Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 703 Harvest and Strategy

After the "Lantern Appreciation Festival" battle on the Lantern Festival, Zhang Shun achieved great results and almost wiped out all the talents in Henan Prefecture, adding a lot of flesh and blood to the civil servants of the rebel regime. At the same time, the results of the rebel army's defeat of the officers and soldiers have been calculated. It also allowed the rebels to "replace a shotgun with a cannon", an almost completely reborn change.

Zhang Shenyan couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and read aloud in front of everyone: "After a battle in Song County, we captured Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, alive, killed Li Bei, the deputy commander-in-chief, and defeated more than 4,000 officers and soldiers. We captured 2,117 officers and soldiers. We killed eight hundred and seventy-seven people, and the rest dispersed."

"In the Battle of Luoyang, Hong Chengchou, the governor-general of five provinces, was captured alive, and the Gansu commander-in-chief Chai Shihua, and the staff generals He Renlong and Bai Guang'en were surrendered, and the Lintao commander-in-chief Wang Cheng'en, deputy commander-in-chief Ai Wannian, deputy commander-in-chief Liu Guozhen, and deputy commander-in-chief were beheaded. Among Liu Chenggong's three and four generals, only Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, is at large."

"Forty-two thousand officers and soldiers were defeated, 6,082 were killed in formation, 5,063 were captured, 16,521 were surrendered, and the rest were on the run. It would disturb the people, and the rebels should Timely eradication is a priority.”

"We captured twenty red cannons, ninety-eight general cannons, sixty-two French machine guns, one hundred and one prisoner-killing cannons, and countless other blunderbuss, three-eyed blunderbuss, quick guns, and bows and arrows. . Seized 4,727 pairs of armor, and countless knives, spears, axes, swords, etc."

"Eight thousand dan of grain, 5,200 jin of gunpowder, nearly 10,000 jin of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal, and countless amounts of dried meat, oil, salt, sauce and pickles were seized."

"The rebels had 2,758 casualties and more than 4,000 minor injuries. General 'King of Chaos' died in battle; Lord Shun was seriously injured; General Liu Cheng was seriously injured. Fortunately, Mrs. Xiang healed him, and he is not in danger for the time being. . The other generals all have minor and major injuries, but they are all fine!"

"The rebels also captured Ruzhou and Xin'an counties one after another, leaving all the officers and soldiers empty. At this time, the rebels should be ordered to divide their forces in four directions and occupy the surrounding counties as a basis. I wonder what King Shun wants?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and asked everyone after hearing this.

When Cao Wenzhao heard this, he couldn't help but stood up and remonstrated: "A hundred-footed insect is dead but not stiff. The Ming Dynasty has been in the world for more than two hundred years, and it has two capitals and thirteen provinces in the world. How can we despise it? Now Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, has been defeated. , Qin has no owner, why doesn't King Shun take it? Imitate the old wisdom of Qin and Han, sit in the middle of the pass and dominate the world, attack when you advance, defend when you retreat, you will be the king of the world!"

As soon as Cao Wenzhao finished speaking, the whole audience was in an uproar. This is a big plan to take over the world, and it is almost related to the wealth and life of everyone here. One wrong step could lead to your body being shattered to pieces. How could it be decided so easily?

Lu Weiqi quickly stood up and objected: "In the past, Xun Yu advised Wei Wu to guard Xu Yan to consolidate the foundation, and Zhang Bin advised Shi Le to take Hebei to establish the foundation. These were all imperial policies!"

"The husband drives around the countryside, wanders and plunders, this is the art of thieves. It rises quickly, but also falls suddenly!"

"Why? If the roots are not strong, the tree will not grow. Even if it is victorious in a hundred battles, it is still a tree without roots. If there is a slight setback, it will become like a bird and a beast and scatter!"

"In the past, the emperor Gaozu protected the pass and occupied Hanoi with force. Both of them were deeply rooted and consolidated to control the world. Advance enough to defeat the enemy, and retreat enough to hold on. Therefore, even if there are difficulties and defeats, great achievements will be achieved in the end. This is the strategy of an emperor!"

