Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 652 Infantry and artillery coordination

When the officers and soldiers in front of him moved, Zhang Shun keenly sensed that the battlefield situation had changed. He quickly boarded the watchtower car and looked into the distance, only to see that the thick phalanx of officers and soldiers in front of him was extending to both wings and began to become flatter.

There are also two battalions of officers and soldiers at the left and right rear, like the two big claws of a crab, slowly revealing their ferocious true colors.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but take a breath: Hong Chengchou actually prepared such a move in such an unfavorable situation.

The situation on the battlefield was obvious. Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was indeed very cunning and planned every step of the way to attract the rebels to attack.

After the rebels were out of the range of the artillery guard on the Luoyang City Wall, they began to transform into a flying geese formation, preparing to completely surround and annihilate the rebels under Luoyang City.

Now the Rebels have two options.

One is to retreat, to retreat to Luoyang City before the officers and soldiers encircle them, and use the firepower on Luoyang City and the fortresses of the "Zhishi King", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao to defend.

One is fighting. Sun Bin's Art of War says: The one who moves the formation in a cone is decisive. Those who are in the formation of flying geese, so they can catch and shoot.

The flying geese formation of the officers and soldiers stood to take advantage of their firepower, and the rebels could also take the opportunity to form a cone-shaped formation and directly cut the flying geese formation of the officers and soldiers into two sections from the middle.

However, Hong Chengchou had planned for a long time. Since he dared to form a flying geese formation to attack the rebels, the formation in front of him must be extremely strong and impossible to break through in an instant.

what to do? Either give up this opportunity for a decisive battle with the officers and soldiers and plan for the long term; or take advantage of the officers and soldiers' paralyzed and careless mentality to play a desperate counterattack!

Looking at the rows of artillery under Li Shian's command and the bloody fighting rebel soldiers around him, Zhang Shun looked around for a long time before making up his mind and said: "Where are Zhao Lizi and Cao Dingjiao? Come to the side compartment where I abandoned the officers and soldiers. The chariots and shield chariots will come over with war horses to protect the rebels on the left and right!"

"The whole army is arranged in a prismatic formation, with Cao Wenzhao occupying the head and the 'King of Chaos' and Cao Bianjiao occupying the left and right respectively. After Xiao captures the tiger, he clears the way with artillery and keeps fighting!"

You think you still have a strange army in hand, and I also think that I also have a strange army in hand. Today, let me fight one against two, risking my life, and test the abilities of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces!

The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, and the sun had already passed over the top of Luoyang City, spreading a golden light all over the earth.

When Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, raised his head, his eyes were blinded by the scorching sun. He lowered his head slightly and couldn't help but ask around: "How will the thief react? Are you going to run away?"

"Just now we ordered the soldiers to go up to the watchtower and take a look. The thieves were arranged in a cone formation and wanted to attack by force!" Hearing this, Zuo Zuo couldn't help laughing.

Hong Chengchou also laughed when he heard the words and couldn't help but said: "Now it seems that the skills of following the thieves are exhausted! After all, they are young and energetic and cannot be stimulated. You should also take a warning. If you have it, change it, if not, make it worse. Mian!"

Maipi cursed secretly, and had no choice but to nod in agreement, and praised repeatedly: "The supervisor is really a mastermind, and he knew it clearly! The traitor will be crowned today, and we can only accomplish this great feat by following the supervisor!" "

"Hey, where! Where!" Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, said humbly, "Although this meal has fallen into the mouth but has not yet been swallowed, how can we praise each other? When you all work hard to defeat this ruthless bandit, I and you will be in Luoyang City It’s not too late to wish you a happy New Year!”

"Yes, yes, yes!" he said hurriedly, "Happy New Year, auspicious New Year, let's celebrate by defeating this ruthless bandit!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, as if Zhang Shun and others were already among the officers and soldiers.

Not to mention how proud the officers and soldiers were, let's say that Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi led four thousand cavalry to pull in all the side carriages and shield carriages abandoned by the officers and soldiers.

