Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 711 Murderous Intent

Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, had just explained the "one guard" clearly. Chongzhen frowned and asked, "Submissive thieves are fierce and difficult to control. How can we get it if we don't pay and strengthen the soldiers?"

Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, thought to himself: Aren’t you talking nonsense? If the Ming Dynasty had enough food and troops to crush them all, would there be any need for me to spend so much time designing strategies?

Before he could reply, unexpectedly Hou Xun, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, took the lead and objected: "Reporting to your Majesty, since last year I still owe more than two million taels of pay and reward silver. Now we are using troops. If we can't make ends meet, I'm afraid that in an emergency, the imperial court will There’s nothing we can do!”

The original Minister of Household Affairs of the imperial court was Bi Ziyan. Bi Ziyan was good at managing money. Even though the Ming court could not collect taxes according to the amount, he still managed to make ends meet.

When Bi Ziyan was imprisoned for other matters, the court replaced him with Hou Xun.

The new Minister of Household Affairs, Hou Xun, is also very capable. After taking over, he was able to "sufficient military pay, no need to send more troops, and there is no shortage of transportation."

Although the court had a "smart woman" like Hou Xun to support it, there was not enough "rice for the pot" and he still had no choice.

The art of financial management is mysterious, but for the Ming Dynasty, it was nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Since Hou Xun, the Minister of Household Affairs, took office, he had "nothing to do", so naturally he could only make a fuss about reducing expenditures.

So when Chongzhen proposed a "two-sided" attack, Hou Xun was the first to stand up and object.

No matter what you say, the court has no money, what do you think we should do?

When it comes to increasing allocations and wages, you oppose it. When it comes to using troops, you say you have no money. You Hou Xun, what on earth do you have in mind?

The last person who did this almost lost his life. Do you think you are any better than him?

Chongzhen couldn't help but became furious when he heard this, but he was well-controlled and didn't show it for a while.

Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, saw that the situation was not good, and quickly interjected: "Shaanxi has four towns and three sides, and there are two to three hundred thousand soldiers. How can we say that there are no soldiers? As long as one governor is appointed, in less than a year, one hundred thousand elite soldiers can be obtained !”

Chongzhen's anger subsided a little, and it seemed that Hou Xun, the Minister of Household Affairs, glanced at him and continued to ask: "In this case, let Liang Tingdong do it as soon as possible!"

"I know the attack and defense, but I don't know what to do with this cover?"

Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, was a little relieved this time. It was really difficult to serve such a master.

He quickly responded: "The so-called shield refers to the governor of Henan."

"Since the Shun bandits have taken control of Luoyang, from Songshan Mountain to the east to Shandong, Nanzhili and other places, they are all covered by flat rivers and thousands of miles of fertile fields."

"Now that Cao Cao has been raided to sweep away the thieves, the disaster has already been severe. If the thieves are allowed to gather with them, cut off the canal transportation, and seize the canal grain, I am afraid that the country of the Ming Dynasty will no longer be owned by your majesty!"

"Huh!" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but yelled angrily when he heard this, which scared Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, to tremble and almost kneel down.

"Keep talking!" Zhu Youjian had a sullen face, as if he wanted to eat someone.

"Yes!" Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, did not dare to continue to say these offensive words, so he had to change the subject and said, "In my opinion, the governor of Henan should be ordered to gather Xuanmo's old troops, recruit all the Kaifeng government officials, and select and train the best ten thousand soldiers. For the rest, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you push forward. We must not allow the obedient thieves to join forces with the thieves who invade, offer, Cao and sweep!"

Chongzhen frowned and said: "More than ten thousand soldiers and horses may not be enough. Once the bandits make a strong campaign eastward, I am afraid that Kaifeng will not be enough to defend them. Please help their soldiers and horses!"

"This..." Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, looked at Chongzhen with a troubled look, but had to give in: "South Zhili still has three thousand Sichuan soldiers under Sui Chen's general Luo Ju, Xuzhou's deputy general Ma Xu and eunuch Lu Jiude. , can help Fengyang Governor Zhu Dadian."

