Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 658 Death of Zhang Shun

The "King of Chaos" died unexpectedly, completely disrupting Zhang Shun's plan. Seeing that the left wing of the officers and soldiers and the middle road of the officers and soldiers were not broken, but the left wing of the rebel army was about to be defeated by the right wing of the officers and soldiers, how could Zhang Shun not be anxious? He quickly got on his horse and headed up with his left and right guards.

Gao Guiying couldn't help but grabbed his red shirt and said, "Dad, what are you going to do? As the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, how can you be involved in danger?"

Zhang Shun anxiously glanced at the "King of Troubled Times" unit of the rebel army, and shouted sternly: "Others are in danger, so how can I not be in danger? Now, the "King of Troubled Times" department is at least involved in the safety of three thousand troops, and at worst involved in the overall victory or defeat. How can I put the three armies in danger just because I am personally afraid of death?"

Originally, Gao Guiying was not so determined, but after hearing this, she clung to Zhang Shun's clothes and refused to let go.

It turned out that Gao Guiying personally judged that it was more dangerous to go there. Now Zhang Shun also made the same judgment. How could he be allowed to make a mistake?

It doesn't matter that Zhang Shun himself died in vain, it's just that there is one less anxious pervert in the world. If the commander-in-chief of the three armies died, what would happen?

Zhang Shun couldn't get into trouble with her, and saw that the war situation was urgent. He had no choice but to take off his golden chainmail shirt, throw it to the ground, and then rush away.

Gao Guiying couldn't catch up, so he had to pick up Zhang Shun's jersey and trotted after him.

When Zhang Shun arrived at the "King of Chaos" formation, the rebels were already fighting on their own and were in danger.

Zhang Shun couldn't help shouting: "I am King Shun. Please listen to my orders. Just hold on for a quarter of an hour and reinforcements will arrive! By the way, where is the 'King of Chaos'? Is the injury serious?"

On the left and right were veterans of the "King of Troubled Times". When they recognized Zhang Shun, they couldn't help but cry with tears in their eyes: "Your Highness, King Shun, is truly unparalleled in his benevolence and righteousness. He will practice what he says and he will not deceive us! It's just that 'King of Troubled Times' 'Unfortunately, he has died in battle now!"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. He knew that the "King of Chaos" was shot off his horse and was only seriously injured. He never expected that his old friend had left now!

He ignored his sadness and quickly commanded: "Which team is free? Please block the left side for me. The formation on the right side is in chaos, which team can temporarily replace them?"

Zhang Shun knew nothing about the establishment and personnel of the "King of Troubled Times", so he had to rely on his own prestige to take the initiative to ask.

Fortunately, there were many old men on the left and right who knew Zhang Shun, and they quickly volunteered to help maintain the formation that was already riddled with holes. Zhang Shun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that victory was just around the corner!

But Zhang Shun never expected that his golden chainmail, which was no longer covered by his shirt, would shine with golden light under the sun that had begun to turn westward, almost blinding the eyes of Shaanxi Commander Zuo Guangxian.

Zuo Guangxian felt even more uneasy. He turned to look at the "reinforcements" that were starting to cross the river, but found that the officers and soldiers stationed on the pontoon seemed to be missing.

He looked up at Luoyang City again, and seemed to understand something. He couldn't help but loudly said to the people around him: "Those who wear golden armor must obey thieves! Now Hong Hengjiu is incompetent, so that the officers and soldiers are in danger. The only way to kill this officer is to kill him." There is a chance of victory! I wonder if anyone is willing to follow me to death?"

Both the left and right are servants of Zuo Guangxian, how can they not follow him? They all responded: "It is a matter of loyalty to the emperor to eat the emperor's salary. We have been favored by General Zuo for a long time, and we should die now!"

Seeing that his morale was ready, Zuo Guang couldn't help but smile and said: "When I am alive, I will reward you with silver, and when I die, I will support your family for your kindness. Don't worry about it!" Then he selected three hundred servants and rode them in armor. Array.

