Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 720 Huang Taiji’s letter

Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance moved quickly. After a short discussion, the three of them drafted a list.

Drawing up a list may seem complicated, but it is actually quite simple.

Anyway, all personnel are on probation, and key states and counties have to appoint military personnel to work part-time.

For example, the part-time magistrate of Shaanzhou and the two counties under its jurisdiction, Ranxiang and Lingbao, is Zhang Shun's sworn brother Chen Changzhen; the part-time magistrate of Lu County is Cao Wenzhao; the part-time magistrate of Ruzhou is Li Xin; the part-time magistrate of Mengjin County is Gao Yigong; the concurrent magistrate of Dengfeng County is Li Jiyu, and the concurrent magistrate of Sishui County is Cao Bianjiao.

Although it is not a long-term solution to control the military and political affairs, now is the time to use troops. If the civil and military forces do not cooperate well with each other, it will be easy for the officers and soldiers to take advantage of them.

The positions in the remaining counties were occupied by several wealthy and prestigious scholars.

As for the rest of the scholars, except for occupying a few slightly remote counties. Although their starting point is a little low, as long as they do well, there is no chance of being promoted.

Lu Weiqi's son Lu Zhaolin was arranged by him to be appointed magistrate in Song County, a place where the rebel army was based. Dong Duxing, Dong's direct son, was sent to Lingbao as magistrate.

The magistrate of Luoyang fell into the hands of Fu Jingxing, a disciple of Laoshan Changzuo Lengchan, who also had a younger brother who was recommended as the magistrate of Yongning, and so on.

After the three of them, with the county magistrate as the core and the Dianshi, the county magistrate and other assistant officials, completed the draft, they came together to see Zhang Shun.

When they entered, Zhang Shunzheng was talking to a young young man there.

Seeing everyone arriving, Zhang took a sip of tea and said with a chuckle: "Let's do this. I'll think about it carefully for a while and I'll make a reply soon."

Seeing that Zhang Shun had already "served tea to see off the guests," the man stood up, bowed and said, "I'm just a messenger. I'll leave it to King Shun to decide."

After saying that, the man got ready to leave with some light steps.

Lu Weiqi couldn't help but be shocked, couldn't help but grabbed him and said: "Qingzhi, why are you here?"

It turned out that this person was none other than Wang Duo's grandson and Lu Zhaolin's nephew Wang Qingzhi.

"Ah? It turns out to be Grandpa Lu. I was going to your house to see you, but I didn't expect to meet you here!" Wang Qingzhi said with a playful smile.

Lu Weiqi originally wanted to ask him what he was doing here, but then he thought that he would know it in a moment anyway, so why bother?

He responded: "Go to my new house!"

Lu Weiqi's original old residence was in Xin'an, and later he purchased a property in Luoyang, which he called a new residence.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Wang Qingzhi responded, turned around and left.

Seeing them coming, Zhang Shun couldn't help handing over some papers in his hand and said with a smile: "You guys are here just in time, let's take a look!"

The three of them took it and gathered around to open it. They saw a bunch of ghostly symbols drawn on it, and they couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Fortunately, Zhang Shenyan was from Shanxi and looked familiar. He couldn't help but guess: "It looks like this is Mongolian. Could it be a letter written by a Tatar?"

"Oh, you can find the Chinese version at the bottom." Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Mr. Zhang guessed half of it right, Tatar is actually a Tatar, but this Tatar is not that Tatar."

"This is a Jurchen text, you have never known it..."

Before Zhang Shun finished speaking, Lu Weiqi could not help but retort: ​​"Jurchen civil servants also dabbled in it, which is obviously different from this article. Someone must have made a false claim!"

It turns out that due to the prosperity of culture and education in the mainland during the Ming Dynasty, Jurchen literature has been studied by people. On the contrary, the old Jurchen tribe in Liaodong gradually forgot the Jurchen script, which was made with reference to Khitan script and Chinese characters.

By the time Nurhachi raised his army, no one in the clan knew Jurchen script, so they had to learn from Uighur-style Mongolian script and recreate Jurchen script.

Since Huang Taiji had not yet changed his clan name to Zhushen at this time, the Jurchens were called Manchuria. People at that time also called their clan Jurchens and their writings were Jurchens.

After Zhang Shun's explanation, the three of them realized that the letter turned out to be a letter from Hongtai, the Khan of the Jin Kingdom in Liaodong.

