Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 683 Chapter 314

It's no wonder that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, almost fainted on the spot. The Gansu commander-in-chief Wang Cheng'en, deputy commander-in-chief Ai Wannian, and general He Renlong had a total of 15,000 troops.

If they were lost together, then he would only have more than 16,000 people under his command. With this number of people alone, not to mention fighting with the rebels for a day, I am afraid that the company will defend the camp to protect itself, and the officers and soldiers will have too much time to take care of themselves.

Then Chai Shihua and Zuo Guangxian also knew the seriousness of the matter, so how could they dare to offend him? The two men quickly agreed and trotted forward to arrange manpower.

As a result, the two men had just left and hurried back to report: "Superintendent, Deputy Commander Ai Wannian has returned and will be here to report on the military situation soon!"

"What's more important than meeting with me?" Hong Chengchou asked unhappily as he had nowhere to vent his anger.

"This" Zuo Guangxian and Chai Shihua hesitated for a moment before responding in a low voice, "Ai Wannian was injured and has difficulty moving. Please wait a moment, supervisor."

Hong Chengchou asked for trouble, so he had to suppress his anger and wait for Ai Wanqian to come.

Not long after, as expected, two soldiers were holding a man, limping towards Hong Chengchou. Hong Chengchou took a closer look. If this wasn't Deputy Commander Ai Wannian, which one was it?

This was the time to employ people. No matter how unhappy Hong Chengchou felt, he had to swallow it.

He quickly took a few steps forward and asked with a sad look on his face: "General Soldier Ai, what's wrong with you? Why is this happening?"

Ai Wannian smiled bitterly in his heart and responded quickly: "Supervisor, Ai has disgraced his mission, please forgive me!"

"That day, I followed the plan of the governor. I tied up my horse's mouth and bound its hooves, and walked all the way to the east gate of Luoyang City in the dark without lights or fire. But I never expected that the thieves were already prepared. But when our army approached the city, I heard only one cannon shot, and suddenly the arrows were fired, and countless officers and soldiers were killed and wounded."

"Another Cao Bianjiao fellow led hundreds of cavalry to charge into the formation. Our army could not withstand it, so we had to retreat for a while. I then ordered the soldiers to light the lights and line up to fight the thieves at night. You came and went with me on both sides. It was originally normal. The fight was fierce, but I didn’t expect that Zhang Sanbaibu, who was originally guarding Ziwei Star Castle, secretly left the city for some reason.”

"Under the attack of the thieves from the front and back, our army couldn't help but be defeated. Cao Bianjiao knew my name, but he just chased me. When the chase became urgent, I couldn't help but became furious, and returned to the horse to fight him. I never thought that the battle would If he didn't make it three times, my horse would stumble in the dark, break my legs and feet, and I'd almost be captured by him."

"Fortunately, the left and right fought with all their might, and Cao Bianjiao didn't know who was injured, so he only focused on chasing the rest of the defeated troops. It was only then that I saved my life."

"So I took advantage of the darkness to walk and gather the soldiers. Along the way, I couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south for a while. I bumped around like a headless fly, and I accidentally knocked out of the thief's circle. At dawn, I When we found out where the main camp was, we hurried back to the camp in a panic."

"How about your injuries? Did you meet Wang Chengen and He Renlong along the way?" When Hong Chengchou heard this, he couldn't help being surprised and asked quickly.

"Uh." Upon hearing this, Deputy Commander Ai Wannian paused for a moment and then responded in a low voice, "I got some news on the way. I heard that the General He Renlong had actually surrendered to the thieves and was just surviving; and that the Commander-in-Chief Lintao The official Wang Chengen was surrounded by thieves and could not escape, so he died fighting hard!"

In fact, Ai Wannian's words are both true and false, half true and half false. It turned out that Ai Wannian was actually attacked by Cao Bianjiao and Zhang Sanbai, and was defeated by the rebels, suffering heavy losses.

This guy was afraid of Hong Chengchou's punishment, so he had to gather up the defeated troops and retreat all the way. As a result, more and more troops were defeated unexpectedly, and even their accents were different from those of his subordinates.

