Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 657 Reinforcements have arrived

Xiao Qinhu led the Tiger Battalion and rushed forward. Wukong and his fifty personal guards also rushed forward. Zhang Shun was completely wiped out.

Gao Guiying was a little panicked and couldn't help asking anxiously: "Why don't you keep more people around daddy? This is too dangerous!"

"What are you afraid of? The fighter planes on the battlefield are fleeting. I agreed with Changzhi and others to meet up at three o'clock, and now it's almost time to look at the sun."

"I prepare to launch a counterattack on the right and front of the rebel army. Before Chen Changzhen arrives, I will defeat Wang Chengen's troops on the left and break through the barrier of the middle army. When Chen Changzhen arrives, I will attack Zuo Guang's vanguard on the right wing of the army. By then, the officers and soldiers will be completely defeated, and our army will attack from the left. The three groups on the center and right turned around and surrounded the officers and soldiers, surrounding Hong Chengchou to death in the camp!" In fact, Zhang Shun was a little uneasy, but victory was in front of him, so he had to put all his strength into action as soon as possible.

In fact, Zhang Shun still had some things he didn't say. When Hong Chengchou first set up the formation, he must have arranged for Zuo Guang to show weakness first, trying to attract the left wing of the rebel army near the Jianhe River, forming a sloping formation with the left side of the officers and soldiers in front and the right wing behind, making it easier for "Lu Xiangsheng" to rush in to attack the rebel army. behind.

But Zhang Shun also had the same plan, so he placed the weaker "King of Chaos" troops on the left wing to resist the Zuo Guangxian troops on the right wing.

One is showing weakness to the enemy, and the other is really weak to the enemy. For a while, it is hard to tell the difference between them, no one can distinguish the superior from the inferior.

Zhang Shun's plan was similar to that of the hero Hong Chengchou. He also planned to attract the officers and soldiers to the right wing of the Jianhe River, so that Chen Changzhen, Li Jiyu, Li Mou and others who came to support could attack the officers and soldiers' right wing through the pontoon bridge built by the officers and soldiers. back.

Since the number of officers and soldiers was twice that of the rebels, even with the addition of the three battalions led by Chen Changzhen, Li Jiyu and Li Mou, it was still lower than the 40,000 men under Hong Chengchou's command.

How can it be defeated by using a small number of people to attack a large number of people without a clever plan?

Not long after, Xiao Qinhu arrived at the left wing of the officers and soldiers. He then gathered Li Xin, Gao Yigong, Cao Bianjiao and others. A total of four people and three battalions formed a local advantage, and together they fought against the veteran Wang Chengen.

Wang Chengen used 5,000 elite troops to resist the flanking attack of 6,000 rebel troops from the front and rear. He was already weak on the left and right, so he dug the east wall to make up for the west wall. Now that Xiao Qinhu has been added, how can he survive? For a time, Wang Chengen's ministry was crumbling and in danger.

At the same time, Wukong was wearing three layers of armor, like a god descending into the world. Ordinary projectiles and arrows shot at him were like scratching an itch, unable to break through the defense.

Although Wukong was wearing heavy armor, he could still move freely. He and Cao Wenzhao led more than a hundred elite soldiers, pushing the shield carts that the officers and soldiers had abandoned, piled wet soil on them, and attacked the officers and soldiers' barrier.

Faced with the tactics of the rebels, the officers and soldiers had already given up on the artillery-fired tactics and only used solid bullets to destroy the shield carts pushed up by the rebels.

The firepower of the firecrackers and Franchise machines was weak, and it was difficult to penetrate the mud-filled shield vehicles of the rebels. And a large number of the highly accurate captive-killing cannons fell into the hands of the rebels, and the officers and soldiers had to use the general cannon and the Hongyi cannon to make up for it.

The General Cannon and the Hongyi Cannon are powerful and have a long range, but they are difficult to load. Is there a scientific artillery system like the Rebel Army? The accuracy is also impressive. Nine times out of ten, they miss the target.