They quickly turned over the "Jurchen Texts" and looked at the back, only to see that it read: The Khan of the Kingdom of Jin sent a letter to King Shun, leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion of the Rebel Army. Although I am from the Jin Dynasty and you are from the Han Dynasty, I am in Liaodong and you are in the Central Plains, and we are all enemies of the Ming Dynasty.

I want to reconcile and enjoy peace together, but the Ming Dynasty does not allow it. Fortunately, I heard that you are the same, and I hope that the two families will work together to defend against powerful enemies.

The world is not a world for one person, but a world for everyone. God gives it, and man receives it. I am given Liaodong and the Central Plains today. Isn’t it God’s will? Isn’t it the only one who illuminates the Ming Dynasty?

The three of them watched for a long time and spoke thousands of words, nothing more than emphasizing that both the Jin Kingdom and the Rebel Army were enemies of the Ming Dynasty and should form an alliance to kill the enemy.

In the future, the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed, and the world will be divided equally between the two sides.

Lu Weiqi couldn't help but said with great joy: "King Shun, this is really God's will. Even though we are so far away from Liaodong, we have heard of King Shun's reputation."

"In the past, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty used the power of the Turks to achieve great success in the Tang Dynasty. My lord can also use the power of the Jin Kingdom to conquer the world!"

Although people at that time had the debate between China and Yi, they were not like later generations, when nationalism was prevalent and they did not pay much attention to it.

"I wonder how Mr. Zhang views this matter?" Zhang Shun asked again.

"It is a good thing after all, but we must be careful of the wolfish ambitions of the Jin Kingdom to avoid the story of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms of the Liao Kingdom." Zhang Shenyan thought about it for a while. Although he was a little conflicted in his heart, from a profit perspective, it was quite beneficial to the rebels.

"Mr. Song, do you think so too?" Zhang Shun looked at Song Xiance again and asked.

Song Xiance counted with his fingers for a long time, and then responded in a low voice: "King Shun is made of earth, and the country of Jin is made of gold. Gold is born from the soil. Be careful not to make wedding clothes for others!"

Zhang Shun suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. If you really calculated such a result in history, are you afraid that Li Zicheng ignored the threat of the Manchus in the Northeast?

Zhang Shun shook his head and said with a smile: "Although the Jin Kingdom is a barbarian, it will definitely be troubled by China. In the Central Plains, the threats from the north are nothing more than nomads in the north and fishing and hunting in the northeast."

"The customs of the nomadic people are not the same as mine. Therefore, I cannot live in their land and move their customs. The same is true for them when they enter our Central Plains."

"The fishing and hunting tribes, who farm and herd at the same time, are the most resistant to hard battles. Therefore, the Wuhuan and Xianbei were attacked first, and then the Goguryeo, Liao and Jin Dynasties were attacked. None of them could be destroyed overnight."

"Now the Ming Dynasty has used many troops and lost every battle. This shows that its troops are strong and its horses are strong. It cannot be done carelessly."

"I wonder how King Shun wants to deal with it?" The three of them were stunned when they heard the words. Although they didn't agree with it, after all, it was not the current priority, so they didn't go into details.

"I told you to write it." Zhang Shun smiled slightly and said to Song Xiance, "The leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion, a letter to the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin. Your policy of carving up the Ming Dynasty is in my heart, but I don't know what Zhu Youjian's child's harem will be like. Divide?”

"I want the queen to be mine, and the remaining three palaces and six courtyards will be added to each other to make five, and each of us will have half. By the way, I heard that you have taken over all the wives of Hu Duntu, and you still need to give me a few more. Don't old!"

"When I take over the world, I will definitely make you the Jurchen Khan and guard Liaodong for me for the rest of my life, just like the example of Prince Mu in Yunnan. You can pay me more tributes like mink skin, wild boar skin, ginseng, etc., and I will give you rice and white flour steamed buns for you to eat every meal. Your belly is round, I admire it!"

Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi, and Song Xiance couldn't help but look at each other in shock after hearing this. What kind of stuff is our King Shun talking about?

Song Xiance couldn't help but suggest: "The old Taoist is only from the market. He only needs to know a few words. He is not as knowledgeable as Zhang Gong and Lu Gong. Why doesn't King Shun order these two people to polish it for you and then write it back in neat handwriting?"

"No, no! It's precisely because of this that I need to tell you to write, so that I can coax the Jin Dynasty Khan to look down on me!" Zhang Shun responded with a smile.

Today I spent too much time compiling Huang Taiji's letters. There is only one chapter. Please forgive me.

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