Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 737 The Rebel’s Flaws

The new Henan governor Fu Zonglong sat expressionlessly in the Chinese army's tent and asked in a deep voice: "What are the thieves doing now?"

"Reporting to the military gate, the thieves will defend Kunyang Pass and will not be able to get out at night. Once they get even slightly closer, they will be shot by the thieves' scouts!"

"At present, it seems that the thieves are still motionless. I don't know what they are waiting for!" Zu Kuan, the chief military officer of the reinforcement and suppression team, responded quickly.

This guy was originally a domestic servant of the ancestral family in Liaodong. Because of his courage and the care of Zu Dashou, he was promoted to the positions of General Ningyuan and Deputy Chief Military Officer.

Now that there were "rogue bandits" all over the pass, the imperial court transferred him over to serve as the general officer of the aid and suppression force, leading 3,000 Liaodong cavalry to wipe out the "submissive thieves".

Most of the Ye Bushou sent to Ye County to investigate came from his subordinates.

Fu Zonglong frowned when he heard this, feeling a little uneasy. He is also a man who knows how to fight. The reason why he dared to attack rashly this time was because he had the idea of ​​"catching the thieves off guard".

If not, wouldn't it be wonderful if he took advantage of the departure of the main force of "Shun Thieves" to conquer Sishui Pass and directly enter Henan Prefecture?

Now that the rebels have entered their trap as planned, Fu Zonglong should have been extremely happy. However, everything his opponent did was so perfect that it actually made him feel a little unreal.

What are the "thiefs" doing? Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, thought as he tapped his fingers on the table. The person on the other side was not a fool. He couldn't have noticed the movements of the officers and soldiers, and there shouldn't be any movement at all.

The two sides were afraid of fighting wolves. Zhang Shun on the rebel side had trouble sleeping and eating, and Fu Zonglong on the officers and soldiers side was also uneasy.

In fact, just as Niu Jinxing expected, Fu Zonglong did not have many people under his command. In addition to Zuo Liangyu's Changping soldiers and Zu Kuan's Liaodong cavalry battalions, he only had one of his own Biao battalions, the 1st battalion of Hu Dawei, the deputy commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, and the remaining 1st battalion of the former Henan governor Xuanmo's Biao battalion. And the previous battalion of troops recruited by Xuanmo, the governor of Henan, from the Xuanwu Guards in Kaifeng Prefecture.

In addition to the elite 42,000 men and horses in the front camp, the remnants of Xuanmo Biao camp and the men and horses recruited by Xuanwuwei can only be used to defend the city.

Now Zuo Liangyu's Changping soldiers were deployed in Yuzhou, and Shanxi's deputy general officer Xuan Dabing, who was as fierce as a tiger, was deployed in Xiangcheng.

Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, actually personally led Biaoying and Zukuan's Liaodong cavalry to garrison in Xuzhou behind the two cities.

Fu Zonglong's plan was to use Yuzhou and Xiangcheng to attract the rebels to attack, and when the two sides were exhausted from the fierce battle, he would then send Zu Kuan's Liaodong cavalry to charge into the formation and defeat the "shun thieves" in one go!

If the thieves move slowly, Tang Hui, governor of Huguang, will lead an army from Nanyang.

If the rebels defend, the two governors of Henan, Huguang and Guangzhou will join forces to surround and annihilate the rebels nearby; if the rebels leave, they will take the opportunity to occupy Ruzhou and threaten Luoyang, the foundation of the rebels.

Now the "Shun Thief" has perfectly implemented the "plan" of Henan Governor Fu Zonglong, but he suddenly found that he and others had nothing to do for a while. This is definitely not normal!

Fu Zonglong pondered for a moment and then ordered: "It's time for the officers and soldiers to take action. Let Zuo Liangyu cause some trouble for the thieves attacking Jiaxian County. If we can break the siege of Jiaxian County, that would be even better!"

The terrain of Jiaxian County is in the shape of a saddle, with the northwest and southeast ends high, between the remaining veins of Jishan Mountain and Waifangshan Mountain.

In the middle is the fertile Ru River impact plain, with flat terrain.

The Ru River flows right between Baofeng County and Jiaxian County, and goes straight to the south of Xiangcheng County, exactly separating Baofeng County and Ye County.

