Zhang Shun was confused by Niu Jinxing's words. What is the logical relationship between auspicious wind and good luck?

It turns out that what Niu Jinxing was talking about was the technique of wind horn, which was mostly popular in the Han Dynasty. Since the late Ming Dynasty, it has gradually been lost and most people have never heard of it.

The wind is the command from heaven; the wind horn is to wait for the wind from all directions and corners to bring good luck and misfortune.

The so-called "auspicious wind" of Niu Venus is the result of divination using the wind horn technique.

He did not dare to ask Zhang Shun's birthday and horoscope for calculation, so he had to judge the standard by his own fortune-telling and seat cards.

As a result, after some divination, Niu Jinxing thought that he had obtained a secret from heaven, and divined that the real dragon came from the northwest, so he came to congratulate him.

Since this Ox Venus has voted for Zhang Shun, he can't wait to show his worth in order to win a place in the rebel army.

Therefore, Niu Jinxing couldn't help but offer advice: "What King Shun wants is Baofeng County. I am originally from Baofeng County, and I have dozens of disciples. I am willing to lead fifty people to help King Shun capture Baofeng County." .”

Okay, this is the time to submit a certificate! Zhang Shun nodded and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Niu is going to do?"

The key to receiving the investment certificate is who to submit the investment certificate to.

Although through history, Zhang Shun knew that Niu Jinxing had defected to the rebel army Li Zicheng. To the Ming Dynasty, he was a person with a traitorous backbone.

However, people are separated from each other, who knows what will happen after their own butterfly effect?

What if this guy still has illusions about the Ming Dynasty and deceives his own people to kill him, wouldn't he lose the lives of the rebel soldiers for no reason?

When Niu Jinxing saw Zhang Shun's question, he revealed his plan. Zhang Shun thought about it for a while and felt that this matter was quite feasible and worth a gamble, so he nodded and agreed.

So, Niu Jinxing selected more than fifty people, and all of them lost their armor and weapons. They only picked axes, sickles, hoes and other tools to carry on their shoulders. Each of them took a wrist-breaking knife and hid it in their arms.

Niu Jinxing was about to leave, but unexpectedly a young man grabbed him and said, "Sir, wait a moment, count me as one, so I can follow you and ask for some credit!"

Niu Jinxing didn't take it seriously and responded immediately.

It turns out that this young man is none other than the "horse kite" Li Fuchen.

Li Xin recommended him to Zhang Shun's command simply because he was good at martial arts and had fought close battles with powerful generals like He Renlong.

The "horse kite" was young and frivolous. He looked like he was the boss in heaven, the second boss in earth, and the third boss in me. He said to Zhang Shun: "If King Shun is willing to accept me as his adopted son, I will fight through life and death to win the world for King Shun." !”

If it were another person and saw that he was brave, he might have agreed. Only Zhang Shun came from a later generation, and his understanding of political power far exceeded the average level of this era. It is impossible to conquer the world by just relying on one strong general.

What's more, Zhang Shun now has a "real son", so how can he easily admit his "fake son" again?

So, Zhang Shun frowned and was about to refuse. At that time, the red lady was standing in front of her, and the child in her belly had not yet been born. She did not know whether it was a boy or a girl, so she comforted her in a low voice: "Since you don't want to, you might as well let me adopt your adopted son, which is the best of both worlds." !”

Zhang Shun smiled when he heard this, and whispered to the red lady: "Li Xin said that this guy is very powerful in martial arts. At a young age, he can be as good as the mighty He Renlong. He is quite like Lu Bu! Now you are a 'Xiliang' Grand Master Dong's birthday is tired of hanging himself, so he wants to recognize him as a 'living Lu Bu'?"

After hearing this, the red lady dropped the matter, and Zhang smiled and said, "A man is a real man. He wants fame and fortune, but he immediately takes his ear. How can he be a fake man?"

