Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 689 Surrender!

That He Jin's appearance made the officers and soldiers numb. Upon seeing this, Chai Shihua hurriedly dismissed everyone, then welcomed He Jin to him and said, "They are all reckless men who only know how to fight and kill. Please don't get along with them."

"Since the general is sincere, Chai might as well say something sincere. I am from Xining, my father Chai Guozhu once bravely won the three armies, and my brother Chai Shixiu also sacrificed his life for the country. It can be said that the whole family is loyal. But now Chai is unworthy, To humiliate your father and brother is the ultimate act of unfilial piety!"

Well, this is just asking for conditions. He Jin understood in his heart and said with a smile: "Although the rebel army started with military affairs, it does not force it. It has always been that if we cooperate, we will come, and if we do not cooperate, we will go."

"Those who are loyal ministers and righteous men are like those who accept the favor of the king, and King Shun also respects them; those who know the current affairs like Cao Wenzhao, King Shun also makes the best use of them. All the heroes in the world are in King Shun's favor."

"If General Chai is willing to submit to King Shun and perform great merits, King Shun will not hesitate to reward him; if General Chai disobeys orders and violates military laws, King Shun will also be unselfish and deal with him according to the law, and he will be impartial and impartial. "

The so-called "Yunzhi Juezhong" comes from "Shangshu Dayu Mo", which means that words and deeds are impartial and consistent with the principle of justice.

This is a high praise for a monarch. Fang Xiaoru once said in "Yi Qi": The way of the saints is only in the middle. The three sages, Yao, Shun and Yu, are the laws of the world, and they are all "allowed to hold on to the middle".

In other words, people of this era believed that the "way of the saints" of the three ancient sages Yao, Shun and Yu was nothing more than insisting on "allowing and holding on to the center".

Most of the general military officers in the Ming Dynasty were born in the military, had hereditary titles, and had good family backgrounds. Therefore, in addition to their military skills, most of them also have some culture.

For example, Zhang Daojun, Zhang Shun's subordinate, originally studied and prepared to take the imperial examination route. It was only because his father died in the Liaodong war and the imperial court favored the hereditary inheritance that he took the military service route.

Although Chai Shihua did not have Zhang Daojun's knowledge, since his father Chai Guozhu was also a general military officer, he had read at least the Four Books and Five Classics.

Of course he also understands what Yunzhi Juezhong means.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "King Shun can have such a strong man under his command. I think I am a hero for a while. If I am on par with the ancient saints, how can I go too far?"

In fact, He Jin despised Chai Shihua's behavior of "sitting on the emperor's salary but not being loyal to the emperor". However, for the great cause of King Shun and for the sake of wealth, he had to compromise.

Now that I saw this person, I didn't believe him. Although I was a little angry, I still thought about it seriously and said, "Although He is not well-informed, he has a lot of experience. Among the rebels, 'Heng Tianyi' Wang Jiayin, Wang Jiayin, Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong, Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang, Chuang Jiang Li Hongji, Living Cao Cao Luo Rucai, etc. are all called heroes. However, looking at their success or failure, and looking at their general strategy, they are all far inferior to King Shun. I have never met the other heroes, so I dare not make any rash comments!"

Chai Shihua was surprised when he heard this. Unexpectedly, a bandit also had such ability.

He originally wanted to ask how King Shun compared with Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, but then he thought about it, how could Hong Chengchou be ranked with him after being beaten like this?

Because Chai Shihua was suspicious of Hong Chengchou, he had no choice but to join the rebel army. Originally he was a little hesitant, but now after hearing He Jin's words, he couldn't help but strengthen his confidence.

Although Chai Shihua was not as knowledgeable as Zuo Guangxian, the chief military officer of Shaanxi, and Wang Chengen, the chief military officer of Lintao, he was quite knowledgeable.

He admired He Jin when he saw that he went to the meeting alone, his expression did not change in front of the officers and soldiers, and he was not afraid of swords, guns and bullets. Now that He Jin praised King Shun so much, he suddenly felt yearning for him.

It's just that the Chai family is also a big family in Xining, so they have to consider some options.

According to Chai Shihua's thinking, if Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces and Zuo Guang, the chief military officer of Shaanxi, let themselves take the blame first, then although the Chai family would not be confiscated and exterminated, it would not be far off. Instead of doing this, why not surrender the thieves to protect yourself, and the Chai family can also have a chance to revive.

Now that the "thief" has such ambitions, he wants more. He couldn't help but asked quickly: "If we win this battle, will the Kingdom of Shun take the opportunity to enter the pass and take control of Shaanxi?"

Chai Shihua's thoughts were very clear. If King Shun defeated Hong Chengchou and took the opportunity to seize Shaanxi, then the Chai family in Xining would be fine.

He Jin frowned when he heard this. Although he had the intention to lie to him, he still told the truth: "I don't know about this matter, but in my opinion, if Hong Chengchou was defeated and died, and Shaanxi was empty, wouldn't it be the time for the rebel army to enter the west? "

Chai Shihua couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he heard the words, and also knew that what He Jin said was true. Although he very much hoped that the other party could answer him and save his family after hunting Hong Chengchou, he also knew that this matter could only be met by chance.

He couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency is indeed loyal and brave, and you are not willing to deceive me with lies. I am willing to open the camp gate, welcome the rebels into the camp, and lead you to hunt down Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces. I also ask the general not to forget Chai's virtue today. , I will say a few kind words in front of King Shun in the future!" After Chai Shihua finished speaking, he ordered the left and right camp gates to be opened to welcome the rebel army.

In order not to confuse Zhang Sanbai, He Jin personally accompanied Chai Shihua, the chief military officer of Gansu Province, to greet him. As soon as Zhang Sanbai saw that He Jin was alive and well, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly led the crowd to greet him.

He Jin quickly saluted and said: "Fortunately, the mission has been fulfilled. General Chai is willing to submit to King Shun and guide the rebel army to hunt down Hong Chengchou. This is General Chai, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, and this is the rebel army." General Zhang Sanbai."

Chai Shihua looked up and saw a general in white robes and silver armor standing in front of him. He had red lips, white teeth, and a white face without beard. He was holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, and had a carved bow and arrows on his waist. He was majestic, not angry, and had a good face.

Chai Shihua couldn't help but stepped forward and saluted: "Thank you, General Zhang, for showing mercy, otherwise Chai would have no chance to meet!"

Ahem, Zhang Sanbai felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, and thought to himself: "That's because you are lucky, but actually I don't know where that arrow is going!"

However, fortunately, Zhang Sanbai bluffed and said: "Where, where! This is your fate. If not, how could we take this camp lightly?"

When Chai Shihua heard Zhang Sanbai talk about this matter, he quickly responded: "This is not a place for talking. It will be a long night and many dreams. I also ask the general to enter the camp as soon as possible, deal with Hong Chengchou's guy, and then reminisce about the past."

Zhang Sanbai also deeply believed that, and couldn't help but cupped his hands and said: "Then Zhang is disrespectful. After this battle, the rebel army will not dare to forget General Chai's great kindness. I will report this to King Shun to show his merit!"

"Where! Where!" Chai Shihua said politely, and couldn't help but happily welcomed Zhang Sanbai, He Jin and other rebel soldiers into the camp, and pointed out to them: "Not far from Dazhen, Hong Chengchou's camp is located. As long as this camp is broken, Hong Chengchou will be captured by the general!"

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