Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 712 Prepare for a Rainy Day

After Zhang Shun read the letter, he made a decisive decision and asked Wang Jinyi to call Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Song Xiance and Hong Niangzi to go to the government affairs hall to discuss the matter.

Zhang Shun had been obsessed with women these past few days, and the four of them couldn't help but be anxious, and they continued to admonish him for days.

The general idea is that since ancient times, the sage kings vented their anger once, and the sage's time can last for many days; if you vent your anger endlessly, you are really a first-class figure in the Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty and Xia Jie.

Zhang Shun finally found time to enhance the relationship between the couple. Apart from comforting the red lady who was about to give birth, he only treated the three of them in vain.

Seeing Zhang Shun "losing his ambition", these three people couldn't help feeling regretful and deplored, and they were quite anxious.

This time, the three of them were overjoyed when they suddenly received a summons from Zhang Shun. They quickly arranged their clothes and hurried over.

When they arrived at the meeting hall, Zhang Shun was holding the hand of the red lady, who was about eight months pregnant, and saying some thoughtful words.

When the three of them saw that Zhang Shun didn't know what to say, they couldn't help coughing twice to show that there were three more people here.

Zhang Shun glanced at them strangely and thought to himself: I'm so upright, have I ever done anything? What's wrong with you?

This is what the wise see wisdom, and the benevolent see benevolence. If we, husband and wife, hold hands, you three will always think wrongly?

Zhang Shun let go of the red lady's hand as if there was no one around, and smiled at Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance: "I know that the three of you are worried. In fact, I feel the same as you, but the opportunity is not available, so I don't trigger it. Now that the fighter plane has appeared, Let’s see how it goes!”

After speaking, Zhang handed over the letter he had just received to the three of them for inspection.

Zhang Shenyan reached out to take it, and Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance couldn't help but stretch their necks to look.

He simply read it aloud: "Chuang Xian Cao's rebel armies have captured Fengyang, the central capital, and then parted ways. 'Eight Great Kings' Zhang Xianzhong wanted to leave Luzhou, and 'Chuang General' and 'Huo Cao Cao' wanted to work together to defeat Huai'an. They also invited King Shun Make a decision early!”

"Is this...information reliable?" Although the three of them did not have as keen a strategic vision as Zhang Shun.

At any rate, Zhang Shun had slapped the key on their faces, and they had more or less figured out the meaning. So their first reaction was to confirm the authenticity of this matter.

"This letter came from a reliable person, so there is absolutely no problem. What's more, most people don't know the depth of it, so how can they tamper with it and spread false news?" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

To be honest, in Zhang Shun's opinion, the secrecy of ancient intelligence was nothing like nothing.

The pamphlets about the imperial plans from the elders and ministers were bound into volumes and sold everywhere. Sometimes they even got the news faster than the Golden Drum Guards under Zhang Shun.

At that time, Zhang Shun almost dropped his jaw in shock when he saw Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, besieging the Shucuo in Luoyang with the "Eight Golden Locks" in the Luoyang Book Market.

According to the secrecy concept of this era, Zhang Shun did not think that someone had figured out his thoughts and was taking the opportunity to trick him.

So, he said to everyone: "Although the rebel army has newly defeated Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, they still need time to integrate the troops and seize the opportunity to capture the city."

"However, the strength of the imperial court is still there. If you are not careful, you will face the end of being surrounded and suppressed by the imperial army."

"Henan Prefecture is no better than Liaodong. It is located in the inner hinterland and has convenient transportation for food and grass. Over time, it is normal for the imperial court to organize 100,000 or 200,000 troops."

"Therefore, I have to divide the troops so that they cannot concentrate on dealing with us."

"Then Li Hongji, Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong are my puppets, and they are trying to get rid of my control."

"They deliberately disobey me and seize the grain. Instead, they attack Fengyang Mansion in the central capital. It's a sure way to die."

"The victory of the rebel army in fighting against the officers and soldiers is to catch them by surprise and attack them unprepared. Now that the rebel army is marching eastward, the officers and soldiers are unprepared. It is a good time to capture Xuzhou or Huai'an and obtain millions of stones of grain and grass to recruit the hungry people in the world. They should be able to become Zhai Rang and Li Mi and become a prince. .”

"That generation has no foresight. Instead, it is a false name and a real disaster. When the imperial army arrives, they will not be able to survive for long."

Speaking of this, Zhang Shun wanted to laugh a little. Originally, he planned to let Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai seize the grain, gather an army of 100,000, and corrupt the situation in the world.

This will attract the main force of officers and soldiers, or at least the main force of Hong Chengchou who is besieging Luoyang.

Of course, at the same time, Zhang Shun also considered the problem that if they were too strong, they would overwhelm him.

He believed that Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai were not people who had lived under others for a long time. When they are in trouble, they can still unite to survive.

When they develop and grow, they will inevitably have many conflicts, and they will either part ways or merge with each other.

As long as he can take the opportunity to develop and grow, it won't be too late to defeat them one by one.

But he never expected that before they could succeed, he would take the lead in defeating Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

Then they refused to take grain from the canal and instead attacked Fengyang Mansion in the central capital.

At this time, the strength of the rebel army did not increase much, but instead it aroused the hatred of the imperial court.

This has both advantages and disadvantages for Zhang Shun.

The advantage is that attacking Fengyang, the central capital, and threatening water transportation is actually the same as seizing grain by the rebels, and will also trigger an encirclement and suppression by the imperial army. Zhang Shun's purpose of creating a division of troops in the imperial court was achieved.

The disadvantage is that Zhang Xianzhong, Li Hongji and Luo Rucai have not gained actual benefits, their foundation is unstable, and they should be defeated by the court soon.

There is not much time left for him. When the time comes, the imperial army will gather and it will be another fierce battle.

So Zhang Shun became anxious and quickly called everyone to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Song Xiance and Lady Hong had not yet woken up from Zhang Shun's grand and calculating strategy. They were immediately thrown cold water on them, and they were a little panicked and at a loss.

"Why are you panicking? Where are you going?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help scolding, "The top priority is how to get some benefits before the imperial court reacts, so that the imperial court can attack next time!"

Zhang Shenyan calmed down for a moment and then responded: "The rebel army is intensively attacking the counties. In my opinion, it is better to abandon them. Anyway, once the imperial army arrives, they may not be able to hold it. It is better to go west together and attack Guanzhong again. , seize its elite soldiers as a foundation!"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Shun saw that Zhang Shenyan was a little confused and couldn't help but scolded, "Since ancient times, the so-called foundation is the soil and the people. I have never heard of anyone who takes soldiers and horses as the foundation."

When Lu Weiqi saw that Zhang Shenyan was somewhat supportive of entering Shaanxi, he was a little anxious and couldn't help but suggested: "Although Guanzhong is good, it can't be achieved in a day. The only thing Zhang Gong is worried about is lack of troops. In this case, why don't my lord take the opportunity to attack Nanyang?"

"There are also many elite 'Mao Gourd' soldiers here. They can serve as Luoyang's wings. When the battle is unfavorable, they can go south to capture Huguang, or go deep into the mountains of Jingxiang. Wouldn't it be great?"

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