Lu Weiqi and Cao Wenzhao argued with each other, and their faces turned red. If the difference in force between them was not too large, the two would fight on the spot.

Although both of them have selfish motives, what they say is public opinion. Each of his theories has its merits and demerits, and it is also very inspiring to Zhang Shun.

People often say that "the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy", and we judge heroes by their results. But how did the king succeed and how did the bandit defeat? This was the most important question for Zhang Shun.

The comparison between Lu Weiqi's "Thief's Technique" and "Emperor's Strategy" profoundly reveals the difference. The power of the "thief's technique" comes and goes quickly, because it has no foundation and cannot withstand setbacks; while the "emperor's strategy" chooses a base area and "deeply consolidates the foundation", which can withstand setbacks, so it can become something. Career comes out.

"No one can make mistakes unless he is a sage." Even Zhang Shun does not think that he is always right. In contrast to later generations of revolutionary base theory, Zhang Shun had a deeper understanding of the importance of building a foundation.

And not only that, a foundation is also a preview of governing the world. For a new political power, it also needs to dispatch floating officials to govern the people, collect food and taxes, recruit troops, train, and build a civil and military structure.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but turn to Zhang Shenyan and asked: "What does Mr. Zhang think of this matter?"

Zhang Shenyan pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands and responded: "Mr. Lu's theory of 'deepening the roots and strengthening the foundation' is actually the emperor's general strategy. General Cao's theory is also quite insightful. In my old opinion, they are all correct theories."

Good guy, where do you want to put your feelings in the piss and mud? He said it but didn't say it, and everyone couldn't help but look at him sideways.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shenyan continued: "However, things have their own order, and circumstances have their own priorities. Now that the officers and soldiers have been defeated, Henan Prefecture has no owner, and King Shun can easily get it. The most urgent task is to sweep all counties, establish laws and regulations, and dispatch civil servants. Only then can we take the right approach."

"As for matters in Shaanxi, we should act according to our ability, do it if we can, and stop if we can't. Although Gansu and Shaanxi are good, they are not necessarily a place to be taken; the rebel army is not a useless place."

"However, if one has no long-term worries, there must be immediate worries. Although the officers and soldiers are defeated, they are still strong. If there is a moment of respite, I am afraid that I will come back again, and Henan Prefecture will not be at peace. I also ask King Shun to check it out!"

"Yes!" Zhang Shun nodded, and Zhang Shenyan went one step further to get to the key point. Regardless of whether we choose Henan Prefecture or Gansu and Shaanxi, we must act within our capabilities and time.

As the saying goes, "Children only do multiple-choice questions, adults want them all!" However, the key is how to do it, how to do it, and will you be exhausted?

After thinking about this, Zhang smiled and said: "What you all said is true, I already know it!"

"You can send an order to the Changzhen Camp and the 2nd Battalion of the Songying Camp of Li Mou Town under the command of Governor Chen Changzhen. Then you can go west and capture Mianchi, Shaanzhou, Lingbao, and Nuxiang one by one, and occupy Tongguan!"

As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar. Are you planning to march into Shaanxi, and are you planning to use Qin as your base? Lu Weiqi's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up to make a speech. His relatives and disciples quickly grabbed him and pushed him back to his seat to prevent him from offending King Shun. Cao Wenzhao, Chai Shihua, Bai Guangen and He Renlong couldn't help but be overjoyed and forced to hold back their excitement.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Don't be impatient, please wait until I finish speaking!"

"Cao Wenzhao led Wenzhao's camp westward along the Luo River and attacked the three counties of Yiyang, Yongning and Lushi one after another. The Bai County magistrate of Lushi has an old relationship with me. If he can surrender, he will surrender. If he cannot surrender, he will be released. No. It’s disrespectful! Now that we have taken control of the Lu family, we should respond to Chen Changting from a distance and be sure to capture Tongguan for the future!"

"Yes!" Cao Wenzhao responded with a smile, "Cao will definitely fulfill his mission!"

