Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 735 Confrontation between the two sides

After Niu Jinxing arrived angrily, Zhang Shun discussed with him for a while and decided on the strategy of "Kunyang Pass defends with all strength, Ye County takes turns to be on guard, and sends scouts to explore its reality".

It was difficult to organize night battles in this era, and there were too many changes in the process, so it was still not the first choice for both warring parties.

That night, the officers and soldiers tentatively attacked Kunyang Pass for a while and then retreated.

In the morning of the next day, the scouts gradually returned, and it was discovered that there were officers and soldiers in Yuzhou and Xiangcheng. The exact number was unknown.

After all, you are not playing a game, you can open the whole map. We are not in a modern society with advanced information. It is not easy for scouts to find out such military information in a hurry.

Zhang Shun frowned and asked Niu Jinxing: "Now that the enemy's situation is unclear, what can we do?"

Hearing this, Niu Jinxing also felt that this matter was a bit tricky. If you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Now that you know yourself and don't know the enemy, the outcome should be between 50 and 50. How should you make a decision?

After a while, Niu Jinxing couldn't help but responded: "For the current plan, the only way is to order the Sishui Cao Bianjiao tribe to take the initiative to attack Zhengzhou and see how the officers and soldiers respond!"

"Okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile after hearing this. Sure enough, this Niu Jinxing is really quite capable.

As a person from later generations, Zhang Shun was more accustomed to considering strategic issues based on accurate maps and terrain.

It is rare for people in the Ming Dynasty, who mainly used text descriptions, to come to the same conclusion as him.

It turns out that Ye County is located near the western end of the Funiu Mountains and the opening of the Songshan Mountains.

Just to the north from here are Xiangcheng, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Xinzheng, Zhengzhou and other places.

Yuzhou is located at the mouth of a valley in the Songshan Mountains, opposite Dengfeng County where Li Jiyu is located;

There is only Xingyang between Zhengzhou and Sishui County, a gap at the northern end of the Songshan Mountains.

That's right, it's the Xingyang where Cao Cao defeated Xingyang in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

And Sishui County is where the Hulao Pass where the three heroes fought against Lu Bu was located. It was Li Shimin who defeated Dou Jiande in Hebei Province and captured the two kings in one battle.

This place is not only the gateway to Luoyang, but also the gateway to Zheng Bian. If the officers and soldiers occupy this place, the gates of Luoyang will be wide open; if the rebels occupy this place, Zheng and Bian will have trouble sleeping and eating.

At first, Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, died unexpectedly in battle, leaving Henan without a leader. The rebel army easily occupied this place after the defeat of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

Because this place is too dangerous, when the new Henan Governor Fu Zonglong arrives, if he wants to capture this place again, he may have to pay ten times or even a hundred times the price before he has a chance.

In fact, Zhang Shun had not never considered whether this time it would be a plan by the new governor of Henan to invade the east and attack the west.

He deliberately faked a shot, ostensibly to fight with himself, but in fact he wanted to deceive the Jiaolong camp stationed in Sishui in order to seize Sishui.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun added: "Order Zhao Lizi to lead the new battalion under his command to support Sishui and ensure that everything is done to ensure that everything goes smoothly at Sishui Pass!"

"Wang Shaoyu and Liu Cheng's two battalions will strengthen their vigilance and do a good job in the defense of Luoyang City. Once the police are present, they will immediately support other rebels."

"Li Xin, you return to Jiaxian quickly and stabilize the situation in Jiaxian. I want to see if Jiaxian is about to fall, will Zuo Liangyu and the new Henan governor behind him still be able to sit still?"

"The general is really like a god with his troops!" Niu Jinxing couldn't help but admire Zhang Shun's arrangement when he saw that Zhang Shun's arrangement was clear and logical.

As the saying goes: laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door. Niu Jinxing is a man who knows how to fight, so how could he not know the power of Zhang Shun's arrangement?

Zhang Shun's arrangement was equivalent to the rebel army setting up a "long snake array" from south to north relying on the Songshan Mountains.

Cao Bian of Sishui County turned the dragon into a snake's tail, Dengfei Li Jiyu became a snake's body, and the main force led by Zhang Shun and Li Xin became the snake's head.

