Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 666 Zhang Shun meets the generals (Part 1)

Zhang Shun and Lu Weiqi came out of the prison. When Lu Xiangsheng saw that he didn't even have anyone to play chess with, he couldn't help shouting: "Shun, thief, tell me if you want to kill me or behead me! Why is Lu locked up here?" What’s the point?”

Zhang Shun has been "lying dead" in bed for three days. Now that things are so complicated, how can he have time to worry about him?

But after all, Lu Xiangsheng was also a person, and Zhang Shun didn't like to speak harshly, so he had no choice but to write a few lines with a brush and hand them to Lu Xiangsheng.

Lu Xiangsheng then lowered his head and saw that it read: "Anyway, you are idle, so just stay here for now!"

Ni Ma, no matter how good-tempered Lu Xiangsheng is, he still has to scold him. Do you think this is human language?

"What the hell?"

"Huh?" Zhang Shun looked back and stared, a wave of momentum coming towards him.

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but hesitate, and subconsciously changed his words: "Your word is so ugly!"

Zhang turned around and waved his hands to look after himself. Only then did Lu Xiangsheng let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of suffocation in his heart.

Although he, Lu Xiangsheng, was a civil servant, he was very capable and courageous, and he was not as capable as a military attaché when charging into battle. He never knew what he was afraid of.

But now, he really felt a chill in this famous "shun thief".

This is not because of how good his martial arts skills are, nor how cruel he is, but that his martial arts skills are better than ordinary people, and he is also quite gentle.

However, the key point is that the words he and Lu Weiqi talked about in prison really gave him a chill to his bones. Because that is the big conspiracy that can change the world and turn everything upside down.

After leaving the palace prison, Li Xiang and Liu Rushi also looked excited, but they hesitated to speak for fear of leaking the secret.

When Zhang Shun and Lu Weiqi returned to their residence, Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance were holding tea cups in the room and looking at the red lady frequently.

After a long while, Zhang Shenyan couldn't bear it any longer and couldn't help but ask: "Madam invites us two to come here today to discuss the Lord's affairs?"

The red lady was obviously taken aback and couldn't help but smile: "That's exactly what happened. What do you two think?"

Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but responded quickly: "Now the lord's children are only Zhang Huaji and Zhang Ping'an, and the only biological child is Zhang Ping'an. Although my wife is pregnant now, it is still unknown whether she is a boy or a girl. If it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid something will change! "

The red lady felt happy in her heart, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but look at Song Xiance and said, "Is it possible that Mr. Song has the same view?"

"Confused!" Song Xiance accused Zhang Shenyan with a heartbroken look, "King Shun is not as powerful as the weak crown now, and the world is still uncertain. How can we talk about supporting a young master?"

"It's been three days!" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but argue after hearing this, "How can we put our hope in ghosts and gods?"

The red lady was a little curious at this time, and couldn't help but ask Song Xiance: "Mr. Song has confidence in King Shun. I don't know why you are so sure?"

"In the past, when King Wu defeated Zhou, he lived in Quaihuo. The three places of Quaihuo were Liu, Xing, and Zhang, which were the land of three rivers and dominated the divisions of Zhou."

"Although the Ziwei star was dim a few days ago, it did not appear to have shifted. The left assistant and right cross are still shining. When the lord is in danger, the ministers will assist in the administration."

"In my opinion, in the next few days, the Lord will wake up, prosper, and create a foundation for eternity!"

Song Xiance's words are indeed high-end. In the past, the ancients divided the stars in the world into three walls, four elephants, twelve times, and twenty-eight constellations.

Among them, the three walls refer to Ziweiyuan, Taiweiyuan and Tianshiyuan. Among them, Ziwei Yuan symbolizes the residence of the emperor, and Ziwei Star symbolizes the emperor.

The twenty-eight constellations are divided into seven constellations in the southeast, northwest and four directions. Among them, the seven constellations of Canglong in the east are Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei and Ji; the seven constellations of Suzaku in the south are well, ghost, willow, star and Zhang. , Yi, Zhen; the seven constellations of the white tiger in the west are Kui, Lou, Wei, Pleiades, Bi, Xi, and Shen; the seven constellations of the Xuanwu in the north are dou, ox, female, xu, danger, room, and wall.

The twelve stars refer to Xingji, Xuanzhu, Gaozi, Jianglou, Daliang, Shichen, Quail's head, Quail's fire, Quail's tail, longevity star, Huohuo and Ximu.

The so-called age is in the Quail Fire, in which the Quail Fire is the position of the star, which is compared with the three constellations of Liu, Xing and Zhang in the Southern Suzaku of the twenty-eight constellations.

The location of these three places on the ground is exactly the land of Sanhe and Luoyang of the Zhou people, that is, where the three counties of Henan, Hedong and Hanoi were located in ancient times.

They almost correspond to the three places of Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi, Huaiqing Prefecture and Henan Prefecture in Henan during the Ming Dynasty. They are all places where Zhang Shun often wandered since he started his army.

Not to mention that Song Xiance was very talkative but could easily deceive many people. Not to mention the red lady who didn't know much about this, even Zhang Shenyan, who had a little experience, was almost deceived by him.

"The age of the quail fire" is beneficial to the Zhou Dynasty, which is exactly the auspicious sign of King Wu's defeat of Zhou in the past. King Shun and the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are also fighting here today. The astrology is very auspicious. Isn't it a sign of good luck, great success and great achievements?

Although Zhang Shenyan was "silent and confused", he was choked by Song Xiance for a while. After a long while, he finally regained his breath and angrily admonished the Red Lady: "It is impossible to predict the power of gods and gods, so it should not be relied upon."

"Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" even says: A prophet cannot be based on ghosts and gods, cannot be modeled on things, and cannot be tested. How can the great events of the country be inferred from the things of ghosts and gods?"

When the red lady heard this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing. Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance couldn't help but be puzzled. Madam Hong had always been graceful and dignified. How could she be so frivolous today?

Just when Zhang Shun heard laughter, he couldn't help but push the door open and enter. Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance couldn't help but be stunned. It took them a while to react, and they quickly stood up to pay their respects to Zhang Shun.

Only then did Song Xiance have time to boast: "I told you a long time ago that my lord is fine, and I keep my heart in my heart. But Mr. Zhang is troublesome, which makes my lord and his wife unhappy!"

Zhang Shun glanced at the red lady in confusion, then she smiled and explained the matter simply. After hearing this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head, stretched out his hand for a pen and paper and wrote: "You two were frightened, but fortunately I am fine. This is what Zhang Gong said when he planned for the country, and Song Xiance also used it as a mainstay. Both of you Don’t worry about it.”

Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance breathed a sigh of relief, and then they discovered that Zhang Shun actually communicated with them using pen and paper. They couldn't help but feel a little confused?

Zhang Shun smiled and pointed at his throat, telling the two of them that he really had no choice but to do it reluctantly.

Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance were being motioned by Zhang Shun to sit down. When they saw this, they almost moved their seats and fell to the ground: Are your feelings really dead?

It's no wonder that Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance were startled. Not to mention that you had such a big cut on your throat, but you stayed in bed for three more days. Who believed you when you said that you were not dead?

Of course, Zhang Shun himself was a little bit dumbfounded. In ancient times, people usually had to bury the body for seven days after death, but sometimes the weather was too hot and the body was not smelly, so it was only allowed to stay for three days. If the Red Lady and others had been more careless, maybe she would be on the way to the funeral now.

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