Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 687 Offering the Camp

The officers and soldiers set up camp, with the Jian River on the right, Ziweixing Fort on the left, and Luoyang City in front. Since Zhang Shun sent troops to Luoyang City to attack the officers and soldiers camp, he has been attacking the southeast side of the officers and soldiers and has not touched other directions.

So when Zhang Sanbai led He Jin's 2,000 men to fight, the left flank of the officers and soldiers' camp was attacked.

In front of the officers and soldiers, Hong Chengchou appointed Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian and Staff Officer Bai Guangen to defend, and the rebels could not capture it for a while.

When Zhang Sanbai and He Jin appeared on the left side of the camp, Hong Chengchou had no choice but to send Lintao's commander-in-chief Chai Shihua out to resist.

In the previous battle, Chai Shihua's men and horses were defeated first, resulting in heavy losses. Now there are only more than 3,500 men left.

Ever since Zuo Guangxian had a "secret conversation" with Hong Chengchou that day, he had been quite uneasy and suspected that he had his own agenda.

But how did he know that Zuo Guangxian and Hong Chengchou colluded secretly, and had already reported "submissive thieves" as military exploits. Now that they are in panic, how can they care about him?

Chai Shihua watched every move of Hong Chengchou and Zuo Guangxian, and thought about it in his heart, for fear of falling into their "treacherous plot".

Now that he heard the soldiers pass on Hong Chengchou's order, ordering him to lead his troops to guard the left side of the camp, he couldn't help but feel a twitch in his heart, for fear that Hong Chengchou would harm him.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and Chai Shihua led his troops to the left side of the camp safely. He raised his eyes and looked down at the city, and saw that the rebel army was neatly organized, divided into two large formations, and lined up under the city.

One group is for infantry, and the flag of the general with the word "Zhang" is raised; one group is for the cavalry, and the flag of the general with the word "he" is raised.

Chai Shihua didn't recognize the heroes among the rebels, so he asked to the left and right: "Who is this? What is his ability?"

The officers and soldiers knew very little about the rebels, and they didn't know anything about it. Chai Shihua thought: It turned out to be an unknown person. It must not be Hong Chengchou who wants to harm me this time!

Before Chai Shihua could put his thoughts down, he saw the general named "Zhang" riding his horse and rushing to an arrow's throw outside the city. With a "squeak", he drew his eagle bow like a full moon and shot an arrow with a "swipe".

Every time Chai Shihua came to his senses from his deep thoughts, he heard a scream. He turned around and saw a soldier beside him whose armor was pierced by a thief and fell to the ground with an arrow. Chai Shihua couldn't help but be shocked, this bandit was so strong!

This thief is none other than Zhang Shun's new "brother-in-law" Zhang Sanbai. This man has 300 innate divine powers and has always regarded himself as the "Erlang True Monarch".

Therefore, he likes to use a twenty-pound three-pointed two-edged sword and a strong bow. However, he is not very capable and often misses his target.

Originally, today, he wanted to shoot Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, with one arrow, and then take advantage of the chaos to attack the city. Unexpectedly, an arrow shot missed and killed the soldier beside Chai Shihua.

Fortunately, the loser does not lose the formation, Zhang Sanbai still shouted: "Listen to the dog officer above, open the door quickly and surrender, otherwise the next arrow will kill you!"

When Chai Shihua heard this, he quickly shrank back and thought to himself: I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful at guarding the city. Hong Hengjiu couldn't do anything to him. Now that his martial arts skills are so good, I have to hide and don't lose my life.

It didn't matter that Chai Shihua was hiding, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief under the camp. He thought to himself: If this guy doesn't dodge, if I fire another arrow and miss, wouldn't I lose my prestige?

There is a saying that "it is better to shoot accurately than to catch it accurately." The two of them almost agreed with these words. One was a half-hearted person, the other was guilty and timid, but they complemented each other.

Seeing that Chai Shihua was timid, Zhang Sanbai quickly ordered his soldiers to fire the artillery first, and the infantry prepared to attack and ascend the city.

In order to facilitate the attack on the city this time, he had already pulled out some of the artillery in Ziwei Star Castle.

Zhang Sanbai gave the order, and immediately the artillery shells were fired and flew towards the officers and soldiers camp. Fortunately, most of the artillery were direct-firing smoothbore cannons. Apart from destroying the ancillary facilities on the fort, they were unable to destroy the rammed earth fort in time.

But there are three cannons that are the most special. They can actually throw the cannonballs out and bloom on the ground.

The officers and soldiers hiding behind the barracks were caught off guard, and two of them just flew into the crowd. There was a loud noise, and five or six officers and soldiers were immediately killed on the spot.

"Oh my God! The thunder is coming from the sky!" The officers and soldiers suddenly became panicked and shouted one after another.

The so-called "blasting thunder" is not a superstitious term, but is actually the collective name for mortars used by officers and soldiers. The "Hunting Thunder" in the hands of the rebels were the three "Flying Biao Guns" that Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers to transport into Ziwei Star Castle.

These "Flying Guns" have a caliber of 12 inches, and the ammunition they shoot weighs 150 kilograms. They can shoot a thousand steps, and they are powerful siege weapons.

Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, had never heard of such a sharp weapon. However, the opponents he had encountered before were all "sea bandits" and "pine bandits" who were good at riding and shooting, so he could not intuitively feel the power of this weapon.

Now the "flying gun" is shooting, it is like "thunder struck from the sky". Often there is only a "thunder" sound, and then there is a deafening explosion in the ears. Who can withstand this?

No wonder Hong Hengjiu sent himself to defend the city on the left side, and why did he send himself to die? When Chai Shihua had this thought, the fear in his heart could no longer be contained.

There are wolves in front of us and tigers behind us. What can we do?

As a veteran general, Chai Shihua knew that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. According to the art of war, he should take advantage of the rebel army's artillery attack and send soldiers out of camp to harass the rebel army in time. Even if it cannot take down the rebel artillery, it can still disrupt the offensive plan of the rebel infantry.

However, he stretched out his head and looked at the more than a thousand cavalrymen watching eagerly outside the city, and he had already given up this thought. Now, what is the difference between sending troops out of the city and beating a dog with a meat bun?

We can't fight, we can't move, so for now, the only solution is to surrender! Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, couldn't help but think in despair.

It’s no wonder that Chai Shihua took this path. In his opinion, the “thieves” had sharp artillery and could not be resisted by the simple fortifications of the officers and soldiers. This meant that they “cannot be fought.” And the "thieves" also have a large number of cavalry, which is convenient for field battles. This is "cannot leave".

Chai Shihua had already understood what He Renlong shouted before the battle. He thought, even people like He Renlong could be reused after taking refuge in King Shun, so what can't I, Chai Shihua, not do?

As soon as he thought of this, Chai Shihua quickly asked his soldiers to shout to the rebels: "Thieves below the city, listen to me! Chai Shihua, our chief military officer, is a kind man and refuses to meet with all the heroes and soldiers. If you know each other, hurry up Come up and take over the camp, otherwise once Hong Chengchou's army arrives, you will look at the ocean and sigh!"

Zhang Sanbai was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't help but ask to the left and right: "What is the dog officer shouting?"

The people on the left and right hesitated for a moment and responded: "It seems like you want to surrender!"

"Is it possible to surrender so confidently these days?" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

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