This is really what Sun Tzu said in "The Art of War". Those who are rash are the snakes of Changshan. If you hit the head, the tail will arrive, if you hit the tail, the head will arrive, if you hit the middle, both the head and the tail will arrive.

This was Zhang Shun's strategy for dealing with the new governor of Henan. Using offense as defense is an upright conspiracy. How will you, the new governor of Henan, respond?

Immediately, the rebel army temporarily stayed in Ye County, and Zhang Shun sent messengers to convey Zhang Shun's orders to Luoyang and Sishui respectively.

Zhang Shun was waiting, and so was Fu Zonglong, the new governor of Henan.

Don't think that just because this guy failed miserably and killed Li Zicheng for no apparent reason in history, you should think that he is a noob.

In fact, judging from this point in time, Fu Zonglong's military qualifications are even better than Hong Chengchou, the governor of the fifth province.

Not only was he deeply involved in putting down the "She'an Rebellion", but he was also recommended by the great scholar Sun Chengzong and served as the governor of Jiliao for a period of time. His military ability was unparalleled.

It's just that in history, Emperor Chongzhen preferred Hong Chengchou and gave him ample opportunities for experience; but he hated Fu Zonglong and used him sometimes and discarded him, without allowing him to form a stable team.

After Fu Zonglong arrived at Kaifeng Mansion, his first reaction was to understand the current situation.

Sure enough, things were not optimistic. Not only was Henan Prefecture lost, but Dengfeng and Sishui were also occupied by "thieves". The entire central and eastern Henan plains were facing the threat of thieves.

The Zhou Fan in Kaifeng City was even more panicked. When the King of Zhou heard that he was coming, he condescended to ask for an audience many times, saying that he would give up his family property to help the officers and soldiers to annihilate the rebels.

No wonder King Zhou was so interested. Nowadays, there are rumors everywhere that King Fu of Luoyang Mansion has not only been kept in a pig pen by "shun thieves" to be raised as pigs, but also all the property in Prince Fu's Mansion has been confiscated and used as military pay.

As a long-established vassal, how could King Zhou be willing to sit still and wait for death? Therefore, there was a matter of helping officers and soldiers suppress bandits.

It just so happens that there is a battalion of Zuo Liangyu, the chief military officer of Changping, on the border of Henan Province. There are still Xuanmo's Biao battalion in Kaifeng Prefecture and a battalion of Xuanwu Guards and Yamen elite troops transferred from Kaifeng Prefecture.

The 1st Battalion of Liaodong Iron Cavalry Zu Kuan and the 1st Battalion of Shanxi Deputy Commander-in-Chief Hu Dawei, sent by the imperial court to support them, are also on the way and will arrive soon.

Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, made some calculations and found that there were about 18,000 men in six battalions, which was enough to prepare for a medium-sized battle.

At this time, Zhang Shun was making noise all the way south, seemingly intending to capture Nanyang.

Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, keenly seized the opportunity and wrote to Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, inviting him to attack the main force of the rebel army.

At first, Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, did not want to take care of this troublesome matter. It’s just that Fu Zonglong had already anticipated that he might have nothing to do with him and worry about it, so he mentioned in his letter:

"Since ancient times, Nanyang and Xiangyang have been at odds with each other. If the thieves occupied Nanyang and did not seek Xiangyang, why would they travel thousands of miles away and seek far away instead of taking the rich land of Zheng and Bian?"

"Today I invite you to suppress bandits, not only for Henan, but also for Huguang!"

Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, suddenly realized this after hearing this, so he sent only the Huguang troops north to Nanyang to prepare for a decisive battle with the rebels!

Now the Henan Governor Fu Zonglong has completed his deployment, but he is waiting for news about the Huguang Governor's men.

Once the Huguang soldiers came from the south, Fu Zonglong would naturally lead the Yu soldiers to attack them from both front and back, defeating the thieves in one fell swoop!

There is only one chapter today. I don’t know if it’s because of my age. If the author stays up late for a while, he won’t be able to stand it the next day, so he has to go to bed as early as possible.

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