Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 667 Zhang Shun meets the generals (Part 2)

Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance, and Zhang Shun sat down in order, and then they seemed to have seen Lu Weiqi. They casually crossed their hands, which was regarded as a greeting.

This moment made Lu Weiqi's nose almost crooked with anger: You two old bastards locked me up without saying anything. If King Shun hadn't been "resurrected", wouldn't I have lost my life for no reason?

Now that things have happened, you haven’t even said a word of apology when we met. It’s really unreasonable!

Lu Weiqi couldn't help but asked with some displeasure: "Don't you two apologize for what you did to Lu?"

"I'm really sorry. You are a two-mouthed person. After eating, I will eat the east end and the west end. Which end do you want to eat?" Song Xiance replied with a smile after hearing this.

Ni Ma, you got an advantage and acted like a good boy, but now you want to slander me! Lu Weiqi was already fifty years younger, but he still refused to accept his old age, so he rolled up his sleeves and started fighting with Song Xiance.

Zhang Shenyan quickly pulled Lu Weiqi and said: "Our relationship with you is a business matter, not a personal enmity. How can we abolish the official position for personal reasons? What's more, don't look at Mr. Song, whose beard and hair are all white. In fact, he may not be much older than you. He can dust the dust with one hand." It’s so amazing, Mr. Lu still needs to be careful!”

Well, Maipi, Lu Weiqi became even more furious when he saw that this guy was a deviant and tried to convince himself to be "generous".

Speaking of Song Xiance's whisk, Lu Weiqi also heard a little bit about it. He heard that this man could break bones and muscles with a whisk, so it was better for him to be a good man and not suffer the immediate consequences. Thinking of this, Lu Weiqi got off the slope and returned to his seat angrily.

It was only then that he suddenly realized that King Shun had been silent for a while. Lu Weiqi secretly glanced at King Shun and saw that he had no reaction. An idea flashed in his mind, and he immediately realized what he was doing.

What a shame, what about the acting of Song Xiance and Zhang Shenyan?

It turned out that when Song Xiance and Zhang Shenyan saw Lu Weiqi coming out with Zhang Shun, they knew that they must have reached a deal.

In this case, it is natural for Lu Weiqi, as a native of Henan Prefecture, to increase his power greatly in the future.

As King Shun's closest confidants, they naturally had to avoid getting into trouble with him. It happened that they had offended me, so instead of just following the trend, it would be better to break up with me in front of King Shun!

Lu Weiqi was furious and hated these two people. He couldn't help but secretly said cruelly: "Don't be so arrogant. Only you two will be beautiful when the sunset falls into my hands!"

Not to mention what everyone was thinking, Zhang Shun saw clearly, heard clearly, and understood in his heart, but he just pretended not to know and still waited quietly for the arrival of the generals.

Generals Cao Wenzhao, Chen Changzhen, Li Xin, Gao Yigong, and Wei Zhiyou arrived one after another. Naturally, everyone was surprised and happy to see Zhang Shun, and they hurriedly paid their respects.

This is the brilliance of Zhang Shun. The red lady thought that taking Zhang Shun's autographed letter and stamping it with a seal would be enough to reassure everyone, but it was not the case.

These people are all talented people, and are even more proficient in military affairs. They have long been keenly aware of the defeat of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces. This is the time to beat up the drowned dog. In order to silence them?

As soon as this letter comes out, doesn't it mean that there is no three hundred taels of silver in this place?

Fortunately, Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu were brothers. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they didn't have second thoughts for the time being. As for the others, Zhang Shun was in fashion and could not guarantee his loyalty, not to mention that he was gone?

Therefore, after Zhang Shun woke up, in addition to pulling Lu Weiqi, the representative of the Henan gentry, from the prison, he immediately summoned the generals to calm people's hearts.

In order to prevent the generals from having doubts, they were worried that if there was a change in the leadership, they would take the opportunity to catch all the generals in one fell swoop. Zhang Shun also deliberately divided his generals into two groups and summoned them separately.

Otherwise, if the generals are uneasy and take the opportunity to rebel and join the officers and soldiers, then the matter will be serious.

Among the generals, Cao Wenzhao reacted the fastest. As soon as he saw Zhang Shun, he immediately understood the meaning of King Shun's summons in batches.

On the one hand, it can prevent officers and soldiers from suddenly attacking the city. If the generals are not present, the soldiers will lose their position. Second, it can prevent rebellions caused by misjudgments.

To put it bluntly, this defense is actually the main defense against Cao Wenzhao. King Shun deliberately summoned him and his nephew Cao Bianjiao separately, and at the same time he also wanted to calm his mind.

When Cao Wenzhao thought about this, not only did he not feel disgusted, but he couldn't help but secretly admire Zhang Shun's thoughtfulness.

Since King Shun is fine, the fate of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, will not be so good. How could he have different intentions at this time?

As soon as he thought of this, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but laughed and said: "There were rumors among the soldiers outside the city that 'something bad happened to King Shun'. Now that King Shun is in front of us, it can be seen that the three of them have become tigers! I will definitely wait until I return to the camp." We must appease the soldiers to avoid falling into the tricks of the officers and soldiers!”

Zhang Shun saw that Cao Wenzhao was quite right, so he couldn't help but look at him with approval, and wrote in a quick pen: "It may not be true, but to be honest, I have actually been dead for three days. Fortunately, God has favored me, and I am resurrected today. Although I cannot speak, I miss you all a lot in my heart, so I invite you all to come and talk."

Only then did everyone notice that the wounds on Zhang Shun's throat were caused by those who were fighting on the battlefield, so they didn't know how dangerous they were. They couldn't help but admire and said: "People often say: God's destiny is in his favor. I have heard this kind of words too many times, so I don't really believe it. Now I see that although King Shun has injured his vitals, he is not in danger of his life. It is really a blessing from God. also!"

"As the saying goes: If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. Congratulations to King Shun for surviving this catastrophe. You will surely have smooth sailing and achieve great treasures in the future!"

Zhang Shun was slightly polite, but he also suffered from it. Seeing that his morale was ready, he wrote: "Now that I have woken up, how can I let Hong Chengchou live an easy life? Now that the 'King of Troubled Times' has died in battle, we will wait for the rebel army to win, and then pay homage to his spirit in heaven!"

"It's just that now he is an independent man. He has neither brothers nor relatives or friends by his side. I don't know who is better to lead his troops?"

When the generals heard this, they couldn't help but feel hot in their hearts. There were three thousand more troops for no reason. Isn't that just a piece of fat meat?

Fortunately, Cao Wenzhao and Chen Changzhen also knew that their prestige was high and they already had a battalion of men under their command, so they should have no chance.

Li Xin, Gao Yigong and Wei Zhiyou couldn't help but feel happy when they heard this, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

After a long while, they quickly responded: "King Shun alone makes the decision, and we have no objections!"

What he wanted was this kind of effect. Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and wrote: "In that case, let's do this!"

"In the battle of the past few days, Li Xin and Gao Yigong performed well. Previously, because I was worried about the new death of 'King Chuang', Gao Yigong was too young to intimidate the generals, so I ordered Li Xin to take his place."

"Now that Gao Yigong has proven his ability and is the heir to Gaoying, I will order you to lead Gaoying. What do you think?"

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