Zhang incidentally assigned these side carriages to the "King of Troubled Times" and Cao Wenzhao, and assigned the shield carriage to Cao Wenzhao.

The rebel army was not organized as a car camp, and was not allocated enough French machines and prisoner-killing artillery. Zhang Shun asked the whole army to gather together, and picked up some Franjis abandoned by the officers and soldiers, and collected three to four hundred gates, which were distributed among the "King of Chaos" and Cao Bianjiao.

The rest of the cavalry were hidden in the prismatic formation for protection, while Li Shian's more than a hundred golden cannons, field cannons, some cast iron cannons, and more than a hundred captive-killing cannons were all distributed to Cao Wenzhao's troops.

After Cao Wenzhao received Zhang Shun's full support, he knew in his heart that this time he would fight tooth and nail! I'm going to kill my former comrades!

He has no burden at all, Cao Wenzhao is a "god of murder"! The officers and soldiers kill the rebels, and the rebels kill the officers and soldiers, killing to stop killing, do everything possible, and never show mercy!

He himself didn't know how much blood debt he owed and how much blood he had stained. Even Wang Ziyong, the first leader of the rebel army, died in his hands.

If the person who surrendered had not been King Shun who was not closely related to the Yansui Rebel Army, I am afraid that Cao Wenzhao would not have enough heads to chop off!

The rebels hated him to the core, and he knew it; the officers and soldiers also hated him to the core, and he also knew it. Now in the world, only King Shun has the strength and willingness to protect him, and he, Cao Wenzhao, has no choice but to continue to work hard!

Thinking of this, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but smile to the guards on his left and right: "I haven't worn double armor for a long time, and I don't know if my body and bones can withstand it?"

Cao Wenzhao's personal guards on the left and right are all his well-nurtured servants. They have been with him in and out of battles for many years. They know the elegant meaning of the strings and already understand what he means.

The guards couldn't help but laugh and said: "We are born to die. What difference does it make if we die today or die tomorrow? I will have no regrets if I can die with the general! If we make progress today, we will never retreat. If we do not break our true vows in person, we will never regret it." give up!"

"Okay!" Cao Wenzhao shouted, "I would like to die on the same day and live on the same day as you all!"

Immediately, Cao Wenzhao and other servants put on their helmets and armor, wore double armor, turned over and mounted their war horses. Cao Wenzhao issued an order: "Attack!"

The prismatic formation was like a sharp knife, piercing hard into the center of the formation of officers and soldiers.

Li Shi'an had already ordered people to drag up the artillery and put it in Cao Wenzhao's formation to attack together. Cao Wenzhao's infantry stopped after more than ten steps. Li Shi'an took the opportunity to order the gunners to light the artillery. More than 60 large and small artillery shells flew towards the officers and soldiers like raindrops.

When the artillery sounded, Cao Wenzhao led his soldiers in columns and rushed towards the officers and soldiers.

The soldiers were charging, and the artillery of the Second Artillery Regiment was not idle either. The first group began to clear the barrel of the gun, and the second group followed the order and lit the artillery again.

Amidst the deafening sound of artillery, the shells quickly fell into the crowd of officers and soldiers along the "cannon path" left by the rebels. Suddenly, people were on their backs, blood was splashing, and limbs were flying everywhere.

This is another strategy developed by Zhang Shun and Li Shian: "Infantry and artillery coordination"! A long time ago, Zhang Shun, who paid more attention to fire cannons, asked Cao Wen about the tactics of fire cannons.

Cao Wenzhao told Zhang Shun that in addition to firing muskets at each other before the battle, when the two sides engaged in battle, a "gun lane" could be reserved for the musketeers to continue shooting.

Inspired by this, Zhang Shun developed the "artillery method". In fact, the so-called "gun way" or "artillery way" are all about forming columns to launch an attack. The gaps between columns were deliberately left open for the firing of cannons and artillery.

But this requires a high degree of trust and good cooperation between the gunner and the infantry. Otherwise, if you are not careful, the enemy will not be hit, but your own people will be "skewered" by the artillery, which will really cause chaos in the formation.

Thank you to fan "sexualwolf" for the large reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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