Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 719 Disaster Relief

After Zhang Shun listened to Li Jiqi's words, how could he not know that he was coaxing him with big words?

Not to mention in feudal society, even under the political system of later generations, which country can achieve "men and women farm, old and young transport heavy supplies"?

However, his conscience told him that he would not allow him to sit idly by and let so many people starve to death in the fields without any value.

Regardless of benevolence, morality, or the emperor's intentions, he could not help but have a large-scale famine in his territory.

Zhang Shun had made up his mind and asked, "How much food does the rebel army have? Do you have statistics?"

The red lady had already made her plans, and Shi Shiran said: "Originally, the rebels had saved about 100,000 dans, and later purchased more than 300,000 dans. But later they fought with the officers and soldiers, and they were eaten by horses, and they had to recruit young men. It cost a lot. Now after all calculations, there are still 400,000 dan left."

Zhang Shun thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Then allocate two hundred thousand shi for disaster relief! Urgently order the generals who are attacking the counties to seize all the grain warehouses in the county and take stock of how much grain is stored in them, so as to prepare for deployment. .”

As soon as Zhang Shun said this, the whole hall was in an uproar.

Shaanxi suffered a serious disaster, and Chongzhen only allocated 100,000 taels of silver from internal funds for disaster relief.

It should be noted that the area affected by the disaster in Shaanxi Province is so large, and the disasters have been suffered in successive years, which is even worse.

The local price of rice has even risen to eight cents of silver per dou. With the silver allocated by Chongzhen, even if the person handling it was as honest as water, he could only buy more than ten thousand shi.

And Henan is only a small town, and its disaster relief food is almost ten times that of Shaanxi. How can everyone not be happy?

The people of Henan Prefecture can be saved! Sure enough, there are only wrong names in the world, but no wrong nicknames. King Shun is truly well-deserved!

"King Shun!" Lu Weiqi and Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but be shocked. They knew Zhang Shun's grain harvesting strategy. Wouldn't this ruin the rebel army's plan?

"I have made up my mind, no need to say more!" Zhang Shun stretched out his hand to stop their advice.

But this disaster relief is not just about throwing down food.

The first thing that happened to Henan Prefecture was the collapse of its organization.

In the original history, although there were some disasters during the seven years of Chongzhen, it was not impossible to survive.

As a result, Zhang Shun led the rebel army to capture Luoyang City, and fought successive battles with the officers and soldiers.

Let’s not mention the military disasters and man-made disasters, but the officers and soldiers were defeated one after another, and the grassroots officials were already trembling. They were afraid that when they woke up that day, the rebels had already occupied the county seat and would drag them out and chop them down.

Under the huge psychological pressure, except for a few people, they quickly made amends and tried to improve their image.

Most of them are corrupt and corrupt, and corruption is becoming more and more rampant. Most of the duties that the government should perform are paralyzed.

After coming and going, the people who were affected by the disaster were scattered, and they just followed the law of the jungle to the law of the jungle.

Therefore, after Zhang Shun's preliminary investigation, his first reaction was to restore order and establish the imperial court.

Now that he has no other available people, he doesn't care about cultivating them carefully. He just rushes the ducks to the shelves and builds the system first!

Even if a system is riddled with holes, it is still much better than no management system at all. At least, they can distribute the food for themselves, right?

After thinking about it, Zhang Shun said to Lu Weiqi, Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance: "Three of you, please come up with a list for me. It must include the magistrate, county magistrate, chief secretary, envoy, patrol inspector, and post office." The positions of prime minister, tax envoy, etc. The required masters, government servants, and archers can be retained from the original county government, or they can be recruited again. Only those who have committed the most serious crimes must be dealt with severely without any mistakes!"

"Yes!" Lu Weiqi, Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and others couldn't help being surprised and happy.

In the Ming Dynasty, Henan Prefecture had one state and thirteen counties under its jurisdiction. In addition, Ruzhou had at least one state and one county that could be conquered. How many vacancies were released at once?

The students who joined Zhang Shun through Lu Weiqi and Lao Shanzhang suddenly became excited. The opportunity that originally took ten years of hard study appeared in front of everyone, and everyone could hardly believe their ears.

Seeing how everyone was gearing up, Zhang Shun had to remind them: "Easy come, easy go, just do it and cherish it. If you commit corruption, bribery, prey on the common people, etc., I am not as easy to talk to as others!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shun turned to Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance and said, "Don't send those Li Jiqi and Huang Deqing out for now, I will keep them of great use!"

To be honest, Zhang Shun's methods were a bit radical this time.

Originally, when he hired people, he would keep them around for a period of time to train them. After he felt that their character and ability were good, he would then release them.

It's just that this time the disaster was urgent and he couldn't allow him to take his time, so he had to make this decision.

The main task this time is to open the warehouse and store grain. As long as you work hard, there will usually be no problem.

When starting a business, the capable ones go up and the mediocre ones go down. This is nothing more than the right way.

If we can initially establish our own governance system through this grain release, it will be considered a great success.

In order to prevent these mercenaries from preying on the common people and causing a big mistake, Zhang Shun ordered again: "Li Jiqi, I think you are a righteous man, can you be a censor for me, specializing in investigating and punishing lawbreakers?"

Li Jiqi couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He originally heard that Zhang Shun transferred him out in order to retaliate against him for bumping into Zhang Shun just now. How could he have thought that he would be reused?

Li Jiqi originally had a lot of love for the people in his hometown, but now he is even more happy to be able to participate in it personally.

After hearing this, the others took a deep breath and thought to themselves: This is going to happen, why did King Shun appoint such a ruthless person?

Li Jiqi quickly thanked him gratefully and was about to retreat. Zhang Shun grabbed him and said in a low voice: "Now that the rebel army has been founded, it is inevitable that the eyes of the people will be confused. Please be my eyes and ears, so that I can protect the people in everything!"

"This king raises an army for the sake of the people. How can we learn from the mistakes of the previous dynasty and ruin our reputation?"

"I still have more than a hundred civil servants under my command. I will allocate fifty soldiers to you later to serve as guards. You can choose thirty civil servants to help you!"

When Li Jiqi heard this, he was surprised and happy, and quickly responded: "King Shun, don't worry, Ying Wu will definitely be cautious and diligent, and handle the things that King Shun has entrusted to me properly, even if it hurts my heart and mind, I won't hesitate!"

Zhang Shun explained again, and then Li Jiqi left gratefully, while the other scholars also retreated for the time being.

It was only then that Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi complained: "King Shun, the original plan to capture Nanyang is just around the corner. Why do you suddenly do such a demanding thing?"

"The rebels can wait, but I'm afraid the people won't be able to wait!" Zhang Shun sighed, "I'm not in a hurry, but if I delay it for one day, I don't know how many people will die!"

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