Although Zhang Shun started out as a soldier, in fact, apart from most of the rebels attacking the formations of officers and soldiers, this was the first time he encountered being charged into formation by officers and soldiers.

The "King of Troubled Times" didn't know how to deal with it, but the sidecar assigned to him by Zhang Shun had already been lost.

Zhang Shun was not very familiar with the men and horses under his command. He had no choice but to order the Franchismen to form a line, the spearmen to form a line, and the axemen to form a line for defense.

When Zuo Guangxian led his servants to fifty steps, Fran's machine fired at once, forming a dense and continuous firepower.

Zuo Guangxian's cavalry suddenly fell on their backs. Fortunately, the rear-mounted Fran machine had poor airflow and limited power. It was difficult to penetrate the officers and soldiers wearing double armor, so the losses were not that serious.

The rebel Franji, like the officers and soldiers, also prepared five muskets. Not long after, Franji's burst of fire was exhausted, and Zuo Guang's cavalry arrived in front of him.

The Franchise operator quickly abandoned the heavy Franchise in his hand and hid in the spear array behind him.

Zuo Guangxian had no expression on his face, and without hesitation, he led his servants directly into the hedgehog-like spear array.

A war horse weighing six hundred kilograms, a warrior weighing more than a hundred kilograms, and armor and weapons weighing thirty or fifty kilograms, together, although not a thousand kilograms, are still seven or eight hundred kilograms. It hit him like a siege cone. How could a body of flesh and blood resist it?

Immediately the spearman was knocked over and his gun was broken and his bones were broken. Of course, at the same time, the cavalry of the officers and soldiers were not much better. Some were lifted up in the air by the spears with their bottoms pressed against the ground, struggling to survive; some had their horses injured and fell to the ground. There will be no interest. There are even many people who have been stabbed all over, including people and horses, and they live together like a centaur.

The spear array was knocked away, and Zuo Guangxian's cavalry also lost speed, and the two sides fought together. The spearman lost his formation and could not move. Instead, he was suppressed by the servant wearing double armor.

Fortunately, at this time, the swordsman took the opportunity to catch up, slashing down on the horse's legs and on the knight, fighting with the officers and soldiers, and the two sides were inextricably killed for a while.

Zhang Shun stood behind the formation and hesitated for a moment, about to decide whether he should lead the left and right guards to fight. Unexpectedly, part of the sword and axemen suddenly collapsed, and Zuo Guangxian led dozens of riders to break out.

It turned out that the soldiers under the "King of Troubled Times" were mixed, and some of the swordsmen and axemen saw that the officers and soldiers were wearing double armor and had superb martial arts skills, and they could not resist, so they broke up on their own.

It didn't matter that he collapsed, but he sold Zhang Shun out. Zhang Shun saw that it was not good and quickly led his left and right guards to greet him.

But who is Zhang Shun's opponent to the mighty Zuo Guangxian? Coupled with the fact that he was wearing gleaming golden armor, all the weapons of the officers and soldiers were directed at him.

At the end of the battle, seven or eight of the guards guarding Zhang Shun were killed, and Zhang Shun was also hit by three swords and one shot. Fortunately, his golden armor looked unusual, and it was also unusual in use, and it failed to pierce the armor.

Seeing that Chen Changzhen and others had already reached behind the officers and soldiers, the victory of the rebel army was certain, and Zhang was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Guang first shouted: "The thief is here to die!" He rushed up again. Zhang Shun didn't want to fight him to the death, so he patted his horse and left.

Zuo Guangxian refused to follow him, and pursued him closely. Zhang Shun secretly understood, but when Zuo Guang approached first, he threw the nine-foot-five-inch steel whip back, hitting his right arm.

Zuo Guang's right arm was penetrated by Zhang Shun's steel whip first, and he dropped the spear in pain. Just as the war horse arrived on Zhang Shun's right side, he drew the knife with his left hand and slashed Zhang Shun's throat.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but cover his neck and fell off the horse.

Thanks to fan "sexualwolf" for the large reward, thank you to fan "Zi Ruruo" for the reward, and thank you all for supporting the author!

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