"Analyzing the 1st Battalion of Liaodong Iron Cavalry from Zu Kuan and Fu Zonglong, the Governor of Henan, and the 1st Battalion of Shanxi Deputy General Hu Dawei, we should be safe!"

Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes! I just don't know if the Ministry of Household Affairs has food and salary support?"

Hou Xun, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, heard this and responded with a bitter face: "For these three governors, the Ministry of Revenue can only spend 200,000 taels. If there is any shortfall, please use internal funds to make up for it!"

Internal money is also the royal private treasury. It was beyond the control of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so Hou Xun had no choice but to kick the ball to Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian.

But Zhu Youjian's family knew about his affairs, and his internal money had already started to go to waste. How could he have any extra money to give to him?

Zhu Youjian chewed his teeth and replied after a long while: "Let's do this. I will make up another 20,000 taels from the internal funds and allocate 80,000 taels to Zhu Dadian, governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, and Liang Tingdong, governor of the three sides, and Fu Zonglong, governor of Henan. Seventy thousand taels, admire this!"

The chief minister of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, and Hou Xun, the Minister of Household Affairs, looked at each other in shock after hearing this, and finally had no choice but to retreat.

A clever woman can't make a meal without rice. No matter how capable the government and the public are, in the end, a penny can't defeat a hero, and the Gong Gong princes are also powerless.

Not to mention how the government and the public dealt with it, but after Zhang Shun was punished by Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying, he returned to the house and was found out by the women. None of them gave him any help, but complained about him.

It turns out that since Zhang Shun was seriously injured last time, all the girls have lingering fears, fearing that something similar will happen again.

Now that Ma Yingniang is willing to teach him a lesson, and all the girls want it, how can they stand on his side?

Seeing that Zhang Shun couldn't deny it, he had no choice but to obey Ma Yingniang. He got up early every day and practiced riding a gun at night.

Ma Yingniang was originally a newlywed, but when she saw that Zhang Shun was following her wishes, she couldn't help but give him something sweet to try.

As a result, Zhang incidentally lived a painful but happy life of riding a horse and practicing spear during the day and "horse riding and practicing spear" at night.

In particular, the two of them have become increasingly good at riding horses over time, and from time to time they can also perform some high-end skills such as practicing spear training on horseback. Gao Guiying's heart is filled with excitement.

However, Ma Yingniang is used to eating alone, how can she be tolerated?

Only when she had eaten and drank enough by herself every day would she be willing to ask Gao Guiying to go in and pick up some leftovers to barely satisfy her hunger.

Just going back and forth, Zhang Shun was a little bit unbearable. Hu had been eating and drinking for several days, but his face was pale, his steps were sluggish, and he was yawning all day long.

When Li Xiangliu saw this, he said that he had been overtrained and had lost both energy and blood. He was quickly prescribed some nourishing medicine, and Zhang Shun's complexion became rosy.

In comparison, these two people, Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying, seemed to have taken Shiquan Dabu Pills. Not only were they beautiful in appearance, they were also energetic, forming a sharp contrast with Zhang Shun.

That morning, Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying were still asleep. He pulled up a recliner by the way, covered himself with a quilt and lay there in a daze.

Suddenly he heard a knock on the door in the yard. He woke up with a start and shouted "Come in."

Then Wang Jinyi stuck his head in through the crack in the door. When he saw Zhang Shun there, he ran over quickly and asked strangely: "Where are the two ladies?"

"Sleeping!" Zhang Shun responded calmly.

"Master, you are really good!" Wang Jinyi couldn't help but give a thumbs up. He learned this action from Zhang Shun.

"That's right!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a little proud after hearing this.

"Uh..." Wang Jinyi looked at his expression and realized that he had misunderstood?

He quickly handed him the letter in his hand and corrected: "I mean this one!"

Zhang Shunhao sprayed out a mouthful of old blood. He lowered his head and opened it, and immediately felt no sleepiness at all. He couldn't help shouting "Hello".

It turned out that the letter read: After Chuang Xian Cao Sanying came out of the east, he joined forces with King Sweeper, Emperor Gu Yuan Zhenlong and others to defeat Fengyang, which shocked the world.

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