Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 707 Chapter 338 Good Man

It’s hard to be a good person, it’s even harder to be a good person, and it’s even harder to be a good man!

If Zhang Shun was a commoner, he might have married Li Sanniang. The two supported each other, noisily, and gave birth to five or six children, and then lived an ordinary life.

If Zhang Shun was a rich man, he might have to take two more concubines, fearfully avoiding the "thieves"'s pay, while avoiding the oppression of the government, and living his life in fear.

But now that Zhang Shun is the monarch, his requirements for himself cannot be so relaxed. According to Zhang Shun's thinking, the key to being a good monarch is the word "scumbag"!

Like a monarch, the first and most basic requirement for a scumbag is to be ruthless!

If the scumbag fell in love, then the situation of becoming a shareholder through stock trading would happen, and the scumbag would not be able to continue to be a scumbag. And the monarch is even worse. If he has feelings, he will have weaknesses, which will affect his decision-making. If he is not careful, the country will overthrow, and he will be defeated and die. There is King You of Zhou in the distance, and Emperor Ming of Tang is nearby. They are all like this.

Like a monarch, the second requirement for a scumbag is to be good at seducing beautiful women and starting a harem.

If a scumbag is an honest man, he will definitely be a scumbag even if he wants to; if a monarch cannot recognize and support people and employ them, he will definitely end up alone in the end. Especially for Zhang Shun, who has almost no relatives or friends to help him, if he cannot open a harem in time and give birth to a lot of babies, even if he rules the world, everyone will feel guilty.

On the historical line of later generations, why Li Zicheng's Dashun fell apart? In addition to Li Zicheng's setbacks and defeat, he also had no biological son as his successor, which led to the internal division of Dashun. This was also one of the important reasons.

At the same time, Dorgon had almost the same power, even compared with Cao Cao and Sima Yi in the past, he was no less generous. The reason why I couldn't take the last step was because I didn't even have a son. It wasn't worth it to die just because I was addicted.

Now that Zhang Shun's female harem has opened up, Li Sanniang gave birth to a son for him, and Lady Hong and Li Xiang are also pregnant, which temporarily solves the problem of heirs. However, due to the low medical technology of this era, the infant mortality rate was very high. It was common for three or five infants to die accidentally. Zhang Shunyi had to make plans in advance.

And Zhang Shun's male "harem" is equally exciting. Song Xiance, Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Cao Wenzhao, to name a few. In two-dimensional terms, they are called "white-haired lolita", "senior mature woman", "tsundere young lady" and "kendo girl".

The third similarity between a scumbag and a monarch is that they fall in love with each other.

If a scumbag loves only one person, that is the innocent boy, not a scumbag. And as a monarch, the same is true. The mountains never get too high and the sea never gets too deep. I wish that all the heroes in the world would fall into it.

The same is true for Zhang Shun as a qualified monarch. Although he already has Li Sanniang, Hong Niangzi, Li Xiang and others, he is still not satisfied. Recently, he is quite greedy for Gao Guiying.

In order to prevent Zhang Shun from being obsessed with beauty, Ma Yingniang taught Zhang Shun how to ride a horse and practice spear, which suddenly won the strong support of other ladies and maids.

Early the next morning, at dawn, Gao Guiying personally pulled him out of the warm bed.

The first month in western Henan is as cold as winter. In these days, there was neither heating nor down jackets. Only warm quilts could warm people's hearts. As a result, even this last pitiful hobby was deprived. Zhang Shun was about to cry without tears, so he had to complain while putting on cold clothes. clothing.

After leaving the door, Zhang Shun shivered when the cold wind blew and wanted to get into the house. As a result, Ma Yingniang, who had been waiting for a long time, grabbed her and slipped out.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Zhang Shun shook his hands and complained: "It's freezing cold, why do you get up so early? In fact, you can train during the day when it's warmer!"

"Winter training is thirty-nine, and summer training is three days! I survived like this when I was only five or six years old. You, a grown man, can't bear this little hardship?" Ma Yingniang said with a bit of contempt.

"That's because you were too young at that time and didn't know what suffering was! Now that I'm older, I understand everything, but isn't it just suffering?" Zhang Shun kept making the same mistake.

Ma Yingniang couldn't resist him. She glared and asked, "Just tell me whether you want to go or not?"

"Uh." Zhang Shun saw that Ma Yingniang was getting annoyed, so he had to respond quickly, "Go, go, go! A manly man keeps his word and goes as he says!"

Ma Yingniang was too lazy to pay attention to him, got on her horse, and was about to take him to the school grounds. As a result, Zhang Shun quickly took three steps and two steps at a time, pulled her and asked: "It's freezing out here. I'll bring a hand warmer. Is that okay?"

"What is a hand warmer?" Ma Yingniang asked strangely, a little confused.

"Hand warmer, as the name suggests, it is a hand warmer!" Zhang Shunzuo intervened. Ma Yingniang only thought that he had invented something weird again, and then she said with a slightly calmer expression: "Then just take it with you and don't delay your practice!"

"Okay!" Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly patted the saddle and said, "Guiying, come up too!"

Gao Guiying didn't know what Zhang Shun meant, so he got on his horse as he was told. Zhang Shun also quickly turned over, sat behind Gao Guiying, stretched out his arms to hug her, and put his two hands into her arms.

Ma Yingniang raised her eyebrows and cursed: "You're a scumbag, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Shun quickly raised his hands to signal: "Hand warmer!"

"Get out!" Ma Yingniang almost died of anger on the spot.

After finally arriving at the school grounds, Ma Yingniang rolled up her sleeves and threw him a spear with the tip removed and wrapped in cotton. She yelled, "Let me try your weight!"

After saying that, he unexpectedly rushed over to attack him regardless of the flattery. Zhang Shun was caught off guard, how could he resist? Just when he put Gao Guiying down from his horse, Ma Yingniang's spear suddenly arrived.

Zhang Shun held out his spear and tried to kill him, but all he saw was that the spear hit his chest. Before he could react, a strong force came from him. Zhang Shun fell to the ground with a thud and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Come again!" Ma Yingniang shouted majestically.

As a result, Zhang Shun remained motionless. Gao Guiying stared at him as if something was wrong. He ignored Zhang Shun's many mischiefs and hurriedly ran forward to take a look. He saw Zhang Shun's eyes were closed and his teeth were clenched. She quickly stretched out her hand and tried to breathe, but there was only air coming in and no air coming out.

"Daddy!" Gao Guiying screamed, frightened to death.

Ma Yingniang was shocked when she heard this, and quickly got off her horse and went to check.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun opened his eyes, made a face, and laughed to himself. Gao Guiying and Ma Yingniang didn't know that they had been deceived by him, and they were furious. The two of them ignored their past grudges and rushed forward together.

Not long after, it was getting light. Wukong and Wang Jinyi were squatting at the entrance of Zhang Shunyuan, snoring and drinking gruel. Unexpectedly, they saw the master being carried back with a bruised nose and face, limping under the support of two female Bodhisattvas.

He couldn't help but asked strangely: "Master, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say you went to practice martial arts early in the morning? Why do you look like this?"

"Don't mention it!" Zhang Shun replied with an unlucky look, "Those two beasts are too stubborn and won't let you ride. One of my masters was accidentally thrown off and injured his muscles and bones. It seems that he needs to recuperate for two more days. !”

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