Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 686 Fierce Battle

It is said that the general Bai Guangen had just used the advantage of the trench to contain He Renlong's offensive, and he quickly ordered his soldiers to destroy the wooden bridge built by the rebels.

He Renlong also knew that if the wooden bridge was destroyed, even though he had three heads and six arms, he would have no place to use them.

He Renlong then sent more than ten men who dared to die and rushed up along the wooden bridge, trying to block the actions of the officers and soldiers.

The two sides met at the other end of the bridge, and a brutal hand-to-hand battle broke out.

These more than ten warriors who dared to die were all tall and powerful. They were also equipped with double armor, which could not be penetrated by arrows and pierced by swords and spears. They were invincible and unstoppable.

Bai Guangen watched for a long time and saw that although these people were fierce, they were slow and inconvenient.

He couldn't help but have a plan in mind, and quickly ordered his soldiers to prepare wolf forks and palladium to hold back the more than ten "iron men", and then pushed them towards the trench with all their strength.

The wolf shield was originally made of branched branches or moso bamboo. It could cover the whole body and was inaccessible to swords and guns.

The palladium also has horizontal branches, shaped like a horse's fork, with a sharp blade on it, which can be used as a spear or a shield.

Both of them are weapons that can be used both offensively and defensively. Although the more than ten rebel warriors who dared to die were strong enough, they were blocked by the officers and soldiers with their long soldiers and pushed desperately to both sides.

Many people were unable to gain a stable footing and were pushed off the wooden bridge by the officers and soldiers. They fell into the trench with a few thumps. Even if they were not injured or killed, they could not endanger the officers and soldiers.

Some of the dead soldiers who had rushed to the ground on the opposite side were unable to be pushed into the trench by the officers and soldiers for a while.

Bai Guangen ordered the officers and soldiers to get a rope, tie it into a looper and throw it over. Pull these heavily armored soldiers to the ground, and then kill them slowly with axes and hammers.

Nahe Renlong couldn't help being furious when he saw this, but there was only a simple wooden bridge connecting them. This was exactly what happened when thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge. For a while, the rebels were unable to cross the bridge. They could only watch helplessly as the officers and soldiers killed the more than ten people who dared to die one by one, then demolished the wooden bridge and threw them into the ditch. middle.

He Renlong's eyes were red with anger, like a mad dog, and he screamed: "Bai Guangen, I will record today's revenge. You must not fall into my hands, otherwise you will be unable to survive or die!"

Not to mention how He Renlong suffered a big loss, but when he broke into the officers and soldiers camp. Zhang Shun saw this and ordered the three battalions of Wenzhao Camp, Jiaolong Camp and Songshan Camp to launch an attack.

He sent He Renlong to lead 500 elite troops to attack the camp. Firstly, it allowed He Renlong to accept the surrender certificate and cut off his retreat. Secondly, it was also convenient to reduce the losses of the rebels and lower the morale of the officers and soldiers.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect. Not to mention that the officers and soldiers had just suffered a defeat, their colleagues who originally fought side by side with them suddenly turned into enemies and fought against each other, which had a huge impact on the minds of the officers and soldiers.

Either they were unable to make a fatal move, or they were able to make a fatal move, but it had a great impact on their souls. Just because He Renlong easily broke into the officers and soldiers' barracks, Zhang confirmed this by the way.

The Wenzhao camp led by Cao Wenzhao, the Jiaolong camp led by Cao Bianjiao, and the Songshan camp led by Li Jiyu, totaled nine thousand troops. While the officers and soldiers were fighting He Renlong who broke into the camp, they launched a fierce attack on the officers and soldiers' camp.

Using the cover of the barracks, the officers and soldiers fired at the rebels with Hongyi artillery and general artillery. Li Shian's artillery group also provided cover for the rebel attack.

"Donkey ball ball, it's this again!" The officers and soldiers were beaten again by the rebel artillery and couldn't hold their heads up, so they couldn't help but cursed.