"What's more, if you become my adopted son, I'm afraid that the people around you will have to serve you carefully. They are afraid that you will make mistakes and fail to explain to me, but will miss your skills. In this case, you Why don't you stay with me to learn some words and learn some military skills, and in the future, wouldn't it be nice to be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister?"

This "horse kite" Li Fuchen is still a young man with a simple mind. How can he stand up to Zhang Shun's praise? He was so excited that he didn't mention the matter of "recognizing his adoptive father" and just stayed with Zhang Shun and worked diligently.

It happened that Niu Jinxing was offering his plan. Zhang Shun didn't know anything about him, so he secretly ordered Li Fuchen while he was selecting his soldiers: "The origin of this person is unknown, and I don't know what his thoughts are. You can just go with him in a while. If this is the case, As expected, people act according to their plans, so don’t mention anything: If you have other intentions, I allow you to act easily and deal with this person in time!"

Therefore, "horse kite" Li Fuchen took advantage of his youth to join Niu Jinxing's team and left the main force of the rebel army.

After walking eastward for half a day, everyone arrived at the foot of Baofeng County. Although Baofeng County has little information, it has also heard about King Shun's reputation. The magistrate of Baofeng County had already mobilized archers from the Inspection Department to recruit strong people and do some defensive work.

The team had just approached the city when they couldn't help but hear a loud shout from the city: "Who is outside the city and why are you gathering together? If you dare to get close again, I will fire my arrows and blunderbuss!"

Niu Jinxing looked up and saw that the gates of Baofeng County were closed and flags were fluttering on the city, which looked quite impressive.

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "I wonder who in the city can't even recognize Mr. Niu from the north of the country?"

The general on the city couldn't help but responded: "It turns out to be Mr. Niu. My children have studied with you. But now that the wind is blowing, why are you bringing so many people into the city?"

Hearing this, Niu Jinxing couldn't help but cursed: "The bandits are in front of us, and I have come up with a special plan to save the people of Hecheng, Baofeng County. But that bitch official is nonsense, and even though I tried my best to talk, he just didn't listen. Not only did he not listen, but he also Beat me out with random sticks!"

"Today I called my disciples, the scholars, to plead for the people! Find a way out for the people of the city. Otherwise, when the bandits arrive, we will all be slain!"

How does Dian Shi know what "鑑粉" and "牛粉" are? But when I heard that these scholars wanted to ask for their lives and offer their plans to save the people in the city, I couldn't help but believe it.

He quickly ordered people to open the city gate and let Niu Jinxing and others into the city.

When the "horse kite" Li Fuchen saw Dian Shi approaching, he was about to take action, but was unexpectedly stopped by Niu Jinxing.

Li Fuchen's eyes widened and he was about to fall out. But Niu Jinxing laughed in a low voice: "Don't be anxious, if you want, just serve it in one pot!"

While the two were talking, Na Dianshi had already walked up to them. Niu Jinxing hurriedly came up to us and said, "Can you please take us to see the county magistrate?"

"This" Na Dianshi hesitated obviously.

Niu Jinxing quickly took out two taels of silver from his sleeve and handed it to him, persuading him: "I have some disagreements with the county magistrate, so please speak out! Otherwise, everyone will get into trouble soon, and it will look bad!" "

"Okay then, come with me!" Dianshi got the benefit and couldn't help but lead the way with a smile.

Not long after, everyone rushed to the county government office and started making noise. Nadian Shi quickly signaled to everyone to be calm and went inside to inquire about the situation.

After waiting for a long time, Dian Shi and the magistrate finally appeared in front of everyone. Without waiting for a word, everyone immediately took out their wrist-sharp knives, rushed forward and stabbed the magistrate and Dian Shi to death.

The rest of the people in the city couldn't help being shocked when they saw this, and they all shouted: "Master Niu is a thief, Niu Jinxing is a thief!"

Niu Jinxing didn't argue and just led everyone to kill the general. The strong men and archers in the city were leaderless and dispersed immediately, and the rebel army took Baofeng County lightly.

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