Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 715 Two suggestions

After Zhang Shun's instigation, Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, Song Xiance and Hong Niangzi couldn't help but gear up and prepare for a big fight.

Zhang Shun is also full of pride, and he feels like he can see the sun through the clouds, and he can see the moonlight by keeping the clouds parting.

When the discussion was over, Zhang Shun and the red lady saw everyone off together.

There was nothing going on, and when Zhang Shun saw no one in front of him, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched the red lady's round belly.

As he touched it, he asked: "How have you been feeling lately? Official duties are complicated, so don't overwork yourself. You have to be careful about raising your baby. If there's anything wrong, call me as soon as possible!"

The red lady pushed away his mischievous hand and scolded with a smile: "You are thinking of us both now? Waiting for you to care, we don't even know how hungry we are!"

"You should be busy with your business. Don't hang around in piles of makeup and powder all day long. It's enough for us to take care of these trivial matters!"

The meeting hall was not far from Zhang Shun and Hong Niangzi's residence, and the two walked back talking and laughing.

Zhang Shun first sent the red lady back to her room, and then gave some instructions to Jian'er, and then Shi Shiran returned to his residence.

As soon as he entered the house, Gao Guiying told him: "You're back, daddy? Mr. Zhao just came to look for you, but when he saw you weren't there, he left again!"

This "Old Man Zhao" is none other than Zhao Yutou.

Although Zhao Yutou was one of the earliest veterans to join Zhang Shun, he was old and illiterate. Although he had some knowledge, he could not entrust him with worldly matters.

Zhang Shun was afraid that he would be tired, so he only arranged for him to be idle.

So these days, in addition to playing a role in calming the sea during emergencies such as Zhang Shun's injury and the rebellion in the city, he just drinks tea and hangs out on weekdays, and does not participate much in government affairs.

Zhang Shun was grateful to him for his original service and heard that he had left.

Zhang Shun looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, so he quickly called Wang Jinyi and ordered: "Find a few people to carry a green sedan, bring Mr. Zhao over, and invite him to have dinner together later!"

Wang Jinyi took the order and went there. After a while, he saw four big men carrying a small sedan chair, with seven or eight soldiers guarding him on the left and right, rushing over.

When they arrived at the door of Zhang Shun's residence, Zhao Yutou came down quickly and said to Zhang Shun a little excitedly: "Old Zhao Tou, I have lived for more than sixty years. This is the first time that I have such a grand event. It is all thanks to King Shun Hongfu."

"Haha, everyone has his or her own destiny, why do you have to rely on me?" Zhang Shun certainly knew what the original history would be like without him.

These people may be unknown, or may die helplessly, and may not even be qualified to be written down in history books.

In short, "the people who are away from chaos are not as good as the peace dogs", what good ending can there be?

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was not responsible for this matter. If Zhao Yutou and others had not taken refuge in him, his end might not have been much better.

Zhang Shun smiled modestly, and after giving in to Zhao Yutou, he decided to sit down with the host and guest, and then shouted loudly: "Guiying, go stir-fry some side dishes and warm a pot of old wine. I want to have a chat with the old man." Have a few drinks!”

Originally, the girls except Jian'er were all "noble people" and could not do such mundane things without touching Yang Chun Shui.

Fortunately, Gao Guiying was industrious and capable, so it was easy for her to sew some clothes and make some side dishes.

Zhao Yutou said a few polite words, but when he saw that Zhang Shun insisted on doing this, he could only laugh and said: "In this case, I will rely on my old age to act like my old age, and shamelessly eat and drink at King Shun's place!"

After saying the polite words, Zhao Yutou said seriously: "His Royal Highness, King Shun, I came here this time to have two suggestions for King Shun to listen to."

"Oh? Please speak! Zhang is all ears." Zhang Shun knew that Zhao Yutou had something serious to do with him.

"Ahem..." Hearing Zhang Shun's formality, Zhao Yutou felt a little guilty.

After all, Zhang Shun is no longer what he used to be, and he is no longer the farmer he once was.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Yutou said: "For one thing, I would like to suggest that King Shun become king as soon as possible to rectify his dignity!"

"As the saying goes: 'If the name is not right, the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not right, the things will not be accomplished'. At the beginning of starting a business, everyone is in the same boat, and there is no worries for a while."

"When we have territory, people, taxes, and benefits, people's hearts will change and they want more."

"If King Shun refused to give it to them, they would either take it for themselves or seek refuge with others. Instead, they would end up resenting each other and causing discord."

"In this case, why didn't King Shun establish rules and regulations early on, and set rewards for superiority and inferiority, so as to calm the hearts of his subordinates?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this. He originally wanted to follow the example of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, and wanted to follow the strategy of "building walls high, accumulating grain widely, and becoming king slowly", so he didn't care much about fame and fortune. Now that I heard what Zhao Yutou said, I felt that what he said made some sense.

He couldn't help but asked strangely: "This is a big matter, let me think about it. It's just that Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi are both experienced in government affairs. How come they never mentioned this matter to me?"

Zhao Yutou couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "They are now people of fame and fortune, so naturally they have to avoid suspicion!"

"Oh~" Zhang Shun suddenly realized. Among all the people, only Zhao Yutou was aloof, so he could mention this matter.

If others mention this matter to you, it will be suspected of asking for official salary, so you need to avoid it.

But then again, Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and others were willing to follow him in rebellion. Apart from being forced to do so in the early stage, what was more realistic was wealth.

The rich have possessions, and the nobles have official positions. The so-called "contribution to the dragon" and "the founding fathers" are actually inseparable from these two items.

No matter how well you paint the vision pie, if you don’t have food and salary to support it, don’t expect others to work hard for you.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun also understood why Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was defeated, and the scholars of Henan Prefecture immediately joined him.

Don't they just fancy that the rebels occupy this place and they need officials to govern the place?

However, Zhang Shun can be regarded as a figure who was killed in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and he has already seen it.

Everyone can have their own little calculations, but as long as they don't miss the point and touch the bottom line, that's it.

Zhang Shun nodded, indicating that he understood. Zhao Yutou was also a man who had a deep understanding of human nature. When he saw that Zhang Shun had listened, he stopped talking and stopped talking in depth.

Instead, he changed his words and said with a smile: "The other one is a small matter. If I have some free time these two days, I would like to invite King Shun to visit outside the city!"

"A trip?"

"Yes, a trip! If the ladies are free, they can also accompany us!" Zhao Yutou responded with a calm expression.

Of course, Zhang Shun knew that this "tour" would not be that simple. It was just a few days after the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month. The weather was slightly warmer, the grass and trees had just turned green, and there was not much to see yet. What did you want to see when you went out?

However, since Zhao Yutou is showing off, Zhang Shun will not ask further questions. He will know what happened tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Zhang smiled and said: "In that case, I happen to be free tomorrow, so don't let me wait for a while!"

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