Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 680 A strange combination of circumstances

Hearing the man's voice, everyone turned around and saw a general in black clothes and armor driving over with more than a hundred cavalry.

When the general galloped up to him, he turned over and dismounted. After everyone took a closer look through the lights, they realized that it was General Cao Wen who had issued the imperial edict.

When He Renlong saw that it was Cao Wenzhao who was coming, he felt a little timid. First he suffered a loss at the hands of others, and now he has his heart set on him, so how can he dare to put on airs?

He quickly put down his weapon and said somewhat flatteringly: "It turned out to be General Cao. Now I also admire King Shun's kindness and join the rebel army. From now on, we will all be colleagues. Please take care of him in the future."

Cao Wenzhao glanced at the scene with his big eyes, and he understood everything in his heart. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Since we are colleagues, why are we facing each other with swords? Do you think King Shun's sword is disadvantageous?"

A person's name, the shadow of a tree. If these words were said by Li Xin or Li Fuchen, He Renlong would definitely be unconvinced.

But since these words came out of Cao Wenzhao's mouth, He Renlong couldn't help but feel frightened.

He quickly nodded and bowed in response: "What General Cao said is true. He was just joking with this young general just now."

"Don't worry. Since He has surrendered to King Shun, he will only obey King Shun's military orders. Don't dare to neglect! General, please speak more kind words for me and don't let King Shun blame me."

Cao Wenzhao, as the most prestigious person among the surrendered generals, had no second thoughts for the time being, but it did not prevent him from trying to improve his status.

Seeing that He Renlong was almost beaten, Cao Wenzhao nodded with satisfaction and said: "Easy to say, easy to say. King Shun has always been benevolent and righteous. As long as you change your old bad habits and obey military orders, I can keep you safe. It's just that. If you violate military law, let alone Cao Wenzhao, even if I, the King of Heaven, come here, I won’t be able to protect you!”

At this time, He Renlong had not yet contracted the bad habit of running with long legs in the future, but he did have some ability. Hearing this, he quickly assured: "General Cao, don't worry, Sajia has been a soldier for so many years, and he still understands the principles of acting according to orders. Don't think that our military discipline is not good. You were also an officer and soldier in the past, so you should know the ropes. Please know this It’s also because the army’s food and salary are not good, so the supervisor just turns a blind eye.”

Not to mention others, the military discipline under Cao Wenzhao's command was not very good. Now that he saw the congratulations, he said no more.

At this time, Li Xin stepped forward and talked about supporting the Tiger Camp and Gao Camp. The two discussed for a while, and simply left the "Chaos Battalion" with questionable combat effectiveness to supervise and contain the He Renlong tribe, and Cao Wenzhao led his elite troops to support.

Just as Cao Wenzhao was leading his men to attack Zuo Guang's troops, Lintao's general commander Wang Chengen's troops, who had been stationed at the camp in the northwest corner of Luoyang City, could no longer stand it.

There were rebels blocking him in front, and artillery fire from the city behind him. No matter how elite his men were, they couldn't stop him from losing his life in vain.

Wang Chengen persisted for a long time, not knowing what the time was at that time. When he looked up, he saw a hazy night and heard the sounds of fighting everywhere.

Although he didn't know what the fighting situation was like between the two sides, Wang Chengen, based on past experience, thought that it was almost time for the army to retreat.

He then said to his left and right: "We have been delaying for a long time. The officers and soldiers should have retreated. Now is the time to think about their own lives! I want to lead the troops to break out of the encirclement to the west, to the Jianhe River, and move along the river bank to the camp. I don't know. What do you think?"

When the rest of the people heard that they were about to flee for their lives, how could they not want to do so? They quickly responded: "I am willing to die serving the commander-in-chief!"

Wang Chengen saw that his morale was still usable, so he took advantage of the gaps in the rebel artillery fire and quickly led his troops to break out of the encirclement westward.

The Yulin camp that besieged Wang Chengen's tribe only numbered three thousand, and its strength was slightly inferior to Wang Chengen's tribe. Originally suppressed by the artillery under Li Shi'an and the artillery on the city, Yulin Camp still had the upper hand.

But once Wang Chengen decided to lead his troops to break out of the encirclement, the Yulin camp would be a little unbearable. In particular, the Yulin Battalion was Zhang Shun's model battalion and was often personally commanded by Zhang Shun in the past.