After questioning, Ai Wannian discovered that he had gathered troops from other battalions along the way and retreated.

Although Ai Wannian is a martial artist, he has some economic acumen under the influence of his family. This can be seen from the fact that his father Ai Yingjia lent grain to Li Zicheng at usury to make huge profits during the famine.

Seeing this, he hatched a plan and took the opportunity to collect the defeated troops of other battalions and use them as the number of troops under his command, in order to conceal the fact that he had suffered heavy losses.

In the end, more of the defeated troops were gathered, and he also learned the fact of the disastrous defeat of the officers and soldiers from the defeated troops. They also learned the news that He Renlong was hopeless in surrendering the enemy and Wang Chengen was besieged outside the city.

It's a pity that his men are just a ragtag group of people who have just gathered together, and he himself has no fighting spirit. How can he dare to go to rescue him?

Ai Wannian pretended not to know and just ignored him. When the rebel army mobilized a large force to besiege Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen, he waited for an opportunity and led his motley crew to escape from the gaps between Ziweixing Castle, Luoyang City and Wang Chengen's defensive positions.

As for whether Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen was dead or alive, he actually didn't know. Ai Wannian was just worried that Hong Chengchou might have a whim, so he ordered himself to lead the crowd to rescue Wang Chengen.

When the time comes, the men and horses under his command will be defeated at the first touch, and I am afraid that he will expose the fact that he has gathered his troops as his own.

So Ai Wannian, who had a chance to escape with his life, deliberately broke his own legs and feet, and then limped back with the others; at the same time, he falsely claimed that Wang Chengen was dead to put an end to Hong Chengchou's thoughts.

How could Hong Chengchou be suspicious after hearing this? The huge fear was like a big hand, grabbing his heart hard and twisting it twice.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but cover his chest and took two steps back. He raised his hands and shouted loudly: "Alas, God is mourning me, God is mourning me!"

In combat in this era, cold weapons and primitive muskets and artillery are actually not very lethal. More casualties still occur when the loser is being hunted all the way.

Originally, Hong Chengchou thought that although this was a huge defeat, it would only affect the morale of the officers and soldiers. Since the battlefield is close to the officers and soldiers' camps, the actual losses will not be very large.

When the time comes, he only needs to use the camp facilities to win a few defensive battles and rebuild the morale of his officers and soldiers, but the outcome will still be uncertain.

But he never expected that in this single battle, he would actually lose a chief soldier and a staff general, and also injure a deputy chief soldier. If the men under his command had not lost more than 10,000 men, how could they have fought this battle?

Ai Wannian, the deputy commander, looked at Hong Chengchou's expression and couldn't help feeling a little proud. He quickly responded: "Don't worry, Commander. In fact, our troops have not suffered much losses. Although I dare not say that we still have the strength to fight, at least let me I brought them back with all their beards and tails."

"Oh? How many people do you have under your command?" Hong Chengchou calmed down after hearing this, as if he finally heard good news today.

"I really don't know!" Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ai Wannian responded with a bit of embarrassment upon hearing this, "But please be patient, Superintendent. I'll do some inventory and I'll report back in a moment!"

"Okay, I will give you one more hour!" Hong Chengchou nodded after hearing this.

Ai Wannian couldn't help but suppress the joy in his heart and quickly took the order. But not long after, I was dumbfounded.

It turned out that when he went to attack the east gate of Luoyang, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, gave him 5,000 troops. Among them, let’s not mention the number of people who are free of charge and old and weak, but after he counted, there were actually 513 more people under his command. How to explain this?

Do you want to report to Hong Chengchou that "others are on empty pay, but I am on full pay, so not only do my troops have more officers and soldiers than other battalions, but they also have more than the quota"?

Thank you to the fans "Book Friends 160222231033534", "Mountain City Listening to the Rain" and "Dark Burning Sun Envoy" for the rewards. Thank you to the fans "Ink is like half a lamp in the night" for the large rewards. Thank you for your strong support to the author! The child's surgery has been completed and we will be able to update normally tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding and monthly votes. Thank you all again!

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