Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 651 A plan within a plan

More than a thousand defeated troops, with neither fighting spirit nor fighting ability, were massacred and driven away by the officers and soldiers in just half an hour.

In order to take the lead, Wei Congyi quickly charged forward and killed them. Between the rebels and the officers and soldiers, there were still many broken soldiers fighting with the officers and soldiers. Wei Congyi showed no mercy and stepped on the horses with iron hooves. The iron hooves came and struck. In an instant, no one knew how many people died under the horse's hooves and how many people died under the iron hooves.

After the defeated troops were defeated, a series of sidecars as tall as a city wall were connected end to end, lying in front of the rebels. The side panels of the sidecar were still stained with hot blood, which had not yet had time to dry.

The side panels of the sidecar are about six feet high, which can completely cover the whole body of the soldiers in the car camp. There are densely opened square holes on the side panels, which can be used for observation and shooting.

Franchise machines capable of firing twelve to twenty-two heavy lead bullets were also densely packed near the firing ports. Fortunately, due to the continuous firing, the ammunition in the gun has been exhausted.

The officers and soldiers behind the sidecar were hurriedly filling the muskets with ammunition. However, when they saw the insurrectionary troops speeding towards them, they became even more panicked and scattered a lot of gunpowder and lead bullets.

When Wei Congyi saw the situation in front of him, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly personally led more than fifty cavalry to attack the gap where the defeated troops had destroyed the side carriages, and at the same time ordered the rest of the cavalry to destroy the side carriages of the officers and soldiers.

The cavalry of the rebel army is basically the reskin of officers and soldiers, and their equipment and fighting methods are naturally the same as those of officers and soldiers. Except for some small horse and camel machines, there is no artillery that can destroy sidecars.

However, the rebels are not helpless. These sidecars are two-wheeled carts turned sideways, and they are defended with the help of the sideboard, that is, the baffle on one side.

The rebel cavalry threw the iron hooks and ropes in their hands, hooked the baffle on the side of the sidecar, and then pulled the power of the engine to pull the sidecar sideways.

As soon as the side car left, the officers and soldiers behind the side car were like snails without their shells, leaving only their fat and juicy flesh. The cavalry under Wei Congyi took the opportunity to kill them one after another.

Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi were stunned and quickly ordered their cavalry to be divided into several groups. One group used ropes to drag the officers and soldiers' side carriages, and the other group took the opportunity to cover up and kill them.

The elite soldiers who used shield cars to attack before could not withstand the impact of the rebel cavalry, let alone the officers and soldiers who were hiding behind the side cars and firing cannons and cannons. Immediately he was killed by the rebels and he fell on his back, crying for his father and mother.

"Superintendent!" The staff on the left and right couldn't help but panic when they saw it, and they shouted loudly: "The thieves are fierce, please send reinforcements quickly to support!"

"Don't worry, if I, Hong Chengchou, only have this talent, how can I be the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces of Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Huguang, and Sichuan? Let him just kill. If he kills the Chinese army's formation, I will lose!" Hong Chengchou said empty-handedly. The eyes are like a cobra ready to go, which is daunting.

I couldn't help but shudder. I haven't seen the supervisor get so angry for a long time. They couldn't help but pray for the thieves in front of them, hoping that they wouldn't die too miserably!

Wei Congyi, Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi led four to five thousand cavalry to fight for a long time, and finally tore away all the sidecars in front of them, killing the officers and soldiers behind the sidecars with no way to go to the sky or to the ground.

Just when Wei Congyi, who was covered in blood, was about to go all out and kill through the formation of officers and soldiers, he suddenly found another wall of cars in front of the rebels.

It turns out that the array of vehicles arranged by Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was an array within an array, with vehicles within the vehicles. Like the modular design concept of later generations, this large array of vehicles is surrounded by smaller arrays of vehicles. The horizontal vehicles outside the array are used as walls, and the horizontal vehicles inside the array are also used as walls.

It's just that this time Wei Congyi didn't have such good luck. The officers and soldiers who were waiting in full formation had been waiting for a long time. But when they saw the rebels appear, they immediately ignored the rebels and the officers and soldiers. They only picked up the flannel machine and the firecrackers, and started "ping ping ping ping pong". Shoot.

The rebels were caught off guard, and more than ten cavalrymen were killed on the spot. At the same time, many officers and soldiers who were fighting with the rebels were also shot.

Only then did these abandoned officers and soldiers realize that they had the same fate as the defeated army before, and they couldn't help but panic.

These officers and soldiers running around holding their heads seriously affected the formation and advance of the rebels, and bought precious time for the formation wall formed by the second row of sidecars. Under the supervision of the officers and soldiers, they quickly stabilized their position and caused a lot of damage to the cavalry who wanted to attack in one go.

Wei Congyi was hit by a bullet in his left leg. He randomly found some rags to wrap them up. He glanced angrily at the wall in front of him and couldn't help but cursed: "This old man Hong is a tortoise. He's wrapped up layer after layer and he's not afraid." Stifled to death in there!"

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was also worried that the rebel cavalry would suffer heavy losses, so he led his infantry to catch up early. The first battalion of "The King of Troubled Times", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao rushed forward, allowing Wei Congyi, Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi to retreat and rest.

The "King of Chaos", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao's three battalions rushed back and forth several times but still could not break through the formation wall of officers and soldiers.

Zhang Shun frowned and said, "You have a sidecar and I have a field artillery. Order Li Shian to push the artillery up and prepare to break the formation!"

The artillery pieces of the Rebel Second Artillery Regiment are equipped with horses and gunners, and have excellent maneuverability. They have followed the rebel infantry for a long time and hidden in the rebel formation.

Li Shi'an got the order and quickly ordered the gunner to separate the rebel soldiers blocking the front and push up all the golden cannons, field cannons and the nearly one hundred prisoner-killing cannons that had just been captured.

Accompanied by a deafening blast of artillery, the sidecar in front of me was suddenly shattered by sawdust and shattered into pieces.

Many of the flying pieces of wood were directly nailed into the bodies of the soldiers behind the sidecar, making a miserable wailing sound.

What's more, the goose-egg-sized prisoner-killing cannon shells penetrated the thick wooden boards like a sniper rifle firing armor-piercing bullets, directly piercing three or four soldiers.

It turns out that this prisoner-killing cannon was prepared for the tactics of the rear golden shield vehicle. The stronger rear golden shield vehicle can be destroyed with one blow, not to mention the lighter sidecars of the officers and soldiers?

The "King of Troubled Times", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao saw that the wall of officers and soldiers' carriages was broken again, how could they hesitate?

They quickly led their troops to press forward and fought with the soldiers who had just lost the cover of their sidecars.

Not to mention how the rebels fought with the officers and soldiers, but Hong Chengchou's left and right aides were horrified when they saw that the wall of the carriage of the officers and soldiers had been broken again, and quickly reported: "The wall of the carriage has been broken again, and there is no countermeasure. I am afraid that we will be killed today." That’s it!”

Hong Chengchou then laughed and said: "The traitors are brave but not clever, I must defeat them! Pass the order and order Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian to lead 5,000 men and horses to attack their left side, and Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen to lead 5,000 men and horses to attack them." Right. The whole army is like a white crane with its wings spread out, forming a formation of flying geese to face the enemy. The thieves will be completely wiped out today!"

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