Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 684 Attacking the Camp

The "dong dong" sound of the war drum sounded like a thunderous sound again, but this time the offensive and defensive positions changed, and the active attacker became the rebel side.

The elite rebel troops came out from Tiger Camp, Chaos Camp, Gaoying, Yulin Camp, Wenzhao Camp, Jiaolong Camp, Songshan Camp and Shaoyu Camp, with a total of eight battalions with 26,000 troops.

Among them, Wenzhao Camp, Jiaolong Camp and Songshan Camp were all in the front; followed by Tiger Camp, Luanshi Camp and Gaoying, Wang Shaoyu's Shao Yu was responsible for cheering and doing daily chores; and Yulin Camp served as the escort for Zhang Shun's troops. around it.

As the saying goes: Every time you take a step, you gain wisdom. Since Zhang Shun suffered a big loss last time, he has been much more cautious.

This time he had to take action personally in order to boost morale and capture the camp of officers and soldiers in one fell swoop. Zhang Shun stayed among the troops and was careful to prevent further mishaps.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, stood in the camp. Looking from a distance, he could see the rebel army as organized as a chessboard. Among them, there are many spears, piercing the sky; artillery, like wells, dotted all over the place. When the flag of the Chinese army moved, other flags followed like shadows; when the gongs and drums sounded, the soldiers' killing sounds shook the sky!

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but change his face, and said to the people around him: "These are all elite thieves, and the officers and soldiers are not as good as them. Today, it is all down to the soldiers fighting to the death to have a chance of survival. Please fight to the death to win your reputation before and after death!"

Zuo Guangxian, Ai Wannian, Chai Shihua, Bai Guangen and others looked at each other in shock, speechless for a moment.

No wonder the officers and soldiers were frightened. It turned out that this was half an hour after Wang Chengen was destroyed. The rebels only rested for a while, then mobilized all their troops and attacked the officers and soldiers camp from the southeast.

Fast, really fast! It is as slow as the forest and as fast as the wind. Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, felt this way for the first time about the characteristics of Zhang Shun's military use.

This kind of speed is different from the speed with which other rebels moved around after plundering a large number of horses, donkeys and mules. But it always seems to be slow and leisurely, but in fact it makes people feel overwhelmed by the speed.

"This scoundrel!" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but lamented, "If you are justified, you will not forgive others, but if you are unreasonable, you will be punished!"

This sentence is not actually describing Zhang Shun's character. Of course, in Hong Chengchou's eyes, Zhang Shun's character may not even meet this standard.

He was lamenting Zhang Shun's military tactics: when there was no chance of victory, he dared to forcefully create a chance of victory; when he had a chance of victory, he would dare to give you one point to separate you from three points, and three points to tear you apart from five points. Even with five points, he dared to continue playing as if he was a sure shot.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but feel a surge of regret in his heart, regretting that he shouldn't have taken any chances. It would have been nice if he had ordered a retreat early after the officers and soldiers were defeated last night.

It is a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, and Hong Chengchou also had to swallow the bitter pill caused by indecision.

He frowned for a long time, thought for a long time, and then gave the order: "Generals, listen to the order, everything in this battle is to defend to the death, and no one is allowed to leave the camp to counterattack. But when the thieves are tired, I will make unified deployment, break through and retreat, whoever dares to Anyone who disobeys will be shot without mercy!"

"This" all the generals, you look at me and I look at you. I don't know why Hong Chengchou is so timid, so he can only nod his head and say, "The last general has received the order!"

Seeing that the generals were not panicking yet, Hong Chengchou couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and added: "By the way, order the soldiers to dig a trench inside the camp to prevent thieves from breaking through the camp and entering the camp."

When Zuo Guangxian heard this, he really couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but ask: "Why should the governor have the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige? Even though the officers and soldiers were defeated, there were still more than 20,000 people, and they were equally matched with the thieves. The winner was still the same. How can you be so timid at the number of five to five?"

Zuo Guangxian, Ai Wannian, Chai Shihua and Bai Guangen have always been strong generals. Regardless of victory or defeat, they have always advanced bravely and never flinched. Where has such a frustrating war been fought?

"Reckless man!" Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, couldn't help scolding him, "The officers and soldiers originally outnumbered the thieves, but they were defeated again and again. Don't you understand?"

Understand, we understand so well! Even if your command level is inferior, you are being manipulated by others, and we have suffered the same fate as you! The generals didn't say anything, but they were like mirrors in their hearts.

Before Hong Chengchou could find time to teach the generals a lesson, he heard a deafening sound of cannons, followed by thousands of cannons.

Hong Chengchou and the generals quickly found a sheltered place to hide. Then they secretly looked outside and saw hundreds of rebel artillery pieces firing continuously, throwing dense shells at the officers and soldiers camp.

It is said that there are hundreds of doors, but in fact it is only about two hundred.

Since Zhang Shun had lured the snake out of his hole when Zhang Shun "died" last time, Hong Niangzi and others wiped out thirteen large households with different ideas in the center of the city in one fell swoop, and the city of Luoyang became much more stable.

Therefore, Zhang Shuncai confidently and boldly mobilized the cast-iron cannons from some city gates and towers to attack the officers and soldiers' camps.

Although the officers and soldiers suffered heavy losses in this field battle, because the artillery was too heavy, they all stayed in the camp and were saved.

Seeing the rebels attacking the camp with artillery, the officers and soldiers also set up artillery to fight back. However, due to the disadvantages in the number of artillery pieces, the quality of the gunners, and the organization and training, the officers and soldiers were overwhelmed by the rebel artillery and could not hold their heads up.

The artillery battle between the two sides lasted for a long time, and many of the walls surrounding the officers and soldiers' camps were damaged. At this time, Zhang Shun ordered his personal guard Wang Jinyi to send an order to the newly surrendered general behind the formation, He Renlong, saying: "General, you have recently surrendered. Now is the time for you to show whether you are loyal or not!"

He Renlong, who was still stained with the blood of the rebels, couldn't help but secretly cursed "Mamapi", and had to accept the order: "I just ask the general to report to King Shun. He Renlong will not hesitate to die, and is willing to go through fire and water for King Shun." !”

Wang Jinyi actually despised this person in his heart, but he couldn't reach out to hit the smiling man, not to mention that this person was of great use to King Shun.

He nodded and said: "You should not be called a general. I am just a guard under King Shun. King Shun employs people in many ways. If you have merit, you should be treated differently by King Shun!"

He Renlong was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly thanked Wang Jinyi for his advice, and then ordered: "Hurry and help me put on my double armor. This time I want to show King Shun what I, He Renlong, am capable of!"

Not long after, He Renlong finished dressing up and carefully selected five hundred dead soldiers to follow him to attack the camp.

The "infantry and artillery coordination" method has been used very skillfully by the rebels. This tactic obviously requires a higher quality of gunners. The infantry only needs to not crawl around and not panic.

The roar of artillery sounded rhythmically. The officers and soldiers knew clearly what "trick" the rebels were going to play, but they were still helpless. Under the continuous artillery bombardment, the officers and soldiers, whether they were gunners or infantry, had to temporarily avoid the edge.

When the gunfire stopped, He Renlong, who had already rushed to the gap in the officers and soldiers' camp, took the lead and led everyone to kill them.

Thank you to the fan "Gui Guzi" for the reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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