Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 688 Zhang Sanbai bravely wins the three armies

When Zhang Sanbai heard that Chai Shihua was going to surrender, he couldn't help but believe and doubt.

However, he also knew that once this matter was true, the defense of the officers and soldiers would collapse instantly.

He couldn't help shouting loudly: "In that case, why don't you open the camp gate and capture us without mercy?"

Chai Shihua thought to himself: You think I'm a fool. When I stick out my head, you hit my throat with an arrow. Didn't I lose my life in vain?

So, he thought about it and couldn't take the risk, so he called out to the soldiers: "My general Chai is the bravest of the three armies. He has always been famous for his bravery. How can he surrender to the hands of cowards?"

"If you are sincere, you can send warriors up to have an interview with my General Chai."

When everyone hears this, isn’t this nonsense? If you want to surrender, surrender; if you don't surrender, fight. The Anti-Justice Army has gained the upper hand to fight back, who can still coddle you?

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Sanbai heard this, he ordered someone to call He Jin, the "King of Zuo Jin", and said to him: "I see that Chai Shihua is wavering, and he seems to be surrendering. I want to go up to the fortress in person and meet with him." , with only a sharp tongue, I was able to persuade this person to lead the crowd to surrender!"

"Just in case, if I die unfortunately, you will have full authority to take over your subordinates and avenge me!"

"Absolutely not!" He Jin couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly persuaded him, "Although the officers and soldiers are still strong, they are like turtles in a urn. As long as they give time, the rebels will win a complete victory. How can General Zhang put himself in danger so easily?"

What He Jin said was nice, but it was a pity that he didn't know that when he pacified Xining in the original history, he relied on his own bravery and believed in the enemy's plan to surrender, and unfortunately died in the battle.

Therefore, according to his thoughts, it may not be wrong to put himself in danger. What is wrong is that the executor is not himself.

He took the initiative to ask for help and said: "If the general really wants to send firewood to Shihua, why don't you send me there. Even if you die, it will not affect the overall situation!"

When Zhang Sanbai heard this, how could this be possible? If you decide to take a risk yourself, you will naturally bear the risk yourself. How can you put others in danger?

He hurriedly said: "This strategy was devised by me, and it should be carried out by me. If it turns out to be a trick, it will naturally be borne by me. How can it be done by someone else?"

When He Jin heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy: "The general relies on his own bravery, how can he look down on others? I, He Jin, am also a man. How can I be greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"If this is a meritorious service, please ask the general to take credit for me; if unfortunately I die, I will do it myself and cannot blame anyone else! If the general does not believe it, I would rather put a letter as proof so that King Shun will not blame you!"

Okay, He Jin has already said this, what else does Zhang Sanbai have to say?

He had no choice but to give a solemn salute and said: "In that case, I will do as you wish. You can choose the best soldiers in the army at will and go with you. As the leader of an army, this plan comes from me, regardless of merit. However, it should be shouldered by me. General He can just worry about it and concentrate on promoting this matter."

"Now, although the host and guest have changed positions, and the strength and weakness have changed, the strength of the officers and soldiers is still there. If the rebel army cannot rush down to this camp, the soldiers will be exhausted, and the victory or defeat is uncertain. As long as General He convinces this person, the officers and soldiers camp will be opened wide, no matter what No matter how talented Hong Chengchou was, he was still powerless to return to heaven."

"I look at Chai Shihua, who is fierce in color and withered inside. The previous battle was defeated by the rebel army, so I should be frightened. Moreover, in front of all the soldiers, he talks about his return and surrender, without caring about the morale of the army. He must be sincere. After you leave, You should wait for the opportunity to use kindness and power to surrender this person. This will clear the way for the rebels to capture Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces."

He Jin was quite impressed when he heard this, and quickly said in admiration: "He is a rebellious man, and he used to be very dissatisfied with the general. Now that I hear what you say, I know that He has sent you far away!"

"It's just that from here on, the fortress is full of enemy soldiers. Even if there are two or three men to help me, what will it do? If I don't go alone, I will achieve great success, but if I fail, I will die. It's better than harm. The lives of others.”

In fact, Zhang Sanbai also had this idea, but He Jin was the one to implement it. He could never say such things again. Seeing that He Jin, the "King of Zuo Jin", really had the courage to go to the meeting alone, he couldn't help but pity each other and said: "With General He's courage, what's the use of officers and soldiers? General, go away now, I will lead the army behind to cheer for the general!"

He Jin accepted the order without changing his expression. Not long after, he rushed to the soldiers' camp alone and shouted loudly: "He Jin, the 'King of Zuo Jin' under King Shun, is here. Where is Chai Shihua?"

Chai Shihua couldn't help being surprised and happy when he saw that the rebels had actually sent a strong man and a general with a "nickname", which showed their sincerity.

Seeing this, the people on the left and right quickly persuaded: "Chief soldier, this thief is indeed a big thief. If we can trick him into the camp and kill him, it will be a great achievement at least."

Chai Shihua had already had doubts about Hong Chengchou and Mr. Zuo Guang, so how could he trust others? He couldn't help but glare and cursed: "Stop ruining my plan, just step back and see how I deal with it!"

Na He Jin waited for a moment under the camp. Not long after, the officers and soldiers lowered a hanging basket. Undaunted, he dismounted and jumped onto the hanging basket. Holding a knife in one hand and a rope in the other, he shouted loudly: "Everything is ready, and Raben will go up!"

Immediately, the rope in his hand tightened, and the hanging basket carrying He Jin creaked and swayed and was dragged to the camp.

Although the camp of the officers and soldiers was not as tall as the city, it was still more than ten feet high, almost like a one-story building in later generations. He Jin just stood on the hanging basket, breathing evenly and keeping his eyes focused. He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

After finally waiting for the hanging basket to reach the fortress, He Jin grabbed the parapet of the fortress with one hand, turned over and jumped up with a knife in the other. When he regained his footing, he looked up and saw a group of officers and soldiers wearing armor and holding swords, surrounding him.

He Jin couldn't help but smile and said: "Where is Mr. Chai? I heard that you are brave enough to defeat the three armies, but why are you so timid? I am one man and one horse, going to the meeting alone. Are you afraid of this?"

"Back off! Everyone, step back!" Chai Shihua couldn't help but sneer after hearing this. His father and brother were also brave for a moment, which he himself was quite envious of. Now that I see the warrior face to face, I can't help but feel a little respect.

He quickly cupped his hands and praised: "This young general is indeed very courageous, but Chai admires him very much. But nowadays, everyone is a knifeman and I am a fish. Aren't you afraid that Chai will fall out and chop you into pieces with a knife?" "

He Jin couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He laughed for a long time before responding: "He is just a small leader. People like me under King Shun are like crucian carps crossing the river. They are countless. If General Chai can save himself If you can win, you might as well kill me and see if King Shun can avenge me, He!"

Before Chai Shihua could say anything, Zuo Zuo couldn't help but said angrily: "What a thief, he dares to speak harshly when he is about to die. Today I will tear you apart and rip out your heart to see if you are much more courageous than others!"

"Come on, come on, those who are afraid of death are not heroes!" He Jin couldn't help but take off his armor, revealing the heart-protecting hair on his chest, and screamed strangely.

The update is a bit slow tonight, there may only be one chapter, so please don’t wait any longer. Ahhhh, the chapter name is wrong, the author forgot to change it.

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