As soon as Zhao Yu first mentioned this, Zhang Shun was just thinking about the three things he had started to prepare before the start of the year: replanting the land, controlling locusts, and changing seeds.

He quickly ordered Wang Jinyi to call Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi to ask them how the situation was going.

Since Zhang Shun opened his house, these two people have been working non-stop from early to late in the morning.

When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he quickly responded: "These days, it is difficult for the old minister to only verify the acres of land and sort out the rewards."

"Originally, Gong Lu was responsible for communicating with the elders in the village. I didn't know."

"However, I have already ordered Chen Jingzhi to purchase 35,000 fresh ducks and chickens. Now I don't know how many chickens and ducks are hatched. It is time to herd them to get rid of the locusts."

"As for the change of species, I have ordered Li Baihu to bring old farmers to teach the people around Luoyang. If one person learns it, he will teach ten people, and if ten people learn it, he will teach a hundred people. Just like the method of military training, now Luoyang, Songxian and Lu's three The land has been conquered! The rest of the counties, where the rebel army has established new positions, have not yet had time to teach."

"The method of planting sweet potatoes is not the same as that of corn and wheat. On the contrary, it is completely different from rice. You need to cultivate the seedlings first and then transplant the seedlings."

"The seeds for raising seedlings are either potato cubes or potato seedlings. It is almost the same. Once the seedlings are mature, they are planted into the ground. It will take more than a month."

"The method of corn is the same as that of millet and wheat, but it does not use a columbine. Instead, it is planted in holes, which is quite a legacy of ancient times. Now that the weather has warmed up, ordinary people can farm!"

Zhang Shun nodded and asked, "Are there enough seeds?"

"We have asked Li Baihu to go to Huguang to buy. Now that we are counting the days, it is almost time to arrive." Zhang Shenyan responded quickly.

"Yes!" Zhang Shun nodded appreciatively and asked Lu Weiqi, "I wonder how the contact with the village went?"

Lu Weiqi was a little embarrassed when he heard this and said: "Luoyang is no longer worried, Xin'an County is probably about the same, and the other counties still have to work hard!"

Well, he had just started and was locked up for being a traitor. He was not to blame for this.

Zhang Shun thought for a while and said to the two of them: "There are many things to do, let me re-divide your responsibilities!"

"Zhang Gong has been responsible for clearing the farmland and calculating rewards. Now it is almost completed. In the future, he will be responsible for cultivating seedlings and replanting."

"As a native of Luoyang, Mr. Lu cares about his fellow villagers, which is human nature. I would like to ask Mr. Lu to help me with three things."

"One thing: Contact the township and make sure that the gentry and elders of Henan Prefecture support our work of re-cultivation, locust eradication and sorting out the fields."

"Second: Give up the porridge. Now is the time of drought, and many people are in danger of not having enough to eat. I also ask Mr. Lu to supervise this for me and advise him, so that the people must not lose their lives in vain."

"Third: Establishment. Since ancient times, refugees have arisen everywhere, and people cannot live in peace. Now there are people who have left their homes and become homeless. Please ask Mr. Lu to organize it for me."

"The method is the same as marching in the army. If there is a household, it is divided into households, and if there is no household, it is divided into dings. The ten are armors, and the eleven armors are li, and the li is the length of the li."

"If there is wasteland or idle land, it can be resettled. If there are many soldiers who have newly acquired land but cannot cultivate it, they can also be asked to farm it for them. The cost will be deducted from the soldiers' salary."

Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi quickly accepted the order, but they couldn't help but wonder, how should they deal with locust plagues and droughts?

Zhang Shun knew what they were thinking and couldn't help but explain: "When Han Lin told me about the locust plague, I knew he was a talent."

"Now is the time to employ people. I plan to use him to take charge of locust control, famine and other matters. When there is a slack period in farming, he can also be responsible for water conservancy. What do you think?"

Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi are two old guys who are very tired. How can they disagree?

Not long after, Han Lin was called over by Wang Jinyi. Seeing that everyone was there, he hurriedly went to see the people one by one.

Zhang incidentally told him that he was going to be responsible for removing locusts, and Han Lin couldn't help but be surprised.

Since he is a believer in Tianjiao, he is well aware of Zhang Shun's disapproval of Tianjiao.

He originally thought that Zhang Shun called him over and was going to criticize the Tianjiao, but unexpectedly he was planning to make himself an official.

He couldn't help being surprised and happy, and quickly thanked him.

As a scholar, Han Lin, like Gao Yizhi, not only had the desire to spread heavenly religion, but also had a desire for fame and wealth.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to welcome Li Zicheng after he invaded Shanxi, and became Li Zicheng's secretary in charge of the office.

When he was forced to come here by Zhang Shun, he still had some complaints in his heart.

However, times change and things change. Now that Zhang Shun had defeated the officers and soldiers one after another and occupied a place, many scholars no longer regarded him as a bandit.

This is somewhat similar to how ancient farmers regarded landless people as "gangsters". No matter how much money they had, they still couldn't trust them.

Once you have a piece of barren farmland in your local area, you can be considered a "serious family" and a "fellow countryman".

Because you have permanent assets and are ready to take root here.

Now that Zhang Shun has occupied the land of Henan Prefecture, everyone has the same mentality. I feel that Zhang Shun's willingness to run this place with great care must be beyond the reach of ordinary thieves.

Since even Han Lin had accepted his appointment, Zhang took the opportunity to raise the matter of Tianli with them.

The three people couldn't help but responded: "It is right to encourage students to grow mulberry trees. Farmers can provide enough food, and mulberry trees can provide enough clothing. This is the legacy of the ancient sages!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Zhang Shun ordered Song Xiance to select an auspicious day and prepare for the ceremony in advance.

After finally seeing off the ministers, Zhang Shunzheng was preparing to go back and have a rest.

Unexpectedly, I heard a noise outside, and then there was a commotion.

Zhang Shun shouted strangely: "What's going on outside?"

Not long after, Wang Jinyi ran in and reported: "Prince Fu is angry in the yard and is taking out his anger on the princess and the servants!"

"Eh?" When Zhang Shun heard this, he was afraid that this guy would cause trouble for him, so he quickly ordered, "Take me there to see if anything happens!"

When Zhang Shun arrived at King Fu's yard, "Meat Ball" King Fu was holding a vase and throwing it down. The surrounding princesses, women and servants knelt in a circle, who dared to stop him?

Zhang Shun couldn't help shouting quickly: "His Royal Highness Prince Fu, which song are you singing? Why is it so lively?"

King Fu was startled, trembled, and almost dropped the vase.

He quickly grasped it and put it on the ground. Then he hurriedly greeted him and said, "It turns out to be His Royal Highness King Shun. I missed you from afar. Please forgive me!"

"Hey, why are we so polite?" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Tell me what you want, why do you need to be like a few women!"

"King Shun, you are right, it's me, Meng Lang!" King Fu's face almost turned into a flower with a smile.

He stretched out his hand to stop hitting the smiling man, but Zhang Shun didn't know what to say when he saw that he knew his appearance.

After thinking about it, Zhang Shun simply invited: "Prince Fu must be tired of staying in the palace, why don't you come with me to relax outside the city?"

"It just so happens that I have a wedding ceremony to go to in the past few days, and a new team of honor guards have been added. Why don't you please correct me and see if it's different from the one in our palace!"

Good guy, when King Fu heard this, he couldn't help but feel a burst of unknown anger. He tried to lift the vase that he had saved just now again, but dropped it!

It’s really a matter of which pot you don’t open and lift, what’s your guard of honor? Isn't that my guard of honor?

King Fu was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and his belly started to tremble with anger.

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