As the saying goes: "One fresh trick will eat you all over the world." The rebel army's "infantry and artillery coordination" technology is really a magic weapon for defeating the enemy. It is simple and effective. You have your own tricks, and I have my old ideas. The rebel army only fights with officers and soldiers with all kinds of skills and skills, but they are all useless.

After the artillery fire passed, the rebels swarmed up and rushed up with ladders.

Although the siege equipment is simple, it is also simple and effective. The rebels first encountered the trench in front of the camp, and they only had to put the ladder flat on the ground and rush along it. When we got to the base of the fortress, we were able to put up the ladder and climb up to attack the city.

Due to the suppression of rebel artillery, the multiple firepower tactics commonly used by officers and soldiers, consisting of Hongyi cannons, general cannons, French guns, Western cannons, as well as blunderbuss, bows and arrows, three-eyed blunderbuss, and quick guns, were greatly weakened.

Even the Hongyi artillery, general artillery, French and Western cannons, blunderbuss, and bows and arrows could not fire a round, and the rebels rushed to the camp. In desperation, the officers and soldiers had no choice but to use the barracks to fight hand-to-hand with the rebels from a high position.

The officers and soldiers were not incapable of hand-to-hand combat, but after all, compared with the elite infantry in the early Ming Dynasty who dared to attack the Mongolian cavalry with only one spear, they were not good enough.

Otherwise, the officers and soldiers would not go to great lengths to organize multiple firepower tactics, always trying to weaken the enemy's strength before the two sides engage in hand-to-hand combat.

In comparison, the rebels under Zhang Shun were actually not much better. Except for the "Child Camp" who are good at fighting to the death, compared with the officers and soldiers, the rest of the troops are better than the officers and soldiers because they have sufficient military rations, clear rewards and punishments, strong morale, and fewer cases of empty pay.

When masters compete with each other, their martial arts skills will be infinitely higher. The same goes for battlefield operations. Although the rebel army under Zhang Shun did not reach its peak, compared with this group of officers and soldiers who were often short of pay and food, they could be said to be brave and good at fighting.

Among the three battalions that launched the attack, except for the slightly weaker Songshan Battalion under Li Jiyu, Wenzhao Battalion and Jiaolong Battalion were still temporary choices even if they were left among the original officers and soldiers. The two sides fought for a long time, and gradually the officers and soldiers began to feel exhausted.

When Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, saw this, he became a little anxious and quickly ordered: "Anyone who dares to bravely kill the enemy will be rewarded. The thief will be beheaded to the first level and rewarded with ten taels of silver!"

After saying this, he ordered several large boxes of silver to be brought out from the left and right, opened them respectively, and scattered the white silver ingots on the ground. The snow-white silver ingots emit dazzling light under the sunlight.

Wealth and silk moved people's hearts. When the officers and soldiers who were short of food and pay saw the money, their eyes almost popped out. Immediately, one by one, as if they were shot with blood, they rushed forward and fought desperately with the rebels. They actually suppressed the momentum of the rebels for a while.

Zhang Shun watched from a distance for a long time, frowned, and ordered Zhang Sanbai from Ziwei Star Castle to attack.

Zhang Sanbai had been trapped in Ziwei Star Castle for a long time. The two sides fought several battles. Although he did not leave the city to participate in the battle, he was able to effectively contain the strength of the officers and soldiers.

However, this was not the result he wanted. A true man should live up to his youth by making achievements thousands of miles away and returning with his body wrapped in horse leather!

When Zhang Sanbai saw Zhang Shun's military order, he couldn't help but feel refreshed. He smiled at "King Zhishi" and "King Zuojin" He Jin and said with a smile: "Thankfully King Shun remembered us, this time it will be Zhishi Wang's guarding the city, He Jin and I will go out!"

In fact, the "ruling king" Liu Xiyao actually wanted to go out to the city to perform meritorious deeds. However, he had many infantry and gunmen under his command and took advantage of the defense, so he had no choice but to act according to his orders.

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