Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 723 Yellow Dragon Seal

It is said that after Zhang Shun took office as the president of the four northern provinces and one capital, the first thing he did was to pick up the presidential seal of Bo University and prepare to stamp his reply letter to Huang Taiji.

But when he dipped in the ink pad and was about to press it on, he hesitated.

"What's the matter, lord?" Song Xiance looked at it and felt a twitch in his heart, fearing that he might do something wrong again.

Sure enough, Zhang Shun said: "I counted, and there were five characters in the name of Jin Guohan that day, but I, the great president, only had three characters. Just in terms of the number of characters, I lost my momentum. I couldn't show my power to the foreigners, but I couldn't. beautiful."

Damn it, what does "One Word Side by Side King" mean? Isn’t it true that the fewer the words, the more powerful it is?

Song Xiance was unable to complain, but fortunately he also came to his senses. It turned out that Zhang Shun disliked the fact that the presidential seal was not a countryman enough to fool Huang Taiji.

So, he asked tentatively: "How about engraving another presidential seal to advocate justice for heaven?"

Zhang Shun thought for a while, shook his head and said: "No, no, it seems like this president wants to compete with others. Why not just get it right in one step and directly engrave a piece of "Shun Wang, Leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion of the Rebel Army and Fengtian" The president advocated a seal for all military, political, judicial and other matters in the four provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Beizhili."

Song Xiance secretly counted on his fingers for a long time before he realized that there were forty-two characters in total. He suddenly looked at Zhang Shun like a sunken dog, and almost wanted to say: Here is the knife for you, can you engrave one for me?

Zhang Shun also knew that this matter was a bit difficult, so he didn't come up with any ideas and said: "Actually, the requirements don't have to be so strict. If you can't engrave it, you can make the seal larger! As long as it doesn't cover a piece of paper, it's a good seal."

"But in such a hurry, where can we find such a big piece of jade? Since ancient times, jade has been produced in Nanyang. Why don't we wait until the rebels capture Nanyang before we make a fuss?" Song Xiance made some hesitant suggestions.

"Why bother, jade, jade, if jade can, then why can't stone?" Zhang Shun replied nonchalantly, "Anyway, as long as it has the seal, it doesn't matter the material."

Well, the craftsmen are ready-made anyway, so Song Xiance has nothing to say. Just a few days ago, Tao Taigong of Taowan ordered his granddaughter to send a yellow wax stone.

Although yellow wax stone was not as good as jade during this period, it was still considered a rare stone, also known as yellow dragon jade. Its surface was round and smooth, as if coated with a layer of wax.

Its color is mainly red and yellow, with pink, green, black, blue, gray, white and other colors, so it is barely usable.

Among them, the yellow wax stone sent by Tao Taigong is not only large, but also has a noble and elegant pure yellow color.

It turned out that Tao Taigong saw that Zhang Shun's boat was rising, his power was getting stronger and more, and he had more and more wives. He couldn't help but see it in his eyes, and felt anxious in his heart, thinking: His granddaughter is also called beautiful, but I don't know why King Shun still refuses to bring her into his room?

So he took advantage of the rebel army's victory over Hong Chengchou, the governor of five provinces, and sent his granddaughter here again in the name of "sending strange stones to King Shun", just to test Zhang Shun's attitude.

In fact, according to Zhang Shun's wishes, as long as he is beautiful, he will basically accept anyone who comes. No one else minded anyway, so why did he mind?

But when he thought about this Tao's deformed feet, he immediately felt sick.

So he simply left her alone for a few days, hoping that she would wise up and quit. As a result, the beauty and the beautiful stone were delayed in the mansion.

Song Xiance then went to borrow it for a look, and saw a large bright yellow stone, as if coated with wax, round and smooth, without any color. Its shape is almost square, which is perfect for a seal.

Song Xiance thought about it and said: "The color of King Shun's virtue soil is bright and yellow, which is suitable. The stone is also called Huanglong Jade, because it resembles the emperor. Is this probably a gift from God to King Shun?"

So he ordered craftsmen to polish it brightly, carve it into a seal, and offer it up.

Zhang Shun took a look and said, "Hey guys, this seal is round in color and as big as a brick."

He stretched out his hand to grab it and almost couldn't pick it up. He weighed it again and estimated that it weighed several kilograms.

Zhang picked it up with both hands, dipped it in ink pad and pressed it onto the paper, almost covering the entire paper.

He opened it and saw forty-two small seals neatly printed on the paper.

Zhang Shun chuckled, then held up the big seal and banged it a few times, covering it on the reply letter to Hong Tai, the Khan of the Jin Dynasty. For a moment, the black ink words and the red printed words complemented each other, making it unsightly.

This time, Song Xiance, the chief of ceremonies, couldn't help crying or laughing: "My lord, where are you stamping your seal? Are you using engraving and printing?"

"It's okay, this is reserved for Mrs. Hong's exclusive use!" Zhang Shun replied with a smile, not paying attention at all.

Then Song Xiance looked at the messy reply. Just by imagining, he could guess the expression of Hong Tai, the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin, when he received Zhang Shun's letter. He couldn't help laughing for a moment.

Seeing that the matter was over, Song Xiance was about to resign. As a result, Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment and then called him.

He hesitated and asked, "Mr. Song, what are your recent plans?"

"No?" Song Xiance took office as a new official and was extremely busy. What arrangements could he make?

"Let's go then!" Zhang Shun waved his hand. Originally, he had planned to take advantage of these two days of free time to take his travel ceremonial guard for a walk.

As the saying goes: Being rich without pretending to be 13 is like walking in brocade at night! Although Zhang Shun didn't want this, he also wanted to try the feeling of being hugged and hugged.

As a result, they helped themselves recruit hundreds of people and dozens of ceremonial supplies, but they refused to use them.

Zhang Shun was just thinking about it when Gao Guiying opened the door and came in to report: "Dad, Mr. Zhao is here to visit!"

Last time Zhao Yutou gave the protagonist some advice, which was quite practical. Zhang Shun heard that he was coming again and rushed out to greet him.

This startled Zhao Yutou, and he couldn't help but replied in fear: "Zhesha is an old man! How can I be worthy of King Shun's personal welcome?"

"Hey, what's it worth? If Mr. Zhao hadn't helped me, how could I be where I am today?" Zhang Shun said a few polite words and welcomed Zhao Yutou into the house.

Gao Guiying served the tea, Zhao Yutou picked it up and took a peck, then smiled and said: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. This time the old man has a new idea, please trouble King Shun!"

"Oh? Don't bother me, don't bother me. Old man, you are just saying something like gold. Please tell me!" Zhang Shunyi became more energetic after hearing this.

"I wonder if King Shun has ever heard of Ji Tian Li?"

"I've never heard of it!" Zhang Shun told the truth. Listening to the name, he seemed to be verifying the meaning of Tianmu. Does Zhao Yutou want me to order the arable land to be sorted out and divided between acres and people?

But now that the rebel army is unstable both internally and externally, it is not the time to make a bold move to plow the land.

"In ancient times, fields were divided into public and private fields. During the first lunar month of Mengchun, before the emperor commanded the common people to cultivate public fields, they would plow their own fields to show that they valued farming and mulberry trees."

"Nowadays, natural disasters are frequent, military disasters are frequent, and farming and mulberry farming are in ruins. King Shun should set an example and encourage farming and mulberry farming!"

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