Fu Zonglong judged that fighting the "shun thieves" here would be quite beneficial to the officers and soldiers.

Due to the obstruction of the Ru River, if the officers and soldiers were victorious, the rebels would have no choice but to flee to Ruzhou in the northwest.

Once the rebel army loses Jiaxian, the officers and soldiers can go upstream and drive directly to Ruzhou, completely cutting off the rebel army's path back to Luoyang.

If the rebels fought with the officials, in addition to Li Xin's 1st Battalion besieging Jiaxian, the rebels from Baofeng and Yexian would need to cross the Ru River for support.

Officers and soldiers can not only surround the point for reinforcements, but also attack halfway across. No matter what happens, they will not be unexpectedly attacked by the rebels.

The only problem is the shortage of officers and soldiers. Once Zuo Liangyu leaves Yuzhou, will he be attacked by the "Jade Thief" Li Jiyu stationed in Dengfeng?

Fortunately, Fu Zonglong still had the former governor Xuanmo's standard camp available.

He had already dismantled his remaining troops into three parts and used them as defenders.

Now there are two thousand people stationed in Mi County between Yuzhou and Zhengzhou.

Fu Zonglong ordered a thousand men to be transferred to replace Zuo Liangyu to defend the city, and ordered the Changping soldiers to prepare immediately and be ready to set off at any time.

Not long after, a thousand city defenders from Mi County arrived in Yuzhou, and Zuo Liangyu, the commander-in-chief of Changping, couldn't wait to lead his men on the expedition.

To be honest, he hated and feared Zhang Shun. In the past, he was defeated several times at the hands of Zhang Shun, and he was nicknamed "Right Stubborn Stone" by him, which made him a joke among the generals, and he couldn't help but hate him to the core.

However, Zhang Shun's treachery and cruelty made him frightened when he thought about it.

So when Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, tried to summon them, Zuo Liangyu decisively refused.

Now that he heard that Zhang Shun was staying in Ye County and was facing off against Shanxi Deputy General Soldier as fierce as a tiger, he felt a little at ease. Only then did he dare to take the initiative and show off to the thieves on the opposite side.

As soon as Zuo Liangyu, the commander-in-chief of Changping, sent troops, Li Xin immediately knew about it.

It turned out that after he returned to Jiaxian, he was worried about Zuo Liangyu's sneak attack and had already sent scouts to stay on Xinfeng Mountain not far outside Yuzhou City.

As long as the army of officers and soldiers in Yuzhou City moves, the scouts on the mountain peak can clearly see it. He immediately used a flag to notify the scouts at the foot of the mountain, and then quickly reported to Li Xin, which was naturally fast and convenient.

When Li Xin got the news, he sent a messenger to report to Zhang Shun and led his troops to retreat to the Jishan camp northwest of Jiaxian County.

It turns out that Li Xin, in addition to his strong martial arts skills, is also a good candidate with a quick mind and a good leader of troops.

With a higher level of education, he not only understood the art of war better than other generals, but he also read relevant books in private.

Therefore, when he first attacked Jiaxian County, he considered what he would do if he encountered Zuo Liangyu's surprise attack.

So, he set up his camp in Jishan Mountain in the northwest of Jiaxian County.

When Zuo Liangyu, the chief military officer of Changping in the Ming Dynasty, led his three thousand elite troops to the gate of Jiaxian County with great hope, he saw only a large number of blood-stained corpses outside the city, and not even the remaining siege equipment was found.

The magistrate and gentry of Jiaxian County, who survived the disaster, rushed to greet him with wine and sheep.

When Zuo Liangyu was welcomed into the city, he made some inquiries. Only then did he realize that the thief had suddenly stopped attacking a few hours ago.

Not only did they take away almost everything they could, they didn't even leave the corpses of the thieves behind.

Only then did Zuo Liangyu realize that there were more corpses from the defenders outside the city.

He looked at the jubilant gentry who came to propose a toast in front of him, and listened to the flattering words of each and every one of them boasting about their great reputation and making the thieves escape.

Zuo Liangyu's punch hit the air and almost hit his waist, but he didn't feel happy at all!

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