Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 716 Outside the City (Part 1)

It was just dawn the next day, and for the first time, Zhang Shun got up early.

He patted Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying who were sleeping, and said with a smile: "You two lazy bitches, the sun is shining on your butts, why don't you get up?"

"Hmm~ Why did the sun come out in the west today?" Ma Yingniang glanced out the window in confusion and asked without wanting to move.

"I'm in a good mood today. Are you going to go on an outing?" Zhang Shun asked with a smile.

"Go, go, go!" Without waiting for Ma Yingniang's reply, Gao Guiying closed her eyes and excitedly raised a bare arm and responded, "These days there are wars and sieges, it's almost suffocating people to death!"

"How do you suffocate yourself to death? Don't you want it at night?" Zhang Shun asked in disbelief.

Gao Guiying rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to pay attention to him. Ma Yingniang became more energetic. She lifted off the quilt and pounced on him with all her teeth and claws. Zhang Shun laughed and hugged her, but unexpectedly she stepped on Gao Guiying.

Gao Guiying suffered an unreasonable disaster and immediately stood up to grab Ma Yingniang.

Regardless of the chilly spring weather, the three of them struggled again and finally got dressed.

Originally, Zhang Shun was worried about danger outside the city and did not want to take a woman with him. Later, when I thought about it, I was afraid that the two of them were much better than me.

When they were in danger, they could help one or two, so he simply took them out together.

As soon as I opened the door, a morning breeze mixed with the lingering winter chill came in.

The three of them had been in a state of confusion in the past few days. They rarely went out early in the morning, and they suddenly shivered from the cold.

After finally adapting for a moment, the three of them heard some movement outside the yard.

Zhang Shun led the two of them and pushed the door open, only to see Zhao Yutou squatting on the ground at the door, telling Wukong and Wang Jinyi something obscenely.

The three of them were talking about entering the alley when they suddenly heard the sound of the door and were startled. They turned around and saw that it was Zhang Shun and others.

Zhao Yutou then said seriously: "That's all for today. I know what will happen next. Please listen to the explanation next time!"

Seeing that he was about to stand up, Wukong quickly grabbed him and said anxiously: "No, what happened to Lu Bu and Diao Chan? You should give me a word!"

"Wukong!" Zhang Shun quickly stopped him, fearing that Wukong would get excited and tear the old man apart.

However, he could not help but wonder in his heart, who are these people? One or two of them looked like they were about five or six people, but they all looked anxious behind their backs.

What Wukong listened to before was "Journey to the West", and now he is talking about "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Is it serious?

Ma Yingniang was born in the market, and Gao Guiying had been hanging out in a den of thieves all year round. Now they knew each other well, how could they still not know what these people were talking about?

The two of them couldn't help but sigh, and then fell silent.

Zhao Yutou and Wang Jinyi were a little embarrassed when they heard this and did not dare to say anything. Only Wukong pouted and complained: "Master is very lucky now, but he lets his disciple eat the northwest wind!"

"Where is the mother-in-law you promised me? You must know that the ashes of the last master who asked me to guard the door were cold!"

"Are you threatening me with your monkey head?" Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Master, I will always remember what I promised you."

"It's not like I haven't met a suitable candidate, so I haven't told you about it. If you find a girl who is compatible with you, Master will go and speak for you even if he gives up his face."

Wukong was speechless when he heard this. Most of the women he saw were "hairless monkeys" and they really didn't interest him much.

He really envied his master's appetite for being able to go into heat for any weird "monkey".

Fortunately, Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying couldn't hear what this guy was thinking, otherwise they could have chased him down three streets just by saying "weird monkey".

Without further ado, they exchanged a few polite words with each other and then came out of Luoyang City under the escort of one or two hundred personal guards.

Not far from Wangxi Gate, there is a vast plain outside the city. Looking from a distance, you can still see Beimang Mountain lying across the north of Luoyang like a crouching dragon.

Zhang incidentally remembered the incident of raising the army in the first place, and told Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying with great emotion.

It’s just Ma Yingniang, she already knew everything about it. Gao Guiying, on the other hand, was the first to hear someone speak in such detail, and couldn't help but listen carefully for a long time.

She then danced and gestured: "We were like this in the past. We had no food. I was so hungry that I was dizzy and had no strength. Thanks to my uncle and father, they took other hungry people who could still walk and robbed the nearby area. of large households.”

"I think the happiest thing in this life is to kill dog officials and wealthy households with white knives and red knives, then eat their food and sleep with their mothers..."

Gao Guiying was talking enthusiastically, but she didn't expect that something rolled over and landed at her feet.

Gao Guiying looked down and was stunned for a moment, then screamed and threw herself into Zhang Shun's arms.

Ma Yingniang glanced at it and couldn't help but slap her forehead: Damn, your reaction is too slow!

She had no choice but to pull Zhang Shun's clothes and hide behind Zhang Shun like a trembling little quail.

The incident happened suddenly, and Zhang Shun was shocked by them.

After finally taking a glance at it while the two were entangled, it turned out to be a skeleton rolling over from nowhere, frightening the girl.

Zhang Shun quickly comforted him and then asked strangely: "Where did the skeleton come from in broad daylight?"

"King Shun, look!" Zhao Yutou heard this and quickly gave Zhang Shun some advice, "The past two years have been bad, and human life is as cheap as dirt!"

Zhang Shun took a closer look and found that the surrounding area was desolate.

Many of the fields that originally looked neat and tidy were actually flattened, and there were some green sprouts on them, but they were actually weeds that had sprouted up.

Several corpses lay scattered on the ground. Zhang Shun walked over and took a look, and found that some of them had just died.

Although the body has not yet decomposed, some of it has been eaten away by unknown animals, which makes it look a bit scary.

Some of the corpses were already rotting. Although maggots had not yet appeared due to the weather, they were still disgusting.

Some even have deep white bones exposed. If you look more carefully, you can still see obvious tooth marks in some places.

Zhang Shun crossed the field and walked into the field. He bent down and grabbed a handful of soil, looked at it, twisted it, and sprinkled it back into the field.

Although compared with the farmers of this era, he can be regarded as "not diligent in all aspects and indifferent to grains", after all, he has done farm work to some extent and knows some fragmentary knowledge.

Judging from his observations just now, the soil here is darker and the soil is quite loose. It should be a good farmland. I don't know why it was abandoned so easily?

Zhao Yutou seemed to notice Zhang Shun's doubts, so he pointed and said: "There, there, and there, they are almost all deserted!"


People regard food as their heaven, and their main food is grain, which comes from the earth. If this is the case, why is it almost completely deserted?

Thank you to fan "kokokk" for the large reward, thank you to fan "book friend 160222231033534" for the reward, thank you to fan "Amethyst Weapon" for the large reward, thank you for your strong support!

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