Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 706 Rewards and Punishments

When everything was on track, Zhang Shun was free again.

In fact, he didn't want to be idle at all. Now is a rare opportunity when the rebel army is prosperous and the officers and soldiers are weak. It was when Zhang Shun showed his talents, but the speed of information transmission and the speed of military mobilization based on the low productivity of this era were extremely slow.

No matter how anxious Zhang Shun was, he had to be patient and wait for this slow era.

The rebel army's re-registration, reorganization and retraining of surrendered and captured officers and soldiers has begun in full swing.

There are more than 20,000 people. Even if they are called one by one according to the roster, it will deliberately take a whole day of one person's time, not to mention having to start everything over again?

Fortunately, the "local snake" Lu Weiqi helped him win over nearly a hundred Heluo scholars this time, and their cultural quality was also very high. Coupled with the seventy-two disciples of Lao Shanchang and the civil servants trained by the rebels themselves, they barely had enough manpower.

Everything was unfolding in full swing. Although Zhang Shun still had many things to do urgently in his heart, he could only sit back. He suppressed his anxiety and had no choice but to take Wukong, Wang Jinyi, Gao Guiying and others around the city.

After the disaster, Luoyang returned to its former liveliness and prosperity, with stalls and hawkers going on. The people in the city also gathered in small groups to bask in the sun and brag about exotic stories such as how the rebels killed the enemy.

Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head, not intending to correct their bloody jokes such as "disembowelment and gut removal" and "war horses eating human entrails".

Gao Guiying was a little angry and wanted to argue with others, but was pulled back by Zhang Shun. He smiled and said: "It's better to defend the people's mouth than to defend the river. It's just some jokes made up by ignorant people. What's the point of being angry?"

"Then we can't let them slander the rebels like this!" Gao Guiying was still a little angry.

"Whether the rebels can do it or not depends first on how we do it, and secondly on how we guide them. Is there any reason not to let others speak?" Zhang Shun advised after hearing this, "If I am stingy, let the rebels capture and kill them all." It was clean. I felt refreshed for a while, but now that the manpower is tight, wouldn’t it mean that we have missed the most important thing at the moment? "

Gao Guiying thought for a while, the rebels were really busy now, how could they have time to take care of these trivial matters? She couldn't help but curl her lips and said: "That means dad is easy to talk to. If it were me, I would kill him all at once. Who would dare to gossip here? It's because dad is soft-hearted, so let them arrange it here!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Killing indiscriminately, how is that different from bandits and bandits?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but reprimanded.

"I'm a bandit, I'm a gangster, what's wrong?" Gao Guiying couldn't help complaining unhappily after hearing this, "They are thinking about you, but you still attack them?"

"Yo? Are you angry?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said happily, "I'm not only going to hurt you, but I'm also going to beat you! Just wait, I'll serve you with a stick when I get home later!"

"Serve me as long as I serve you!" Gao Guiying was not afraid of him. "People only care about you. If you repay kindness with hatred, are you still not a human being?"

Facts have proved that Zhang Shun is indeed not a human being, he is just a beast.

Not long after, Zhang Shun returned home and saw no one around him. He ordered Wukong and Wang Jinyi to guard outside the courtyard. Then he stripped off his clothes, took out a stick, and spanked Gao Guiying one by one.

How could Gao Guiying survive? Not long after, he was out of breath and yelled. She was shouting vigorously, but unexpectedly, there was a pop and the door suddenly opened wide.

Gao Guiying was startled and turned around to look, only to see a graceful woman with an angry face rushing in. It was none other than Zhang Shun's wife, Ma Yingniang, who had just moved in.

Gao Guiying said "Yeah" and covered her face. She just shrank into Zhang Shun's arms and twisted her body endlessly. How could Zhang Shun survive it?

He couldn't help but hurriedly tried to stop Gao Guiying from moving, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Mother Ying, why are you here?"

"Continue, you continue!" Ma Yingniang's face turned green with anger, "I had a great wedding, but my husband was in bed with me within two days."

"Okay, I'm hurt, I understand! I can't take good care of him because of my rough hands, so I have to let Mrs. Li and her girl accompany her day and night, never leaving!"

"I finally took a break from my busy schedule and ran over to see how he was recovering, but here he is doing this kind of thing? Can you tell me how cheerful and happy he is these days?"

"No, no! Ying Niang, listen to me!" Zhang Shun quickly argued, "I haven't dared to touch any meat these days. I couldn't bear it today, so I tasted it secretly."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Gao Guiying twisted her body quickly and shouted loudly, interrupting Zhang Shun's explanation.

"No, what are you saying when you're fine? I didn't even move!" Zhang Shun's face turned green, he was planning to cause trouble!

"Okay, okay, don't be embarrassed!" Women still understand women. Why don't you demonstrate to me from here? Ma Yingniang sneered and said disdainfully, "A chamber pot, what's there to show off?"

Nima! Ma Yingniang's words touched Gao Guiying's pain point, and she was about to rush over and fight Ma Yingniang with all her teeth and claws. Zhang Shun quickly hugged her into his arms and said somewhat helplessly: "Ying Niang, please stay away for a moment. Let me straighten my clothes and then we can talk!"

Although Ma Yingniang has been here before, she was newly married after all, and after watching a half-hearted performance, she was actually a little bit unbearable. She had no choice but to turn around and avoid it for the time being.

Zhang was tidily tidying up his clothes for a while, but Gao Guiying refused to let him go. She pulled Zhang Shun's clothes and asked, "Why didn't you say anything just now? Do you think she was right?"

Yes, that’s right! You are the big chamber pot, and she is the second chamber pot. Don't talk about the second brother, and don't make fun of the other!

Zhang Shun cursed in his heart as if he was angry, but actually he didn't dare to fart. If his brain gets hot and he really says these words, I guarantee that he will not see the sun tomorrow.

After finally calming down Gao Guiying, who was still uninterested, Zhang Shun asked like a dog: "Why did Ying Niang come here today?"

This Gao Guiying is his upright little slave girl, who has been certified by the Red Lady, Li Sanniang, Li Xiang and others. Zhang Shun can play whatever he wants, and he won't apologize for it.

Ma Yingniang also knew about this. Although she was a little angry, she couldn't force her too much. No matter how clumsy they are, it has nothing to do with them. The only thing she was angry about was that Zhang Shun actually ignored her after they had only been married for only a month. Is this intolerable, but who is intolerable?

Ma Yingniang resisted the temptation to step forward and beat him up, and made an excuse openly and honestly: "You were in danger on the battlefield a few days ago. Now that I think about it, I still feel scared. I can't help you elsewhere, I just want to take advantage of you. In your spare time these days, I’ll ask you to practice riding horses and spears, so that you can have some self-protection skills in the future!”

How did Zhang Shun know that this was Ma Yingniang's idea to deal with him? He couldn't help but be a little moved when he saw that Ma Yingniang "repayed kindness with hatred" and no longer pursued what happened today.

He quickly responded: "It's easy to say, easy to say! I've been thinking about it these days. After all, my ability is so bad. If something happens in the future, how will you survive!"

Thank you to fans "Bull Rider", "Dream Realizer of All Heavens and Worlds" and "Book Friends 160222231033534" for the rewards. Thank you to fans "Yuelu Shanbei 1984" for the large rewards. Thank you all for your support!

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