Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 721 Opening a Mansion and Building Teeth

Only then did Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance realize that Zhang Shun had deliberately written a vulgar reply in order to paralyze Mrs. Hong.

Zhang Shun is also a genius. In just a few sentences, he vividly portrays the image of an arrogant, greedy, lustful, and calculating businessman.

Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance couldn't laugh or cry, so they had no choice but to act according to the order. Not long after, under Song Xiance's crooked handwriting, a letter was written hastily.

Zhang Shun disliked that the letter paper was too neat, so he waited until the ink was slightly dry, rubbed it a few times, and rubbed it on the ground a few times before resting.

Lu Weiqi bent down and picked it up, only to see that the letter had already become unsightly. He looked at it for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "The signature of the Jin Kingdom is the destiny of the Khan Hongtai of the Jin Kingdom. I wonder how King Shun wants to seal it?"

"I wonder how the three of you think the signature should be appropriate?" Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then realized that this was Lu Weiqi testing his own idea of ​​"proclaiming himself the king of the establishment."

In fact, two days ago, when Zhang Shun asked the three of them to draw up a list of county officials, he realized that it was time to establish the system.

If the name is not correct, the words will not be correct. When the list is finalized, under what name will he appoint and order them? This is one of the most practical problems Zhang Shun encountered.

Secondly, since there is correspondence between people like Hongtai, Khan of the Jin Kingdom, in what capacity should the communication be conducted? This is also an important question. You can neither be inferior to others nor be too arrogant.

Seeing that Zhang Shun breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Weiqi took the lead and responded: "Luoyang is among the best in the world. It was also the hometown of the Zhou Dynasty. King Zhou Ping relied on it to establish his country for more than five hundred years. Now that King Shun has occupied the land, why not follow the example of the sages and call himself King of Zhou? The world?"

When King Zhou Wu of the Zhou Dynasty established the empire, he made Haojing his capital and built Luoyi. After King You of Zhou used beacon fire to trick the princes and the Dog Rong army attacked Haojing, King Ping of Zhou moved eastward to Luoyi, which was called the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty lasted for more than 500 years.

Zhang Shenyan didn't take it seriously, and before Zhang Shun responded, he quickly persuaded him: "Since King Shun took the title of Emperor Shun, he was thinking of his benevolence and virtue. However, Shun and Shun have the same pronunciation, so there should be some taboos. Why didn't King Shun take the title of Yu?" The name is: King Yu?"

King Yu? I still have the Chicken King, the Duck King, and the Rabbit King! Lu Weiqi suppressed the urge to complain and quickly argued: "Xia was called queen and Shang was called king. During the Yu Dynasty, there was no king's title yet. Isn't it inappropriate? In the Zhou Dynasty, the king was the highest, and his king's title was equivalent to the emperor's title. . It suits King Shun’s low-key spirit and his noble nature.”

No, how is it so low-key to call him King of Zhou? This was so rampant that it blurred Chongzhen's face. Zhang Shun quickly stopped the quarrel between the two, turned around and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Song?"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Song Xiance rolled his eyes and responded quickly: "King Shun was born in Chenzhou, and he is the fiefdom of King Shun's descendants. The old Taoist felt that both King Yu and King Zhou had gone too far. King Shun Why don’t you call yourself King Chen?”

"Absolutely not!" As soon as Song Xiance finished his words, Lu Weiqi, He Zhang and Shenyan objected in unison, "Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen are all countries in the Southern Dynasties. This title is not a title for a unified state, and it does not express the ambition of King Shun!"

What is this mess? Historically, unified regimes have never had repeated country names, right?

It turns out that the three of them each had some selfish motives, and the kingships they proposed were all related to their respective regions.

Zhang Shun shook his head and said with a smile: "How can I live up to my reputation and deal with real disasters? Since I started the army, how can I be so virtuous as to claim the title of king?"

"The Ming Dynasty has the titles of governor, chief executive, and prime minister. How about choosing one of them to build a government, establish a tooth, and have the same rituals as the three divisions? What do you think?"

