Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 681 Death of Wang Chengen

It was dawn, but the sun did not show its true face. Because the Songshan Mountain to the east of Luoyang blocks its face, it does not prevent it from spreading light all over the earth.

However, the beautiful morning brings not hope but despair to some people.

Lintao's commander-in-chief Wang Chengen was already covered in blood. As soon as he moved, the dried blood scabs fell sparsely with the sound of armor plates.

His whole body ached, and his bones seemed to be falling apart. Neither the bones nor the muscles can withstand such a high-intensity battle.

At the end of the day, the strong crossbow could not penetrate Lu Guan. No matter how good Wang Chengen was, he was at the end of his rope.

After all, age is not forgiving. Wang Chengen remembers the days in the past few years when he was still alive and kicking after fighting all day long.

Wang Chengen looked weakly and helplessly at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in front of him.

Among them were strong men from Xining Guard in his hometown, elite soldiers from Lintao Prefecture, and personal guards from Zhuang Lang Guard.

Many of them were alive and kicking yesterday, but today they were lying in a mess of blood.

The blood stains include both the blood stains of the enemy and the blood stains of the comrades-in-arms, and more importantly, the blood stains of one's own. After the bright blood dried up, it turned black and polluted the dry earth. It also soaked through the armor on the body and filled the gaps under the armor.

Corpses lay scattered across the ground, with the circular formation of officers and soldiers as the center. There were rebels and officers and soldiers, but in the end it was the officers and soldiers who had more corpses.

He looked up and saw the rebel soldiers surrounding him staring at him and others like wolves and tigers. However, when the officers and soldiers relaxed a little, they wanted to pounce on them again to fight.

Although their armor is worn out, it is still strong; their weapons, although crude, are still sharp; although they are a little thin, their eyes are sharp and determined.

This is a tiger and wolf master! Wang Chengen, who has many years of combat experience, made a subconscious judgment.

"Enough food and sufficient soldiers" is such a simple sentence, but it was an incredibly difficult goal to achieve in the last years of the dynasty.

Qin soldiers are known as elites. Under the leadership of famous ministers and generals like Hong Chengchou, they fought against peasant armies in Shaanxi but retreated after eating up many times.

Even if Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, prepared for so long, he could only prepare more than a month's food and salary for his more than 40,000 officers and soldiers.

For example, Lintao's commander-in-chief Wang Chengen's deployment was only to reward some expenditures to ensure food and wages during the war.

In contrast, the "thief army" has sufficient food and pay, which is distributed on time, which is enough to crush the officers and soldiers.

What's even more terrifying is that there are no officers and soldiers anywhere else.

It turned out that while Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, was waiting for reinforcements, Hong Chengchou, the governor-general of the five provinces, Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu, and Zuo Guang, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, fought and retreated, and had already retreated to the officers and soldiers camp.

The soldiers around Wang Chengen were already quite frightened, and gradually some began to whisper.

Military law: Those who make noise for no reason will be shot without mercy! However, now there is no military judge to stop the execution, which shows that the soldiers are dissatisfied.

Wang Chengen climbed to the highest point nearby with his last glimmer of hope. He built a pergola with his hands and looked outside, only to see the endless stretch of the rebel army. Only a group of artillerymen was dragging the artillery towards them.

Judging from its banner, it is Li Shian's "Second Artillery Regiment".

It turned out that Wang Chengen specifically ordered his soldiers not to use open fires at night. In order to avoid accidental injuries, the rebels never used artillery.

Now that it's daylight, the "Second Artillery Regiment" is where it comes into play.

It's over, completely over! Wang Chengen, the chief military officer of Lintao, finally had no choice but to leave.

He hesitated for a moment and couldn't help shouting: "Where is Cao Wenzhao? Come and talk!"

Cao Wenzhao frowned when he heard this, and thought to himself: What kind of world is it now, how can you be so confident even if you surrender?

Fortunately, in order to strengthen the faction of surrendered generals, Cao Wenzhao responded loudly: "Cao Wenzhao is here, what do you have to say?"

"I have heard that King Shun is benevolent and righteous, and I have many Lintao soldiers under my command who are old friends with you. I hope you can put in a few kind words and let the rebels treat them well!" Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, shouted loudly with his already hoarse voice. .

When Cao Wenzhao heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable with what he said. He quickly responded: "You are responsible for this matter, why bother me? King Shun is benevolent and will not deprive you of the troops under your command!"

"How can I, Wang Cheng'en, who has received the emperor's favor and lived on the emperor's salary, do what he did during the Qin, Mu and Chu dynasties, serving two masters by one person?" Wang Cheng'en couldn't help but said loudly, "I have an old mother at home, and a wife, children, and children below me. If it doesn't work, why don't I do it?" Loyal, unfilial, unkind and unjust people!"

Then he turned to the soldiers and shouted: "I am dead now, you can take care of yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Chengen grabbed the long knife in his hand and wiped it into his neck, then fell to the sky.

When Wang Cheng'en saw this, he was greatly saddened. Some people were even inspired by his loyalty and shouted loudly: "Those who would like to follow General Cao are on the left, and those who are willing to follow General Wang are on the right!"

Immediately, more than ten people stood up, and they all committed suicide.

More than ten people fell neatly to the ground. You can imagine the shock to everyone. Even Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but sigh with shame: "I wish I didn't die today, but I will be ashamed today. The king of all ages will be grateful, and his loyalty will last forever!"

Even Cao Wenzhao, who had surrendered for a long time, was like this, not to mention everyone else, they all admired and regretted.

Although the officers and men under his command did not die immediately, most of them hid their faces before surrendering. Cao Wenzhao had no face to see Jiangdong's elders, so he had to hide his face and retreat, giving all the credit to Yulin Ying Jiang He.

Jiang He couldn't help but lamented: "I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. How can I insult a loyal man like Wang Cheng'en?"

He did not dare to take credit for this, he only explained the matter clearly and repaid it to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun was also deeply shocked. He used to adhere to the principle of taking the world's righteousness as the key link and using profit and deception as his method, but he did not expect that there were such loyal people in the world.

Despicability is the passport of the despicable, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble. When he meets a living person who can take loyalty to heart until death. No matter which side he is on, he is a person worthy of respect after all.

Therefore, Zhang Bian ordered a grand burial for Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao Army, and personally wrote an epitaph saying: Bravely championing the three armies and loyal to the king, he was defeated and died against the people!

The remaining ten people who died were also buried around them to highlight their loyalty. Zhang Shun also ordered those who died in the rebel war and civilians who suffered unprovoked military disasters to be buried opposite their graves to show the reason why he went against the will of the people and ended up like this.

In order to prevent the tombstone from being damaged, Zhang Shun ordered ten families to give each of them thirty acres of land to guard their tombs full-time as a warning to future generations.

After this incident, the morale affected by Wang Chengen's death was restored.

Song Xiance couldn't help but admire Zhao Yutou in private: "The rise of my lord is really God's will. Many of his subordinates have surrendered, but most of them dare not talk about loyalty. If things go on like this, they will not last long."

"Now my lord praises his loyalty and denigrates his actions of crippling the people. The merits and demerits are divided into two parts. Each one gets what he deserves. He can be said to be a good person!"

Thank you all for your support and rewards. Due to the inconvenience of typing on mobile phones, I will not name the authors one by one today. Because the author can only update on his mobile phone in the hospital, there is only one chapter today. Please forgive me. Thank you for your support to the author!

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