Ye County is about the same distance from Luoyang and Si River. Luoyang is slightly closer, but has more mountain roads, and Si River is slightly farther, but has more flat roads.

The two places are only about three hundred miles away from Ye County. Although the rebel army does not have the three hundred mile delivery store like the Ming Dynasty, fortunately, they can let the courier have several horses and horses, and they can reach their destination within two days.

After sending the messenger, Zhang Shun was not idle either. While he ordered his soldiers to strengthen the defense of Ye County, set up patrols, and prepare materials such as stones, rolling logs, iron pots, and timber, he also sent scouts to nearby counties to detect the movements of officers and soldiers.

In the Central Plains area where cities and towns are densely populated, the methods used by scouts to detect intelligence are not exactly the same as those used in the northern border areas.

In addition to the small and small groups of scouts with light swords and fast horses, the rebels also set up many disguised scouts. They dress like ordinary people and sneak into nearby states and counties, where they can pry into the officers and soldiers' belongings at will.

In ancient times, the cities of prefectures and counties were not very big, and there were many people with nothing to do. Once there is any disturbance, it quickly spreads throughout the city. It's just that due to the backward transportation level, it didn't reach the ears of the rebels so quickly.

Since Zhang Shun had set up these "spies", he naturally also prepared a perfect delivery method. Once there are police in the city, some rebels will sneak out of the city and then rush back to Ye County to report the military situation.

Things were somewhat beyond Zhang Shun's expectation. Early the next morning after the messenger left, a scout returned and reported: "I was waiting to find a brigade of officers and soldiers in Yuzhou. Most of them spoke with Huguang and Shanxi accents, carried guns and arrows, and were clothed in iron armor. Mixed."

Zhang Shun frowned, looked at Niu Jinxing and said, "So, it seems to be Huguang soldiers and Xuanda border troops!"

"It must be Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, who has come personally!" Niu Jinxing asserted after hearing this, "Runing and Nanyang originally had only one member of the Runan Military Preparation Road, with more than 5,000 strong men and more than 400 archers. , the real number is only three thousand, and they don’t have Huguang or Shanxi accents, let alone ignore the Tang Dynasty and send them all to Yuzhou."

"Now the rebel army is surrounded by enemies from both sides, and they don't know the enemy's situation. The top priority is to send a separate general to capture Lushan County. Be careful to prevent the officers and soldiers from going north from Luyang Pass to surprise Baofeng and cut off my return!"

Zhang Shun looked at his subordinates. Xiao Qinhu, Zhang Sanbai, Chai Shihua, He Renlong and Bai Guangen all had serious expressions on their faces. It seemed that everyone already knew that the rebel army was facing enemies from both sides and the situation was not optimistic.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "Mr. Niu's words make sense. Zhang Sanbai listened to the order and immediately led his troops to Baofeng to garrison, making sure to keep the army's rear route safe. He Renlong listened to the order, immediately led his elite men, and made a surprise attack on Lushan The county must not make mistakes.”

"If Lushan County has been occupied by officers and soldiers and a surprise attack fails, we will change it to a forceful attack. We must capture this city to ensure the safety of the rebel army's retreat!"

"Yes!" Zhang Sanbai and He Renlong responded immediately after hearing the words, and then stepped back to prepare for departure.

Zhang Shun then arranged various precautions for the remaining generals, and then everyone dispersed. It was only then that he said to Niu Jinxing with a worried look: "Now that the enemy's situation is unclear, I really can't sleep or eat well!"

It's no wonder that Zhang Shun was worried. Originally, it was an established strategy for the rebels to capture Nanyang Prefecture as a barrier to Henan Prefecture. But he never expected that when he started on the front foot, he would be blocked by officers and soldiers on the back foot. Could it be that there were spies under his command?

To be honest, both Zhang Shenyan and Lu Weiqi, the core civil servants of the rebel army, were originally important ministers of the imperial court; among the generals, Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, and Wang Shaoyu were all highly valued by the imperial court. Regardless of which of them communicated with the imperial court in private and hedged their bets, they were also It's not impossible.