"This..." The three of them looked at me and I looked at you. Although I felt that Zhang Shun was a little too modest, it was not an unacceptable choice.

The three of them whispered to each other for a long time, and then Zhang Shenyan responded: "After discussion among the three of us, we drafted a plan for the four provinces of Northern Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, and Northern Zhili, one capital, military affairs, justice, etc. All matters are handled under the Presidential Office. I wonder what King Shun wants?"

Uh... Zhang Shun was speechless when he heard this. Does he really have a big head? It’s really very raw!

He couldn't help but ask: "Why do you call yourself president? I don't know what the meaning is?"

Zhang Shenyan shook his head and responded: "The "Book of Han·Hundred Officials and Officials" says: Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao are the three princes. They are the emperor who sit and discuss politics. They are all presidents, so they do not use one position as an official. name."

Well, scholars are well-connected, so calling themselves the president is not an insult. Zhang Shun replied dumbfounded: "In that case, then declare yourself the great president to the outside world, and regard King Shun as your plus number internally!"

"Zhang Shenyan was appointed as the chief official by Zhang Shenyan, Duke Lu Weiqi was appointed as the Zhongcheng, Xiance of the Song Dynasty was appointed as the military advisor, Cao Wenzhao was appointed to join the army, Chen Changzhen was appointed as the chief minister, and Lady Hong was appointed as the Sima."

"Imitate the six bureaus and set up six cao to command the counties. What do you think?"

When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. When Zhang Shun opened his mansion, everyone rose, and he was considered a person of status and status.

As for the titles such as "Chief Official" and "Zhongcheng", it doesn't matter, they are just empty titles.

The key is that everyone can use this to enter the shogunate to discuss matters, just like the imperial court entering the cabinet.

The three people responded quickly: "Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord! With this title of president, we will definitely be able to unify the north and the south, advance to the great treasure, and ascend to the ninth level!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Zhang Shun replied with a bit of embarrassment, but he couldn't help but cursed in his heart: What kind of bird name is this, why does it sound so unlucky.

Since Zhang Shun was planning to open a palace and build a family, everyone couldn't help but discuss it. Then Lu Weiqi suggested: "The President's suggestion of establishing six cao's after the six ministries is quite insightful, but the name is too low and does not sound impressive enough. Why not change the six cao to six divisions?"

"Which six divisions? There are six divisions of Li, Hu, Li, Bing, Punishment, and Work. Their chief officers are called: Si Li, Si Hu, Si Li, Si Bing, Si Pun, and Si Gong!"

It turns out that the first of the six Cao Cao in the Eastern Han Dynasty was the Third Duke Cao Shangshu, and his status was quite respected. By the time of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, there were also six Cao Cao in prefectures and counties, which were called Bing Cao, Xing Cao, Gong Cao, Li Cao, Household Cao, and Li Cao. Therefore, it is customary to use Liucao as the general name for local subordinate officials.

If Zhang Shun still uses Liu Cao as his nickname, it will not be conducive to attracting talents.

It's just a name for him, so he will do what is good and do what he says.

Then Lu Weiqi was appointed as the chief official, Zhang Shenyan was the chief household officer, Song Xiance was the chief li, Cao Wenzhao was the chief soldier, Chen Changzhen was the chief punishment, and Zhang Dudu was the chief workman. The other generals and staff have their own rewards, so I will not mention them one by one.

The commander-in-chief of each battalion is appointed as the chief military officer to unify the battalion troops and horses. Above the general officers, there are generals, who are divided into generals, lieutenant generals and major generals.

Then he ordered Song Xiance, the chief of ceremonies, to find craftsmen's jade materials, engrave and prepare gifts, and prepare for the grand opening of the palace!

I'm really sorry, everyone, but the author was very sleepy today. When I went home and lay down, I slept until past eleven o'clock. I just woke up, and one more chapter is better than nothing.

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