This time, because Zhang Shun's body had not recovered yet and he could not take personal risks, he could only command the overall situation from a distance in the city. The specific command of Yulin Camp fell to Jiang He.

When it comes to fighting in the war, Jiang He is a first-class expert, but when it comes to commanding the battle, he is still barely interested.

Wang Chengen tried his best to break out of the encirclement, but the rebels there could no longer hold back. Jiang He only discovered the movements of the officers and soldiers at this time.

How could it be too late to mobilize troops and generals at this time? Just when Jiang He was helpless, Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi, the cavalrymen under the Yulin camp, reacted quickly and got on their horses one after another, chasing after Jiang He without waiting for Jiang He's order.

Jiang He suddenly realized this, and quickly commanded the Yulin Battalion to bite Wang Chengen's troops, fearing that if he disrupted the situation, he would miss King Shun's important event.

As luck would have it, Wang Chengen ran very fast, but was not very lucky. Both sides were blind, and many soldiers suffered from night blindness, so they wandered around like blind men.

The rebels were okay. Zhang Shun used lights as a signal on the city wall to reluctantly command and cooperate with each other. The officers and soldiers have long been dispersed by the rebels. The soldiers do not know the generals, the generals do not know the soldiers, and the generals do not know the generals. How do they know what the current situation is?

Wang Chengen's troops turned westward and were about to reach the shore of the sparkling Jian River, when they suddenly ran into a group of people.

Both sides could not see the flag clearly, so Wang Chengen quickly asked his soldiers to ask: "Who are your troops and why are you here?"

Upon hearing this, the person on the other side was a little unsure of the purpose of Wang Chengen's troops, and couldn't help but ask: "Who are they? How did they get here?"

When Wang Chengen heard that the person opposite spoke with a Shaanxi accent, he became a little more wary and asked someone to respond casually: "I am the general of the Ming Dynasty's Lintao army, Wang Chengen's department. What kind of people do you have?"

The person on the other side responded quickly: "I am the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, Zuo Guang. Because I heard that the officers and soldiers were separated by thieves, the commander specially sent us to come and gather you all."

Wang Chengen was a little moved when he heard this. He quickly ordered his soldiers to approach "Zuo Guang's Front" and asked for help: "The thieves are chasing me in a hurry. Please give me a helping hand!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Everyone in front of them responded quickly when they heard the words and approached Wang Chengen's tribe.

Just when the two sides saw their faces clearly, "Zuo Guangxian's troops" suddenly launched an attack and attacked them with swords and guns. Wang Cheng'en's troops were caught off guard and more than a hundred people were killed by the opponent.

Fortunately, Wang Chengen also had some skills. He quickly ordered his soldiers to defend, and at the same time cursed: "What a thief, how dare you deceive us!"

It was only then that I heard the "thief" on the other side laugh and say: "You are the commander-in-chief of Lintao troops, and I am also the commander-in-chief of Lintao troops. We are old friends, but we don't know each other?"

"Cao Wenzhao!" Wang Cheng'en's eyes were so cracked that he wanted to cut him into pieces, but he still couldn't forgive his hatred.

"That's right, you are really my general!" Cao Wenzhao said with a proud smile, "This accent sounds familiar, right?"

It turns out that Cao Wenzhao once served as the chief military officer of Lintao and had many Lintao guards under his command. Wang Chengen was careless and bumped into Cao Wenzhao who was going to support Xiao Qinhu and Gao Yigong, so he took advantage of his coaxing.

Wang Chengen was entangled in Cao Wenzhao for a while and could not escape. Wei Congyi and Zhao Lizi from the Yulin camp pursued them again, and were immediately surrounded by the rebels.

This really made the sky unresponsive and the earth unresponsive. Wang Chengen had no choice but to order his soldiers to shrink into a circular formation and wait for help.

Once again, I am asking everyone for a monthly pass.

One more thing, the baby at home is feeling a little unwell. He will be hospitalized early tomorrow morning for a minor operation. He is expected to stay for two days. If nothing unexpected happens, he should be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow. Since I don’t know if the hospital has the conditions for renewal, I would like to say hello to everyone in advance. The author will do his best to update. If it is really inconvenient, I have to say sorry in advance! thanks for your support!

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