After all, Zhang Shun had only a short period of time to raise the army, and he had no brothers or township party to help him. Except for Song Xiance, Zhang Sanbai, Zhao Lizi, sworn brothers, and the red lady of the family who relied on him in the early stage, there are almost everyone he can rely on.

Although he was suspicious in his heart, he did not dare to show it on his face. Otherwise, if even this fragile trust between the monarch and his ministers no longer exists, then the rebel army may fall apart in an instant.

For the current plan, the only way to have a chance of survival is to continue to win big and stabilize the position.

How did Niu Jinxing know about Zhang Shun's hidden worries? He only knew that Zhang Shun had won consecutive battles and defeated the important officials of the imperial court, and his momentum was at its peak.

He couldn't help but console him: "General, don't disturb me. Although the imperial court has many troops, how many troops can be mobilized in more than a month?"

"Not to mention that in addition to King Shun, the rebel armies in various places must also be guarded. In the past, the imperial court decided that 70,000 soldiers and horses in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Huguang, and Shandong would besieged and intercepted the rebels."

"Only the 40,000 people under the command of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, were defeated by the generals, and the remaining troops in Huguang and Henan were only 30,000. Even if there were levies, excluding the troops who were stationed, each governor only had more than 10,000 troops. What should he be afraid of? ?”

Zhang Shun listened to Niu Jinxing's eloquent analysis, and the stone that weighed on Zhang Shun's heart lifted slightly.

Originally, I started from scratch and didn't even have anyone available, but I was still able to make such a huge profit. Now that we have so many bottles and cans, isn’t it ridiculous that we worry about gains and losses?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun suddenly became enlightened and couldn't help but smile and asked: "If it turns out that the two governors of Huguang and Henan work together to attack me, how should we deal with it?"

Niu Jinxing also laughed when he heard this and said: "Fight and retreat are two strategies. As long as you keep the strategy, you will lose if you keep it for a long time. As far as the rebels are concerned, there is no profit, so don't do it!"

"Ye County is an important transportation route between the north and the south, and it was also where Kunyang was in the past. Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu, became famous all over the world in his battle with Kunyang, so that he would later be able to achieve great treasures. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, captured the two kings in a battle at Hulao Pass. The Tang Dynasty has great military power. General, why don’t you imitate the sages and bring peace to the world?"

Good fellow, one is a great mage, and the other is an unparalleled warrior since ancient times. You think highly of me. Zhang Shun smiled bitterly in his heart and asked quickly: "I wonder what Mr. Niu can do to deal with this?"

"The strategy of going back to Baofeng and Ruzhou is no more than the two governors of Huguang and Henan joining forces and continuing to attack us, which will not help. If we go west to Yanshi and Xiping, or to Chen and Ying, or to Ru Ning, all of them are abandoning the foundation and ignoring it, and they have to do it."

"Therefore, the general must fight, accept the fight, and be ready to fight!"

"Based on my calculation, the two governors of Huguang and Henan will not be able to control me if they are divided, and if they are combined, I will not be able to control the enemy. Therefore, we must defend and attack one, break one point first, and then make calculations."

"Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, was very depressed. He had not been able to encircle and suppress the rebels in the past. But the new governor of Henan, Fu Zonglong, has such a great reputation and can use speed to defeat the slow and catch the general by surprise. He is a formidable enemy."

"A person with twilight energy is cowardly, and a person with vigour, is brave. A cowardly person is good for defense but not offensive; a person who is energetic is good for attack but not good for defense. Therefore, I think the general should guard the cowardly people in Huguang in the south, attack the reckless people in Henan in the north, and then , it won’t be too late to turn around and seize Nanyang Mansion!”

Thanks to the fan "Book Friend 20190416213522085" for the multiple rewards, to the fan "Book Friend 20180129235121403" for the large reward, and to the "Nobody" and "Book Friend 160222231033534" for the rewards. Since the author has been using his mobile phone to update recently, he cannot check the fan IDs to express his thanks. Please forgive me!

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