Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 733 Niu Venus (Part 2)

It is said that with the help of Jin Xing, the second and fifth generation of the Ming Dynasty, the rebel army easily captured Baofeng County and saved a lot of effort.

Zhang Shun immediately led the army to Baofeng County. Before he could enter the city, Niu Jinxing suggested: "Now that Baofeng has been appointed, the court has not had time to know. Please also ask the general to send cavalry to capture Kunyang Pass quickly to avoid delay." Change.”

"Now that Kunyang Pass has been conquered, Ye County has no danger to defend, and it is now in the pocket of the rebels!"

This Kunyang Pass is twenty-five miles north of Ye County, just north of the original Kunyang County. It was the site of the Kunyang Battle between Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu and the New Dynasty army.

This place is located in the upper reaches of the Shah River. It is not only the only way from the Central Plains to the Nanyang Basin, but also the last stop of the entire Central Plains water system closest to the "Nanxiang Road" leading to Nanyang. Occupying this place is strategically important for conquering Nanyang Prefecture. significance.

Zhang Shun was not very familiar with the terrain of this place and couldn't help but ask: "May I ask what is unique about this place?"

Niu Jinxing was waiting for Zhang Shun's words. Hearing the words, he couldn't help but talk: "Ye County is located to the west of Ruzhou, on the bank of the Shah River. If the rebel army takes it, they can go straight down the Shah River, break through Lincheng and Chenzhou, and enter The land of Jianghuai.”

"If I go north to Xiangcheng, I can threaten Yuzhou and Xuzhou, across the Central Plains; if I go south to Yuzhou, Nanyang will be within my grasp; if I go south to Wuyang and Xiping, Runing Prefecture will be within easy reach!"

"There is a Shuishui horse post station located in the county seat, which can be connected to the north and south, reaching Zhengzhou in the north and Nanxiang in the south; Yancheng horse post station is on its side, and can reach Xuzhou and Bianliang in the north and Runing and Xinyang in the south."

"The Art of War says: 'If you are good at attacking, the enemy will not know where you are defending. If you are good at defending, the enemy will not know where you are attacking.' This is what the saying goes. I am based here, and the court does not know whether I want to go to Nanyang, or to Lincheng, or to plan for Yu. The land of Zhouzhou and Xuzhou. Therefore, if I am dedicated, and the enemy is divided, then the general will be able to do great things!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be startled after hearing this, and couldn't help asking: "From what you said, sir, it seems that our army's target is known?"

"What's so difficult about this?" Niu Jinxing couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Since the general is in Luoyang and refuses to go west with all his strength, he must have other ideas about Nanyang!"

"Then why am I not planning to take the land of Zheng Bian, or Runing, or Jianghuai?" Zhang Shun asked after hearing this.

"Zheng Bian is to the east of Luoyang. If the general wants to take this place, he can go out of Dengfeng and Sishui. Why bother to abandon the near and seek the far away and take a detour to Baofeng? But Runing and Jianghuai are far away in the horizon. Even if the general takes it, he can't rule it. Aren’t their people working hard and mobilizing the masses to no avail? Therefore, I predict that the general will definitely swallow Nanyang and then be quick!"

"Good!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but praise after hearing this, "Mr. Niu is indeed extraordinary. He can guess the president's thoughts quite well."

In this era where transportation relies on walking and communication relies on shouting, information transmission is not smooth. Don't look at the fact that Baofeng is only two hundred miles away from Luoyang. After a lot of information changed hands between seven or eight people, it has long been changed beyond recognition.

This Ox Venus can guess his own strategic intentions through various unreliable and unreliable information, which shows that this person is indeed amazingly talented.

The bad impression he originally brought to Zhang Shun due to later records has improved a lot with Niu Jinxing's words.

Seeing this, Niu Jinxing quickly took the opportunity to admonish: "The general has come personally with a large army, and Yiqi Zhengxiangsheng is born. First, seize Ye County, cut off the support roads for officers and soldiers in the Central Plains, and then lead the troops south to break Yuzhou and surround Nanyang."

"It's just that Yuzhou is located between Funiu Mountain and Tongbai Mountain. The terrain is difficult. If it is blocked by the officers and soldiers, it will be difficult to get off in a hurry. Why don't the general send a separate general to Lushan County, cross Luyang Pass and drive directly to the south? To cut off Yuzhou’s retreat?”

It's just a cliché. Zhang Shun originally had high expectations for him, but he didn't expect Niu Jinxing to still be clever. He couldn't help but ask: "If there are capable people among the officers and soldiers who know this trick, our army will go on an expedition in vain, what can we do?"

"So the general should first attack Yuzhou with great fanfare to attract Nanyang officers and soldiers to defend it, and then send special troops to make a detour, which will have a miraculous effect!" Niu Jinxing was stunned and quickly responded.

Zhang Shun frowned. Even Niu Jinxing said so. It seems that if you want to enter Nanyang, there are only two ways.

It's just that almost everyone knows this "one righteousness and one strangeness". Can the officers and soldiers really let themselves get what they want?

Fortunately, now that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, Zhang Shun quickly ordered: "Urgently order He Jin to lead more than a thousand cavalry, hurry up and attack Kunyang Pass by surprise."

"After entering the Pass, dismount and defend, wait for the army to arrive, and then join forces to attack Ye County!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Jinyi quickly agreed and sent messengers to convey the order and congratulate Jin to the pioneer officer.

The other generals entered Baofeng County together with Zhang Shun and Niu Jinxing to rest for a while.

When everyone arrived at the county government office, it was getting late. Zhang Shun ordered his subordinates to set up a banquet to entertain the generals.

After the generals exchanged cups, Zhang asked about the capture of Baofeng County today.

So Niu Jinxing narrated and Li Fuchen added, detailing today's events.

After hearing this, Zhang Shun sighed secretly, but didn't say anything. But after the banquet, I could not help but lament that Dian Shi was such a good man and lost his life in vain.

Gao Guiying curled her lips after hearing this and said disapprovingly: "We were originally bandits and will be officials in the future. We are not going to be great benefactors for the tenth life. How can we have so many good intentions?"

"If dad is free, go back to our Yansui and take a look at the piles of bones under the long yellow sand. Which one is good and which one is evil? After all, it's just a steamed bun!"

"Oh, I didn't expect you still have some Buddha nature!" Zhang Shun said sarcastically.

As the saying goes: People of the same species flock together, and things divide into groups. Many people in the rebel army are willing to degenerate and like to think of themselves as bandits. Naturally, it is easy to attract bandits.

This time Niu Jinxing's way of dealing with Dianshi is indeed a bit cunning. Looking at Na Dianshi's behavior, it was obvious that he was familiar with Niu Jinxing, but he ended up like this, but there was no trace of shame on his face.

Presumably Niu Jinxing also subconsciously believed that the rebels were all bandits, and he should have been accustomed to this.

Zhang Shun also wanted to shout some slogans to make everyone become new people with ideals and ambitions.

However, when he thought about the bunch of wives in his backyard, he felt that it was boring.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "I don't ask everyone to be a saint, at least you have to have a heart for good!"

"If we only demand ourselves as thieves and bandits, how can we conquer the world? Even if we conquer the world, what difference does it make to the current imperial court? Will the people of the world not rise up again and overthrow us?"

"Although northern Shaanxi is suffering, the world is not suffering from one family; the famine in Shaanxi is not the famine in one place in the world. Natural disasters can be prevented, and man-made disasters can be avoided. I don't want to care about the world, but I can treat the people with an ordinary mind, and I have no regrets! "

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