Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 653 Charge into battle

It is said that since Cao Wenzhao surrendered to Zhang Shun, he devoted himself to maintaining and treating his body. Apart from this, he has no personal relationships with other generals, nor does he show off his power, and just keeps a low profile. As time goes by, the other generals will inevitably look down upon him.

Only Zhang Shun was deeply impressed by him because he had suffered his first defeat at his hands and lost more than ten thousand young people.

Although Cao Wenzhao is said to be cruel and murderous, and his soldiers have poor military discipline, in terms of his ability to fight, he still deserves to be evaluated as "the best general of the Ming Dynasty".

So Zhang Shun placed him at the tip of the prismatic formation and used it as an assault force. Cao Wenzhao also knew Zhang Shun's intention and deeply felt Zhang Shun's virtue of trust, so he wanted to repay Zhang Shun's kindness.

The "infantry and artillery coordination" tactics designed by Zhang Shun are good, but they also have risks.

The first risk is that it is easy to be accidentally injured by one's own artillery, and the second risk is that the columns are more common and the horizontal lines are loose.

If the morale of the officers and soldiers is high and they can still counterattack after the artillery attack, it is likely that the rebels who launched the charge will suffer heavy losses.

So when Zhang Shun came to discuss with Cao Wenzhao, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "I'm just a surrendered general. Aren't King Shun afraid that I might retaliate?"

"As long as you are not afraid that I will take the opportunity to retaliate and deliberately let you die!" Zhang Shun also laughed after hearing this.

Both of them are understanding people, and Cao Wenzhao knew that if a traitor like himself betrayed the court again, the consequences would not be much better.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun now needs people like himself to fight for him, and he needs to be used as an example of someone who buys horse bones for a thousand pieces of gold.

The most important thing is that both of them know this fact, and they also know each other's thoughts. They can't help but smile at each other, and for a while, the king and his ministers are in love with each other.

The battle began. Cao Wenzhao sat astride his horse and led his soldiers to charge towards the officers and soldiers in front of him.

The gunfire behind him rumbled, and from time to time, black shadows flashed away and flew into the crowd of officers and soldiers in front of him, arousing blood and screams.

It is impossible to say that I am not afraid. Although Cao Wenzhao was a strong general, he was naturally worried that if any of the cannonballs missed, he would be beaten into seven or eight pieces, and he would die a frustrated and miserable death.

However, he could only pray in his heart. He believed that as long as he was not too unlucky, the person who would suffer a tragic death would be the enemy in front of him.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of fighting style since he joined the army. He has served as an officer of the Ming Dynasty for so long, and he knows better than anyone else the virtues of the Ming Dynasty's army.

He was sure that no army could stand still while being attacked by artillery and attacked by the enemy at the same time.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. At eighty, fifty, and thirty steps, Cao Wenzhao could already see the panic in his opponent's eyes.

He could no longer remember how many rounds the officers and soldiers fired at his team, but due to the overly dispersed formation, Cao Wenzhao's troops suffered less losses.

Closer, closer. The rebel army led by Cao Wenzhao shot directly into the chaotic crowd of officers and soldiers like dozens of sharp arrows.

As if there were several arrow sounds of "grabbing, snatching, snatching" in the void, Cao Wenzhao took the lead and led more than ten columns to penetrate among the officers and soldiers.

In order to kill the enemy in front of him more efficiently, Cao Wenzhao even gave up the stabbing technique with the spear. Instead, just like Wei Congyi wielding an iron spear, he swung it left and right, knocking the enemy in front of him off his back.

The servants in front and behind Cao Wenzhao quickly spread out to protect Cao Wenzhao's left and right, to prevent him from falling into the crowd and being "beaten to death by random fists".

After Cao Wenzhao's servants formed a small cone-shaped formation with him, Cao Wenzhao breathed a sigh of relief, took up the spear in his hand, and charged back and forth like a sharp knife.

The officers and soldiers in front of them were huge, not only twice as large as the rebel army, but also several times as large as Cao Wenzhao's troops. However, Cao Wenzhao showed no fear and galloped back and forth, unstoppable. There is quite a bit of the demeanor of "there is room in the joint, but the blade is not thick; if there is room in the blade without thickness, there will be room for maneuvering".

Cao Wenzhao started his career with military exploits and was brave and good at fighting. Facing the panicked officers and soldiers, he didn't need to use his eyes to see, he didn't need to use his ears to listen, and he didn't even need military orders to command. With his sixth sense alone, he can identify the "joints" of the opponent's formation.

Just like a cook cutting an ox, Cao Wenzhao's "sharp knife" can penetrate the "joints" of officers and soldiers with ease, cut their muscles, cut off their tendons, and cause them to disintegrate in an instant.

Cao Wenzhao's enemy in front of him was Liu Guozhen, the deputy commander-in-chief. This person's ability is quite average. He is neither as brave as Ai Wannian nor as smooth as Chai Shihua. He can only act according to orders.

I can't help but underestimate the fact that obeying orders is a first-class virtue for Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

He believed that he studied history books and military art diligently, and was able to deal with the rebels easily. It's just that the communication methods in this era are simple, and it is difficult for the commander to take into account the complex situation on the battlefield.

Therefore, the generals under Hong Chengchou were very independent, so that some generals often liked to make their own decisions, which ruined his plans.

This time Hong Chengchou placed Liu Guozhen, the deputy commander, in the middle just because he was able to act according to orders.

However, neither Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, nor Liu Guozhen, the deputy commander-in-chief, expected that Cao Wenzhao would be so terrifying.

Liu Guozhen commanded his soldiers and fought with Cao Wenzhao for a long time. He was passive and uncomfortable everywhere.

Seeing that the soldiers under his command were about to fall apart under his conscious raids again and again, Liu Guozhen couldn't help but roared and said to his left and right: "The reason why the commander is willing to entrust the middle route to me is because we are waiting for him." He is calm and powerful, able to withstand the enemy's impact. Now Liu is incompetent. Under Cao Wenzhao's attack, he is weak on both sides and has exhausted his skills!"

"For the current plan, only if I personally go into battle and kill this officer can we restore our army's disadvantage on the battlefield. I have already heard of Cao Wenzhao's name, but he is only a human being. He must not have three heads and six arms. I am afraid that he will do something wrong. very?"

"He will die if he is struck by a sword or an axe! Please follow me and fight to the death. After the event is completed, I will privately reward each person with thirty taels of silver!"

When the people on the left and right heard about the reward, their eyes lit up, and they all responded: "I am willing to fight to the death with General Liu, and I will not give up until Cao Wen's decree is executed!"

Liu Guozhen was overjoyed when he saw that his morale was ready. He quickly got on his horse and led everyone to kill Cao Wenzhao.

It is said that Cao Wenzhao was covered in blood and was about to kill him. Suddenly he saw another general leading his troops. He couldn't help but squinted and sneered: "You dare to fight against Cao! Don't you know that Cao is so powerful?" Reputation?"

Liu Guozhen was agitated by Cao Wen's edict and couldn't help but get angry. He pointed his gun at Cao Wen and said: "Since ancient times, I have only heard of bandits surrendering to officers and soldiers, but I have never heard of officers and soldiers willing to become bandits and thieves! "

"You, Cao Wenzhao, were considered a good man, but now you look down on yourself so much. Please note that today is your death anniversary next year!"

Thank you to the fan "Shadow in the Dark Night Silently Watching" for the large reward, thank you to the fan "Book Friends 20190416213522085" for the reward, thank you all for your strong support!

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