It is said that Zhang Shun is preparing to claim himself as King Shun and President of the Fengtian Initiative. All matters concerning military, political, and judicial affairs in the four northern provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, and Northern Zhili and the capital will be established.

But in actual operation, Zhang Shun couldn't brag about himself. He could just give an order and call himself a man, otherwise he would be laughed out of his mouth.

Therefore, this matter has to go through a process. What process? The first is three concessions and three resignations. You said it would be good for me to be the president, but I couldn't accept it. That would make me too impatient and unbecoming. So I have to make concessions, so that the third party can "reluctantly" agree.

Therefore, Lu Weiqi took the lead in writing a letter saying: "The world is not the world of one person, the world is the world of everyone. Today there is no way to worship the emperor, natural and man-made disasters are everywhere, and the people are in dire straits. The thieves and bandits are like combs, and the officers and soldiers are like grates."

"Fortunately, the sky has eyes, and God has given generals to relieve the difficulties in Henan Prefecture. Drive away tigers and wolves, and save the people from water and fire; imitate the sages and save the people from the danger of hanging upside down."

"The people of Zhongzhou are grateful, sincere and fearful, and are willing to elect the general as King of Zhou and governor of all military, political, and judicial affairs in the four provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Beizhili."

Zhang Shun quickly refused and said: "The imperial court has its own laws and the emperor has his own considerations. I think he will send capable ministers to govern the country in the near future, allocate internal funds, relieve disasters and famines, punish rebels, destroy bandits, and everyone can enjoy peace!"

Of course, those who tried to persuade people to enter did not believe this nonsense, and those who declined did not believe it even more.

Soon, Zhang Shenyan also wrote: "Shun cultivated Mount Li, and settled in Ju in one year, a town in two years, and Chengdu in three years."

"Now the generals follow the example of the sages, and although they are not as good as they are, they are not far behind. All the people in the world are rich in food and follow the scenery. Please ask the generals to take the throne of Yu, and to rule the people."

Good guy, this is really shameless. Even a shameless person like Zhang Shun couldn't help but blush when he heard this.

He quickly waved his hand and refused: "My virtue is not as good as Emperor Shun's, how dare I do this? Please don't mention this matter again!"

Not long after, Song Xiance wrote another letter saying: "Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs, and saints are unkind and regard the common people as stupid dogs. He also said: In five hundred years, a king will appear. His rise will be rapid, and his demise will be sudden!"

"Now that the Ming Dynasty has been established for a long time, there are hundreds of disadvantages, and the disasters are indescribable. The general is a descendant of Yan and Huang, the orthodox emperor of Shun, and he should obey the orders of heaven and rule the world."

"It is appropriate for me to be King Chen, the president of the four provinces and one capital, to do justice on behalf of Heaven, and to punish sins on behalf of Heaven!"

Lu Weiqi, Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance were going back and forth, and the others were not stupid. They had already figured out what Zhang Shun was thinking.

Immediately he took the opportunity to write a letter to persuade him to come forward, lest he fall behind others. For a moment, Zhang Shun was praised like a flower, as if there was no such a good person in the world five hundred years ago and five hundred years after.

Good guy, Zhang Shun called him a good guy! Originally, he thought that the ancients' "three concessions and three remarks", although a bit artificial, were at least a continuation of the virtue of humility by the sages.

It was only after he was persuaded to come in that he realized, wasn't this just a way to get others to praise him? If you praise me badly, I shouldn’t do it right!

I have never seen such a shameless person!

Unexpectedly, I finally met him once, and it turned out to be myself!

After all, Zhang Shun has a young heart and is a bit thin-skinned. Seeing that everyone was so sincerely inviting me to be the king and govern the people, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I ordered: "I am a commoner, bowing myself in the fields. I don't seek high-ranking officials, rich salaries, or wealth, but just three meals a day." , peace all year round.”

"Unexpectedly, there were natural and man-made disasters, and chaos came from above. The people had no food to eat and were in danger. I had no choice but to lead everyone around, just begging for a living."

"Now that I am favored by everyone and elected as the leader, I dare not take the title of king. However, everyone is crying for food, and the officers and soldiers are watching eagerly. I have no choice but to advocate righteousness from heaven. I am the governor-general of the four provinces of Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Beizhili, and the military, political, and judicial affairs of the capital. To do things, to do justice on behalf of Heaven, and to punish sins on behalf of Heaven.”

"When the world is at peace and everyone has food to eat and clothing to wear, I will return the government to the wise king and cultivate the fields!"

Immediately, Zhang Shunfen took a bath, fasted for three days, offered sacrifices to heaven, and was proclaimed the President and received the seal of the President.

After opening the palace and building teeth, his subordinates were given rewards according to the example, and official seals and clothing were given to all ministers.

Li Sanniang, Hong Niangzi, Li Xiang and Ma Yingniang were named wives. Zhu'er, Jian'er, Liu Rushi and Gao Guiying received a "promise" title.

After the opening of the mansion is completed, it is also necessary to "act in harmony with the three departments." The three ministers are the three ministers, or they are called Taiwei, Situ, or Sikong, or they are called Taifu, Taishi, or Taibao.

The so-called "Yi Tong San Si" means using the same ceremonial guard as the San Si.

This thing has not appeared since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Who knows what the ceremony of travel is?

Although Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi are knowledgeable, they are not professional after all. The two of them spent a long time together, and finally pushed two, six, and five. Anyway, you old Taoist priest is the master of ceremonies, so you can handle this matter yourself!

Song Xiance was not upset at all, and promised on the spot that the travel ceremony in Haikou would be completed in just one day.

Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi looked at him as if he were a fool, and thought to themselves: If you can do it in one day, I will twist off the head and play it as a ball for you!

Not long after, Song Xiance led a large group of men, holding a pair of command flags, two pairs of Qingdao flags, ten pairs of swords and shields, twenty pairs of bows and arrows, a pair of Baize flags, a pair of golden drum flags, and so on. , there are no less than sixty kinds of them. There were no less than 300 people escorting various masters of ceremonies.

Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi were stunned for a long time and touched the heads on their necks. They couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Did you move King Fu's honor guard here?"

"That's right, he is idle anyway, and he is not allowed to be lent to King Shun for use!" Song Xiance said matter-of-factly.

"But...but he's not a guard of honor?" Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi were a little confused.

"Who says he is not a guard of honor for the Three Lords? What is the guard of honor for the Three Lords like, and how many people know about it?" Song Xiance smiled.

Good guy, co-author King Shun not only claimed to be the president, but also violated the honor guard?

But there seemed to be nothing wrong with him. In the eyes of the Ming Dynasty's Gong Gong, Zhang Shun was overstepping his bounds no matter what he did, which was not bad.

The three of them agreed to give it to Zhang Shun.

It is said that Zhang Shun also heard the expression "Yitong Sansi" in the storybook of his previous life, but it was just a polite term.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance created such a grand spectacle. There were actually two to three hundred people holding various weapons, bronze horns, signs, umbrellas and other objects, as if they were parading in the street.

Zhang Shun asked, a little dumbfounded: "Isn't this too cumbersome? I feel like I'm in a war every time I go out?"

"It's not complicated, it's not complicated. This is how everyone has lived since ancient times!" The three of them were afraid that Zhang Shun would be surprised by the flaw, so they hurriedly responded with assurance.

How could Zhang Shun, a country bumpkin, know this? Seeing that the three people insisted on doing this, they felt sad.

Uh... I unfortunately injured my waist today, and the doctor said I need to rest more. So there is only one update...

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