Zhang Shun took Zhao Yutou, Ma Yingniang, Gao Guiying and others to visit many places, until it was getting late, and he had no choice but to return to Luoyang city.

The food everyone brought was given to the hungry people. Zhang arranged for everyone to go down to have a rest and eat, but he sat there with a straight face and said nothing, sulking to himself.

The two women didn't know how to comfort him, so Gao Guiying simply hid out and cooked for him.

Ma Yingniang's words of persuasion didn't work, so she had to call over Li Sanniang, Hong Niangzi and Li Xiang.

Ma Yingniang had already told them roughly what happened on the way.

When they came in, Zhang Shun looked up and saw Zhang Huaji and Zhang Ping'an who had followed Li Sanniang.

"Come on, let me give you a hug!" The two children are only one or two years old, just the time when they are toddlers and learning to talk. When they saw Zhang Shun, they were a bit acquainted and refused to come forward no matter how much Li Sanniang encouraged him.

Zhang Shun didn't think too much about himself. He was fighting in the north and south these days, and it was rare to see them. It was normal for them to be somewhat indifferent.

Seeing the women mobilizing their troops, he sighed and said, "I know you are here to persuade me. There is nothing wrong with me, I just feel a little uncomfortable. You don't have to worry!"

"Can you imagine? Children as old as Huaji and Ping'an are abandoned everywhere on the roadside in villages."

"Those who have not been abandoned are skinny, with slender limbs and a big belly. They look pitiful! As a father, I really can't see this..."

As he spoke, Zhang Shun couldn't help but wipe away his tears.

The red lady couldn't help but feel her big belly. She walked over and gently touched Zhang Shun, and whispered: "I'm going to be a mother soon. I can't help but feel uncomfortable just listening to you, let alone You saw it with your own eyes.”

"When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and when you marry a dog, follow the dog. Whatever you want to do, we will support you. You are King Shun, the king of benevolence and righteousness, and you will definitely not let the world down!"

"What kind of King Shun am I?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing at himself when he heard this, "All the great virtues in the world started from Emperor Yu. I just restrained the soldiers a little, and I didn't do anything for the people. What virtues and abilities do I have?" , Dare to compare with King Shun?"

"Ms. Gong, the ancient holy king, there are legends from three generations. They have been around for a long time and may not be true." After hearing this, the girls couldn't help but comforted them, "You took in the refugees along the way, neither tortured nor killed them. It is rare for the people to praise you. We don't care about others. No matter how you look at it, in our hearts, you are our King Shun!"

Zhang Shun was so moved after hearing this that he couldn't help but look over one by one, looking at the pretty and worried faces, and solemnly promised: "Don't worry, I won't let you down, nor will I let everyone in the world down."

"I don't want to do anything to trouble Prince Shun, but I have to go through my own conscience when doing things! I've been here before. If the world can't become a better place, wouldn't it be a waste of time to come to this world?"

Early the next morning, everyone headed by Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, and Song Xiance rushed over one after another and saw Zhang Shun eating there.

On the long table were placed two plates of side dishes, a few steamed buns, and a bowl of millet porridge. Zhang Shun turned it over and over with his chopsticks, but even the heat was gone and he hadn't even taken a bite.

Lu Weiqi's son Lu Zhaolin saw him. In order to make up for his previous mistakes, he quickly asked in a flattering manner: "King Shun is living a very simple life, but it's not to your liking? I'll find some cooks for you later and give you a few bags of rice and noodles?" "

Zhang Shun waved his hand and responded with a hint: "I can't eat enough!"

Immediately, Zhang explained in detail what happened when he left the city yesterday. Everyone didn't know what he meant and started thinking about it quickly.

Unexpectedly, a fool suddenly put his hands on his hands and smiled and said: "Wonderful, wonderful! This poem by King Shun is as magnificent as the Tang and Song Dynasties, inherits the style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and has the generous and tragic style of Wei Wu!"

But before the man finished speaking, someone seized the excuse and criticized him: "Who is King Shun, and who is Cao Mengde? This man compares rebellious ministers and traitors to King Shun, and his intention is to be punished!"

"Nonsense! Nonsense! I compared the poems of King Shun to the three Cao Cao, and I was just talking about things. How come I mentioned Cao Cao, and you thought of treacherous ministers? When you thought of treacherous ministers, you contacted King Shun. It is clearly you. Think about it day and night!" The man heard this and raked his head quickly.

"You are so slanderous! I..." The man also became anxious and retorted quickly.

Just the two people going back and forth made Lu Weiqi break out in cold sweat.

It turns out that he was the instigator when he compared King Shun to "Cao Mang's generation".

Seeing that the two of them were having an unseemly quarrel, Zhang Shun couldn't help but turn his eyes cold, and was about to deal with them.

Unexpectedly, a man jumped out, pointed at their noses and cursed loudly: "What did you learn from reading the books of sages? Confucius said it was benevolence, and Mencius said it was righteousness!"

"Now King Shun is benevolent and shows pity to the people. You can't help King Shun, so you can only help him in his benevolent behavior."

"Instead, they are entangled in poetry and poetry, ignoring the people in dire straits, disrespecting the emperor, and criticizing each other. Where is the friendship between their fellow countrymen? Where is their benevolence, righteousness, and courage?"

"I ask King Shun to punish him for the crime of disrespect, so as to set an example to others!"

Zhang Shun took a surprised look and found that this person was actually a talent recommended by Lao Shanzhang, Meng Jingong's son Li Jiqi.

Zhang Shun had heard that he was famous in his hometown for his loyalty, and thought that he was a well-connected and chivalrous person like Chen Changzhen, but he didn't expect that he was a straightforward person who dared to speak out for justice.

Zhang Shun glanced at him appreciatively and said with a smile: "Now is the time to employ people. How can we punish the world's heroes for minor mistakes?"

"That's it for this time. I'll go back and copy ten volumes of the Analects of Confucius and use them as textbooks for young children in school. I'll give you a small punishment but a big warning. If there is a next time, I will definitely not forgive you!"

After all, those two people had some sense of shame. They were so embarrassed when they heard this that they had no choice but to hide their faces and say: "King Shun is benevolent and righteous, King Shun is benevolent and righteous!"

In fact, it's not that Zhang Shun is magnanimous. The key is that there are only so many people under his command. If he continues to be picky, there will be no one available.

The two of them had just retreated, and Zhang Shun was waiting to continue their conversation.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiqi not only did not retreat, but instead took two steps forward, knelt down, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, and shouted loudly: "His Royal Highness King Shun, the common people of Henan Prefecture pay their respects!"

"King Shun now knows that Henan Province has been suffering from disasters for more than a year. There are hungry people almost everywhere, every household is affected by famine, and the dead are countless!"

"The Emperor of the Zhu family is unruly, and Henan Prefecture has suffered from continuous famines for many years. Now the court has abandoned it, and the people are crying for food, hoping for King Shun."

"I hope King Shun can open a granary to store grain to benefit the people. Then you will be our Buddha of all families."

"When the time comes for King Shun to use his troops, everyone in the Henan government will not dare to fail to do their best! Men are for fighting, women are for plowing, and young and old are responsible for transporting heavy supplies. Even though the Ming Dynasty has millions of soldiers, how can they stop it?"

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