Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 734 New Governor Fu Zonglong

That night, the rebels spent the night in Baofeng, and Li Xin finally rushed through the night and arrived in Baofeng County.

Zhang Shun yawned and got up. He didn't blame him. He just said: "It's understandable that we went out on an expedition. There was no need to see me in the first place. It's just that the rebels only attacked a county. Why did they delay so much? day?"

When Li Xin heard this, he couldn't help but responded quickly: "It's not that Yan has different intentions and deliberately delays it. It's because there are many people in Jiaxian County and they can't leave in a hurry. Zuo Liangyu's disciples are stationed in Yuzhou with their elite troops. They are looking at the left and right, and the rebels are not able to leave." That’s why I dare to attack the city with all my strength!”

"What?" Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this, "Why is Zuo Liangyu here?"

Although Zuo Liangyu was punished several times by Zhang Shun, he was also given the insulting nickname "Right Stubborn Stone".

However, Zhang Shun had to admit that this person had some abilities after all. Even Zhang Shun might be bitten by him if he wasn't careful.

However, since the rebel army entered Henan, the two sides have not fought again, and Zhang Shun has long forgotten this person.

But he never expected that this guy would suddenly appear again at the critical moment.

Niu Jinxing reacted quickly and couldn't help shouting: "General, this is extraordinary!"

"Although Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was newly defeated, most of the casualties were Qin soldiers. The remaining guest soldiers and Yu soldiers are still strong, but they are leaderless."

"Now Zuo Liangyu suddenly appears, either the imperial reinforcements arrived, or the new Henan governor arrived and reorganized his troops."

"Although they don't have anything to worry about, they still have to be careful not to delay the general's important events!"

In fact, Zhang Shun also had similar worries. If the new governor of Henan had indeed arrived, he would reorganize his troops and "recover lost ground."

Then he would either have to give up his original plan to capture Nanyang and return to defend Henan Prefecture; or he would be attacked by officers and soldiers from Kaifeng Prefecture and face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask: "I wonder what Mr. Niu thinks of this matter?"

Niu Jinxing obviously did not expect such a change, and was immediately surprised.

Fortunately, he calmed down quickly, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "The Art of War says: Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Now I don't know the situation of the rebels, nor the officers and soldiers, so I dare not make any suggestions without authorization, lest I miss the general's major event!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun realized that this was a matter of fact. He quickly asked Li Xin to tell Niu Jinxing about the eastward layout of the rebel army and let him come up with ideas.

Niu Jinxing thought for a long time, and then slowly said: "It stands to reason that the new governor should not have arrived so quickly. There are other changes that are unknown."

"If the general is more daring, he can leave some troops in Jiaxian and Yexian to act as horns to prevent the officers and soldiers from cutting off the rebel army's retreat. The rest of the troops continue to march south, quickly capture Nanyang Mansion, and then transfer their troops to the north to conquer Zheng Bianzhi land."

"It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate. This plan is too risky. If it's not enough, it will be a situation that will never be recovered." Zhang Shun shook his head after hearing this.

"Alternatively, why don't the general send his troops to the north, strike first, seize Xiangcheng, and look down on Xuzhou and Yuzhou. If the officers and soldiers retreat, we will continue the southward expedition. If the officers and soldiers have a stalemate with my family, we can send the rebel army out of Sishui , Dengfeng, disrupting the east of Henan, the new governor of Henan will not be allowed to stalemate with me."

"This..." Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment. He had no plans to change his original strategic plan until he had to.

Niu Jinxing saw the hesitation on Zhang Shun's face and knew that Zhang Shun was not satisfied with his strategy, so he continued to offer his advice: "If it is to be on the safe side, why doesn't the general seize Ye County at night and then act based on the reality?"

"If the new governor of Henan has not arrived, this matter is purely an accident, and the rebels can continue to act as planned; if there is an unexpected change among the officers and soldiers, the general can also quickly mobilize troops from Dengfeng and Jiaxian, and then meet with the officers and soldiers It’s not too late to deal with it!”

"Okay, let's do it this way!" Zhang Shun finally decided.

Based on this matter alone, he couldn't help but have a new view on Niu Jinxing. He didn't expect that this person was indeed a man who was well versed in the art of war, and he had found a treasure.

Immediately, Zhang Shun ordered Zhang Sanbai to lead his troops to garrison Baofeng County, but he took the remaining troops to capture Ye County.

At this time, He Jin had just led the cavalry to capture Kunyang Pass. As for Ye County, except for one or two hundred archers at Kunyang Pass, the defenders in the city were only a few hundred men hastily recruited by the magistrate. How could they withstand the rebel attack?

When Jiang He led the crowd to the top of the city, they dispersed in a hurry, and the rebel army took the county seat of Ye County lightly.

Until then, the night was just past half. Zhang Shun then suppressed his sleepiness, arranged for the city to be guarded, and then lay down anxiously.

At first, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, which made Gao Guiying complain.

Just as he finally closed his eyes, Wang Jinyi's voice rang outside: "President, there is an urgent military situation!"

Zhang Shun's head was about to explode. He rubbed his temples and replied coldly: "Speak!"

Wang Jinyi heard that he was a little angry, and he didn't dare to breathe loudly, so he had to report honestly: "He Jin sent someone to report that there were officers and soldiers outside Kunyang Pass who stayed at night. It is very likely that elites from the Nine Sides are here!"

"I got it! You go and invite Mr. Niu first, I'll put on my clothes and get up." At this point, it seems that things have begun to develop in a bad direction, and I have to deal with it carefully.

It's no wonder that Zhang Shun was caught off guard. Not to mention Zhang Shun, even the government and the public did not expect that the new Henan Governor Fu Zonglong would arrive so quickly.

It turned out that Fu Zonglong originally served as the governor of Jiliao, but because of his mistakes, he was dismissed from his post and his status was reduced.

According to the original historical line, he still needs to wait until Chongzhen for about ten years. After the death of Zuozhuguo Zhu Kuiyuan, Emperor Chongzhen did not think of this person until the situation in Sichuan was not good. Then he was ordered to go to Sichuan to take up a post, and then he was able to come out of the army again.

Only in this life, because Zhang Shun changed history, he successively captured two governors, Lu Xiangsheng, governor of Yunyang, and Hong Chengchou, governor of five provinces. As a result, the imperial court had no one available for a while, so it had to re-appoint this person.

Fu Zonglong happened to be expelled from Renshen in November of the seventh year of Chongzhen, and he stayed in the capital for a period of time. It wasn't until he saw that there was no hope of his comeback that he had to lead his subordinates to recruit troops from Yunnan and prepare to return to his hometown of Kunming.

As a result, who would have thought that as soon as he led his team to the vicinity of Wei Hui Mansion, the imperial decree to reactivate the palace was conveyed.

Fu Zonglong was overjoyed and found that he was not far from Kaifeng Mansion, so he immediately led his army into the city and took office directly.

However, after Fu Zonglong took office, before he had time to celebrate, he discovered that the rebels had already occupied Sishui County and Dengfeng County, and were in danger of leaving Zheng and Bian from the east at any time.

So, he quickly began to organize his troops and horses, using offense as defense, and prepared to launch an attack on the rebels.

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