Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 685 He Renlong

"Crazy He" He Renlong has never charged so easily.

Starting from the position and rushing all the way to the camp, except for scattered arrows and projectiles, the "dead soldiers" did not receive much blow.

For He Renlong, an officer and soldier, this was simply an unimaginable thing.

To be honest, from the standpoint of the officers and soldiers, He Renlong could not understand their feelings. No matter who is under continuous bombardment by dozens or hundreds of enemy artillery pieces, it is difficult to stand still despite the enemy's artillery fire.

Once the defenders waver, or dodge the shells, or cower, the charge can take advantage of the situation and directly enter the stage of hand-to-hand combat.

Sure enough, when He Renlong rushed to the camp, he did not encounter much resistance from officers and soldiers, but there was a trench blocking the rebels.

Nahe Renlong was used to charging into battle, so he had already ordered his soldiers to carry planks of wood. He quickly asked his soldiers to put up the planks and built a simple wooden bridge.

At this time, the officers and soldiers stopped their bombardment because they saw the rebel artillery, and happened to stick their heads out from behind the camp. Seeing that the "thieves" had reached the gap in the camp, they quickly jumped out and tried to destroy the wooden bridge.

When He Renlong saw something bad, he couldn't help but shouted, and took the lead in running along the wooden bridge and rushing into the officers and soldiers.

The other "dead soldiers" were also servants under He Renlong's command. Everyone was afraid of losing their leader, so they quickly followed them and fought.

The morale of the officers and soldiers was already low, but He Renlong came closer and started fighting. How could they resist? They were immediately killed and retreated steadily.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, saw him from a distance and couldn't help but ask: "Who is this? He is a brave general who is charging into the battle. What a pity!"

Everyone was silent after hearing this. After a while, Bai Guangen reminded him in a low voice: "Superintendent, this is He Renlong. There were new thieves last night, and this guy is using the lives of our officers and soldiers to surrender!"

Well, Maipi! Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, almost spit out blood. Ni Ma's He Renlong, I think you are He Guilong, eating everything inside and outside!

Just talk and scold. No matter how bad Nahe Renlong's character is, the threats facing the officers and soldiers camp still need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but continue to ask: "This rebellious minister and traitor is extremely hateful. Who can take it for me?"

Zuo Guangxian, Chai Shihua, Bai Guangen and Ai Wannian couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard this: We all have families, and we are not as good as Long Yang, how can we marry him?

Fortunately, Bai Guang'en was deeply favored by Hong Chengchou and knew that he could not refuse, so he had to stand up and said: "Don't worry, Supervisor, I will kill this animal to repay the favor of Supervisor!"

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, couldn't help but feel pleased when he heard this: "The thief has He Renlong, and I have Bai Guang'en, the common people are even equal!"

It is said that He Renlong killed four people with his own hands, which frightened all the officers and soldiers. He couldn't help waving the big knife in his hand and said with a smile: "Madman is here, who dares to come and die!"

The rest of the officers and soldiers were already aware of his reputation, but now that they saw that he had surrendered to the thieves, they were not ashamed but proud of him. They couldn't help but be shocked and frightened and said: "Don't you know the old friend of 'Crazy He'? Why are you killing each other like this!"

He Renlong laughed when he heard this and said: "In the past, I borrowed the blood of thieves to dye my official robes red. Today, I borrow the heads of all my brothers in exchange for a lifetime of wealth. Although they are in different camps, they have the same ambition. How stupid are you to do this? Word?"

When all the officers and soldiers saw that this guy was disrespectful, they couldn't help but abandon their weapons, turned around and ran away.

It didn't matter if the officers and soldiers escaped, the barracks of the officers and soldiers were opened immediately. He Renlong couldn't help but feel happy, and was about to catch up and kill them all. Unexpectedly, another trench appeared in front of He Renlong.

It turned out that this was really the second line of defense that Hong Chengchou ordered his soldiers to dig. The wooden bridge, which was originally covered with wooden planks, has now been torn down by the retreating officers and soldiers.

He Renlong looked down and estimated that it was more than ten feet wide and more than ten feet deep, but it was difficult to climb up. He couldn't help but quickly ordered his soldiers to pull out the wooden planks they originally brought and spread them again to prepare for crossing the second trench.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden noise and another group of officers and soldiers came towards them. He Renlong looked up and saw that it was General Bai Guangen who had the same identity as himself.

He couldn't help but smile and cupped his hands and said, "It's been a long time since we last met, General Bai Shen. When we met again, I didn't expect that we had turned against each other!"

"Hmph!" Bai Guangen couldn't help but said disdainfully after hearing this, "You shouldn't call General He Shen like that! Although Bai is incompetent, he also knows the principles of loyalty. How can he associate with a villain like you?"

"Hahaha!" He Renlong couldn't help laughing out his tears when he heard this, and asked with a sarcastic face, "You are a thief who rebelled and surrendered again; I am an official who was defeated and rebelled again, and you are better than me How much more noble?”

"What's more, in this battle, I did not bear the responsibility of the officers and soldiers, but the officers and soldiers betrayed me. Commander Hong ordered me to line up at the end of the formation, so he may not have the intention of abandoning him lightly. When the officers and soldiers were divided into two sections by the rebels, our battalion was completely empty. It cannot be concluded that there is a wolf in front and a tiger behind. I congratulate Renlong for his hard work, but what can I do about it?"

"Then Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Cheng'en listened to Commander Hong's arrangements and was unfortunately surrounded. In the end, Zhongyi died. What can I do? I heard that at home there was an 80-year-old mother who was sick in bed and a three-year-old child who was crying for food. This body Even if you serve your country, how can it be like home?"

"That's better than being a thief, being infamy for the rest of your life, and having your entire family raped and killed!" Bai Guangen couldn't help but argue.

"Now that the officers and soldiers' salaries and food are not enough, can the pensions of the soldiers be paid in full?" He Renlong couldn't help but asked after hearing this, "Superintendent Hong led the troops to suppress the bandits and fought in the Qinland, but there was still no food. Now I have led a group of people to the east and raised money for a long time, but I can only raise more than a month's worth of food and grass. How much more money will there be to support a family?"

"Nowadays, the price of food in Shaanxi has exceeded two liang and one stone. Is the army's food and salary enough to support the family? I also heard that many military households have been owed wages for several years and can only pawn their armor as knives and beg for money. How can it be enough to fight just to make a living?"

"With such troops and such generals, even if Han Bai is resurrected and Sun Wu is reincarnated, how can we get it?"

When Bai Guangen heard this, he couldn't help but be speechless. He looked around, his morale was even lower, and he almost wanted to surrender to the enemy. He couldn't help but praise: "I have often heard that He Renlong is called 'Crazy He', but now it seems that he has sharp teeth and a sharp tongue, and is even more crazy. He is not a reckless man."

Bai Guangen was originally from the rebel army and followed the leader of the rebel army, Huntian Hou, to join the army. After the Huntian Monkey was eliminated by Hong Chengchou, he surrendered his officers and soldiers.

In order to gain Hong Chengchou's trust, he led the officers and soldiers several times, and his hands were stained with a lot of blood of the rebels. Now if we talk about loyalty, wouldn’t it be ridiculous?

Now that He Renlong is inspiring his soldiers, how can Bai Guangen refute him? He had no choice but to lead his soldiers to block the wooden bridge just built over the trench, temporarily containing He Renlong's attack.

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