"Li Xin led the "Troubled Times Battalion" from the east of Song County, captured Yiyang and Ruzhou one by one, occupied Ruzhou and defended it. Depending on the situation, he looked at the three counties of Jiaxian, Baofeng and Lushan in order to completely capture Ruzhou."

"Yes, the general takes command!" Li Xin was originally focused on leading troops in battle, but now he finally took charge of the Troubled Times Camp. He was beaming with joy after receiving such an important task.

But now, the smiles on the faces of generals Cao Wenzhao, Chai Shihua, He Renlong and Bai Guangen gradually disappeared. Feelings: King Shun did not want to seize Shaanxi, but wanted to seize Henan Prefecture and occupy it. Everyone was overjoyed because it turned out that he had made a wedding dress for Lu Weiqi.

"Gao Yifeng led the Gaoying camp north to seize Mengjin, and Li Jiyu led the Songshan camp eastward to seize Yanshi and Dengfeng counties, and defended Songshan, waiting for an opportunity to threaten Yuzhou City! Cao Bianjiao led the Jiaolong camp to Yanyiluo River, and in turn Capture Gong County and Sishui County and defend them. If necessary, I will send Han Lin to rebuild Sishui Pass to guard against attacks by officers and soldiers."

"Yes!" Gao Yigong, Li Jiyu and Cao Bianjiao all responded after hearing this. Now everyone understood that this was almost for nothing. This was Zhang Shun's reward for his loyalty and hard work to the three of them. Everyone was speechless.

"Zhang Sanbai led his troops to defend Ziwei Star Castle like a copper wall and an iron wall. He was specially named the 'Iron Wall Camp'. He and Xiao Qinhu Menghu Camp will stay in Luoyang for the time being. After some renovations, they will be ready to go to war at any time!"

"Yes!" Zhang Sanbai and Xiao Qinhu understood that this was Zhang Shun's trust in them.

Zhang captured Hong Chengchou, the governor of five provinces alive, and withstood the siege of officers and soldiers several times, laying the foundation for the victory of the rebel army. In terms of merit, he ranks first. Therefore, the credit for the finishing touch this time does not go to him.

And Xiao Qinhu was not only Zhang Shunyi's brother, but he also controlled Zhang Shun's most powerful Tiger Camp. This time Zhang Shun kept him by his side. If Jiang and the Yu Lin camp were added, a total of three battalions were here, and the purpose was self-evident.

Sure enough, Zhang Shun continued to order: "Chai Shihua, He Renlong and Bai Guangen have just surrendered. I have ordered you and the other three to each lead a battalion. Each battalion has 3,000 men. After being trained by the military academy, they can be put into combat."

"Fu Yuren, Li Xijiu, and Sun Chengzong were appointed as staff officers to assist him respectively."

At the beginning, the Gongsheng students in Song County, led by Xu Quan, who went to Zhang Shun, were all trained by him to be good staff officers, and he took the opportunity to let them go.

"The last general takes orders!" The Gansu commander-in-chief Chai Shihua and the staff generals He Renlong and Bai Guangen have now defected to the rebel army. They are fighting for each other, although they are a little dissatisfied. However, the situation is stronger than the others, so there is no other way, so they have to respond. .

What's more, they heard that Cao Wenzhao also had a staff member named "Wang Maozhong" by his side, and knew that this was the proper meaning.

Although they couldn't live up to their expectations for a while, it was like a stone fell to the ground, and the three of them felt relieved a little.

Zhang Shun was afraid that they might have other ideas, so he specially comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone, Hong Chengchou has suffered a new defeat, and Guanzhong is leaderless. Please send soldiers in time and move in the whole family, as this is the most urgent task."

"As for the attack on Shaanxi, we need to think about it in the long term. Shaanxi is a vast territory with three sides and four towns, and more than 200,000 troops. It will not be accomplished in a day. It will not be too late to attack Shaanxi again after the rebel army has been reorganized!"

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