"Now that King Shun has taken control of Luoyang, he has defeated the officers and soldiers, and is taking full control of Henan. He is guarded by the Eight Passes in the interior, Tongguan, Huaiqing, Nanyang, and Zhengbian on the outside. A hero serves as a city oar, who in the world can stop him?"

Just kidding, I just followed Xun Yu's example and persuaded all the scholars to join King Shun. You just let the main force of the rebel army go. Do you still want everyone's wealth and lives?

Even if all the scholars are not killed and the whole family is killed, when the "local snake" from Shaanxi comes to surrender, how can he show the use of his descendants from western Henan?

Cao Wenzhao was not afraid after hearing this, but smiled and said: "What Mr. Lu said about deep roots and strengthening the foundation is very consistent with my opinion. I heard that there are bonsais in the south of the Yangtze River, but when you take pines and cypresses and plant them in pots, people at that time called them ' "Small heaven and earth" is true. As the saying goes, "the world is big in a small basin, the trees are old and the scenery is new"! "

"It's the same at home and country. If you plant it between heaven and earth, it can become a towering tree; if you plant it in a basin, it can only become a landscape. Nowadays, Henan Prefecture is so small, how can it become a towering tree like a basin? A tree? Even though the tiger is fierce, it cannot fall into the flat sun; even though the dragon is strong, it cannot enter the shallow water. Is it like this?"

Lu Weiqi's original opponent was "Yafu" Zhang Shenyan. He never expected that Cheng Yaojin would come out of his way, but Cao Wenzhao and himself would sing a duel.

It turned out that Cao Wenzhao was the most prestigious general in the border army, and he had commanded the generals in the border army many times, so he had a great reputation. After surrendering to the rebel army, he was first worried about King Shun's suspicion, and secondly he didn't bother to compete with the generals for power.

Now that the rebel army has defeated Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, it can be seen that King Shun soared into the sky. Chai Shihua, the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province, and Bai Guangen and He Renlong joined the army, and the strength of the Jiangsu Military Department was greatly increased. Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but be ready to make a move to become the leader of the Jiangjun Department.

This was not because Cao Wenzhao had any ambitions and wanted to compete with Zhang Shun, but that he was more confident in Zhang Shun's future and wanted to take the opportunity to show his worth.

Cao Wenzhao took advantage of his strength and made a "bonsai theory", which almost choked Lu Weiqi, the representative of Heluo Shizi, to death on the spot. However, Lu Weiqi was not very vegetarian. He thought about it for a moment and couldn't help but argue: "Your Majesty regards Heluo as a basin, which is really not worthy of refutation. To the south is Huguang, to the west is Sanqin. To the north is Hanoi and Shanxi, and to the east is an endless plain. It is the most blessed land in the world. King Shun sat in Heluo and looked at the world. This is the business of Xia and Shang!"

"Huguang in the south, Shanxi in the north, Sanqin in the west, and the Central Plains in the east. This is the land of the Four Wars. Why is it called Guang?" Cao Wenzhao heard this and said sarcastically, "Qin has the advantage of elite soldiers and strong soldiers, and it is known as the world. Elite soldiers. Bordering the Qinghai-Gansu and Western Regions in the west, there is a victory of armored horses; located on nine sides, there is no risk of siege from all sides; sitting on the fortress of Weihan, it becomes a country with four fortresses. It can be attacked when advancing, and defended when retreating. The Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties supported it to control it. The world has become the winner of the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

Lu Weiqi was disturbed by Cao Wenzhao and almost vomited blood. He quickly said to Zhang Shun: "As times change, things change. In the past, the sacred land and the country of four fortresses have now been cut off."

"The first is: the Han River has changed its course, and the waterway from Guanzhong to Hanzhong is extinct; the second is: drought. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there have been many droughts in Shaanxi, and in recent years there have been severe droughts. In the early days of Hongwu, the populations of Shaanxi and Henan were almost as different as each other. Now they are The population is only half that of Henan, and the taxation is only half that of Henan."

"What makes a country rich and powerful is nothing more than population and food. Shaanxi has four towns and three passes, which is not as good as Henan Province. How can it be the foundation? What's more, Henan Prefecture can be stable with just a little management. And If we enter Shaanxi and fight continuously for a long time, if there is a slight setback, wouldn't it mean that even Henan Prefecture cannot be defended?"

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