear?”

Thank you to the fans of "People Going Far Away" for the large reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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