At the same time, Li Shi'an's Second Artillery Regiment was not idle, and once again used "cannonballs" to launch successive attacks on the officers and soldiers' barriers.

This was a very common "infantry and artillery coordination" tactic in later generations. If we carry out attacks in this era, it is still as generous and glorious as expected.

Although not many officers and soldiers were actually hit, the rumbling sound of the artillery and the unknown flying shells were enough to cause strong psychological pressure on the defending soldiers and gunners.

For a time, the officers and soldiers' lines from the left wing to the center began to falter.

The governor of the five provinces, Hong Chengchou, had a livid face. He ignored the dazzling sunlight and looked up at the sun again. He said angrily: "It's already three o'clock in the morning. What on earth is the governor of Yunyang, Lu Xiangsheng, doing? Why haven't we arrived yet?"

This era still continued the habits of the inefficient agricultural era, and often judged time based on experience. Although it seems to be the last three moments now, looking at it in a little while, it cannot be said that it will still be the last three moments, and it is no wonder that "Lu Xiangsheng" missed the deadline.

In fact, it's no wonder that Chen Changzhen, Li Jyu and Li Mou arrived so slowly. In order to avoid exposing the rebels' plan to pretend to be officers and soldiers, and to prevent Hong Chengchou from finding out, they had to set up camp south of Yique.

It was nearly thirty miles from the camp near Yique to the northwest corner of Luoyang City. During this period, we still had to cross the Luohe River and the Jianhe River, so it took a long time.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was waiting for reinforcements, and Zhang Shun was also waiting for reinforcements. Because the rebel city could climb high and see far away, Zhang Shun also turned back frequently to check what was going on in the city.

A short period of time seemed like centuries. Zhang Shun felt that his neck was a little sore, and then he suddenly saw the flag on the city flickering.

He almost thought he was dazzled, but he couldn't help but take a closer look, and found that the signal conveyed by the flag was indeed the message that Chen Changzhen, Li Jiyu, Li Mou and others had arrived, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After the joy, Zhang Shun calmed down a little, only to realize that it did nothing except make himself feel better.

The scripts that should be arranged have been arranged, and everything is waiting for Chen Changzhen, Li Jiyu, Li Mou and others to come over and start acting. Zhang Shun only had fifty personal guards in his hands, so he couldn't actually do anything.

The circumference of Luoyang City was only eight miles and 340 steps. Less than a quarter of an hour after Zhang Shun received the news that the reinforcements had arrived, a flag with the words "Governor of Yunyang Lu" was flying on the other side of the Jian River.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, who had been slowly practicing Tai Chi with the "King of Troubled Times", saw this and couldn't help but shouted: "The imperial court has spent money on food and wages, and has been besieging Luoyang City for a long time, but it has never been able to leave. Now that reinforcements have arrived, We soldiers have been in vain for more than two hundred years of the emperor's favor, so why should we die to serve our country?"

Then he took the lead and launched a fierce attack on the "King of Chaos" department. The soldiers under the "King of Troubled Times" were not as elite as Zuo Guangxian's officers and soldiers, not to mention they were caught off guard. How could the "King of Troubled Times" be Zuo Guangxian's opponent? He was immediately beaten and defeated.

When Zhang Shun saw it from a distance, he couldn't help being shocked. He quickly ordered his left and right officers to shout loudly: "The rebel reinforcements have arrived. The officers and soldiers are under attack from both sides and are about to die!" to boost morale.

The "King of Troubled Times" couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, and quickly ordered others to shout loudly. When Zuo Guangxian heard this, he couldn't help being shocked, and he quickly suppressed his frightened mind and retorted: "The reinforcements of the officers and soldiers have arrived, and the bandits are struggling to the death!" However, the public said that the public was right and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right, and the soldiers on both sides were at a loss for what to do.

Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, looked back in surprise and uncertainty at the officers and soldiers crossing the river. He couldn't help but draw up his long bow and shoot an arrow at the "King of Troubled Times" who was shouting back and forth.

Unexpectedly, the arrow hit the "King of Chaos" in the throat, and he screamed and fell off his horse.

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